Kestenberg Movement Profiling
Recent papers in Kestenberg Movement Profiling
Die Wurzeln der Tanztherapie lassen sich weit zurückverfolgen: Mit der Entwicklung des Modernen Tanzes präsentierte sich in Amerika um die Jahrhundertwende eine neue Richtung im Tanz, die sich aus dem Ballett heraus entwickelt hatte.... more
The focus of this quasi-experimental pilot study is how to support the emergence of the full potential development of nonverbal social skills in children with Down syndrome (DS). It is an exploratory case study using an embedded-multiple... more
Stressful experiences clearly make their way into the complex communicative systems shared by parent and young child. Transmission of stress is often discussed but infrequently explicated as a process. Recent research on the intricacies... more
The focus of this quasi-experimental pilot study is how to support the emergence of the full potential development of nonverbal social skills in children with Down syndrome (DS). It is an exploratory case study using an embedded-multiple... more