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W XX-wiecznej filozofii zaczęto dostrzegać brak precyzji i wieloznaczność twierdzeń filozoficznych, które uznano za źródło nierozwiązywalności poszczególnych sporów filozoficznych. Obserwacja ta skłoniła wielu do próby przedefiniowania... more
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      MetaphysicsMichael DummettRealismKazimierz Ajdukiewicz
Conventionalism is a thesis according to which there is an empty space between the experience and theories which must be “conventionally filled”. Because of empirical equivalence, scientists have nothing but to choose a theory on “soft”,... more
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      Logical PositivismKazimierz AjdukiewiczConventionalismHenri Poincaré
Qu'est-ce que le conventionnalisme ? Spéculant sur la modestie de leurs connaissances en philosophie, je me suis habitué à répondre aux "non-philosophes" qui voulaient en savoir un peu plus : le conventionnalisme est une théorie de la... more
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      Kazimierz AjdukiewiczPhilosophie analytiqueHenri Poincaré
In his book Carnap and Twentieth-Century Thought: Explication as Enlightenment, André W. Carus pointed out that Carnap’s proposed concept of philosophy is the most effective attempt to solve fundamental problems of the Enlightenment.... more
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      Vienna CircleRudolf CarnapKazimierz Ajdukiewicz
This article will address the views of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz-the leading representative of the Lvov-Warsaw School. I will present arguments proving that the Polish philosopher could have anticipated contemporary metaontological... more
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      OntologyHistory of Analytic PhilosophySemanticsHilary Putnam
The discussion on the principle of non-contradiction (1946-1957) between Marxist and non-Marxist philosophers was one of the major philosophical discussions in Polish philosophy of this period. In my text, I carefully reconstruct this... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceMarxismPolish Philosophy and LogicKazimierz Ajdukiewicz
The subject of present article is Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz’s argument against idealism. The argument has been presented in „On the Notion of Existence“. Our aim is to show that the argument has some imperfectness, which allows us to doubt in... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyIdealismRealism (Philosophy)
Through a historical comparison of the first categorial models (Ajdukiewicz 1935, Bar-Hillel 1953 and Lambek 1958), this paper traces the evolution of the notion of category (or type) and analyses the different kinds of rules which govern... more
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      Kazimierz AjdukiewiczBar-HillelJoachim Lambek
The Lvov-Warsaw School's logistic anti-irrationalism-particularly in the works of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, Izydora Dąmbska, and Jan Woleński-offered an intellectually distinct alternative to the logical positivism of the Vienna Circle.... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceHistory of Analytic PhilosophyKazimierz AjdukiewiczVerisimilitude
The purpose of this article is to argue with a thesis that Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz's views on ontology prove that he could have accepted the consequences of Amie Thomasson's "easy ontology”, which is a stance that... more
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      OntologyHistory of Analytic PhilosophyMetaontologyKazimierz Ajdukiewicz
There is little serious doubt about the role of inductive inference in scientific inquiry, as it has proven to allow knowledge to grow. The concerning lack of agreement, however, is about the justification of induction itself: Induction... more
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      Charles S. PeirceKazimierz AjdukiewiczInductive Inference
Źródło: Paweł Tarasiewicz, Podstawowe zadanie filozofii w kulturze, „Człowiek w kulturze” 18 (2007), s. 227-240 [ISSN 1230-4492].
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      Kazimierz AjdukiewiczMITKulturaFilozofia
Celem artykułu jest analiza porównawcza poglądów R. Carnapa i W.V. Quine’a z poglądami K. Ajdukiewicza. Wykazuję, że poglądy Ajdukiewicza na ontologię można uznać za zbieżne z poglądami Carnapa i Quine’a. Wobec tego nie tylko stanowisko... more
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      OntologyRudolf CarnapWillard Van Orman QuineCarnap
History of Linguistics 1996, D. Cram, A. Linn and E . Nowak (eds.), vol. 2, From Classical to Contemporary Linguistics, 1999, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 321-329.
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      Edmund HusserlWord orderCategorial grammarKazimierz Ajdukiewicz
The aim of the paper is to analyze the views of Willard van Orman Quine and compare them with the views of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, an eminent philosopher from the Lvov-Warsaw School. I will argue that Ajdukiewicz's approach to ontology is... more
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      OntologyHistory of Analytic PhilosophyWillard Van Orman QuineKazimierz Ajdukiewicz
Langages, 2002, n° 148, pp. 28-50.
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      OntologyStanislaw LesniewskiBertrand RussellQuantification
Tekst jest myślowym fragmentem większej 'całości konceptualnej' z epistemologii religii, mającej prezentować internalistyczne i eksternalistyczne uwarunkowania problematyki tzw. racjonalności sądów, przekonań czy wierzeń religijnych.... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionReformed EpistemologyAnalytic Philosophy of ReligionKazimierz Ajdukiewicz
● Source: Pawel Tarasiewicz, “The Principal Assignment of Philosophy in Culture,” trans. Jan R. Kobylecki, Studia Gilsoniana 1 (2012): 133-146 [ISSN 2300-0066] ● Summary: The following article is focused on the question of the primary... more
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[Paper forthcoming in "Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present." Studies in Universal Logic series, Springer (2017)] The relation between indicative conditionals in natural language and material implication wasn't a major topic in the... more
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      ConditionalsKazimierz AjdukiewiczConversational ImplicaturesPhilosopy of Language
ABSTRACT In this paper we argue that inferentialist approach to meaning does not, by itself, show that meaning is normative in a prescriptive sense, and that the constitutive rules argument is especially troubling for this... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageTheories of MeaningInferentialismWilfrid Sellars and post-Sellarsian philosophy
This paper discusses the problem of applying Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz's method of syntactic analysis to incomplete expressions that occur in natural languages. The author defends the claim that it is impossible effectively to apply syntactic... more
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      LogicKazimierz Ajdukiewicz
This paper is a comparison of two structural theories of propositions: the theory proposed by Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz in the 1960s and the theory developed by Jeffrey King at the beginning of the 21st century. The first section of the paper... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageSemanticsStates of Affairs, Facts, PropositionsKazimierz Ajdukiewicz
The goal of the paper is to expound a notion of conceptual apparatus, by revealing structure and functions of objects it designates. The notion has been developed by Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz in the mid of 30ties, within a standpoint of... more
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      A Priori KnowledgeKazimierz Ajdukiewicz
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      Edmund HusserlKazimierz AjdukiewiczRichard MontagueBar-Hillel
Historia filozofii jest historią układów zdań, wyrażających w formie metaforycznej osobliwe koncepcje. Poglądy filozofów jawią się nam jako mgliste intuicje. Twierdzenia metafizyczne były formułowane w języku obrazowym. Dlatego we... more
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      OntologyBertrand RussellWillard Van Orman QuineKazimierz Ajdukiewicz
Ancien étudiant de Brentano et de Zimmerman, Kazimierz Twardowski, après son élection à la chaire de philosophie à Lvov en 1895, créa autour de lui un cercle d’étudiants et de collaborateurs exceptionnel, connu aujourd’hui sous le nom... more
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      Kazimierz TwardowskiLogical PositivismJan LukasiewiczKazimierz Ajdukiewicz