Recent papers in Kabiroi
Archaeopress Archaeology www.archaeopress.com NVMINA MAGNA Roma e il culto dei Grandi Dei di Samotracia Emiliano Cruccas Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 56 Cruccas NVMINA MAGNA Il culto dei Grandi Dei di Samotracia, diffuso nel... more
The cult of the Kabiroi and the Great Gods has in its diachronic development a great number of regional differences and syncretisms with local cults, but some elements seem to confirm a substantial original uniformity. The aim of this... more
This work exposes and documents in multiple cases how preformated Gods organized in two distinct and very precisely typed sets of triads were created at will in archaic Etrusco-Tiberine Italy by/for every social entity of any type and... more
La représentation du dieu Cabire et de son acolyte Pais sur un vase fameux du Cabirion thébain est prétexte à une réflexion sur l'iconographie particulière des vases cabiriques. Les personnages grotesques ne sont pas des figurants... more
"Riassunto: Il complesso gruppo divino del mondo greco e micro-asiatico noto con i nomi di Cabiri e Grandi Dei presenta nel suo sviluppo diacronico un consistente numero di sincretismi e prestiti da altri culti, derivati soprattutto dalla... more
This paper focuses on a particular and “abnormal” animal victim in ancient greek cults: the sacrifice of pregnant animals, in fact, is often linked to unusual and liminal cultic performance, connected with chtonic deities. This analysis... more
Tra i reperti di maggior interesse provenienti dal santuario cabirico nei pressi di Tebe vanno senz’altro annoverati le trottole e gli altri oggetti legati all’infanzia che sembrano configurarsi come dono votivo al Pais. Quest’ultimo era... more
Starting from the central position of the concept of «imitation», the present paper aims at shedding light on some of the specific dynamics of the missionary strategy adopted by Paul of Tarsus and his fellow workers at Thessalonica.... more
Η θρησκεία των Θρακών ήταν πολυθεϊστική και αποτελείτο από δύο κατηγορίες θεοτήτων, τις πανελλήνιες και τις τοπικές (κυρίως ανατολικής προέλευσης, αλλά και αυτόχθονες). Υπάρχουν πολλές πληροφορίες, οι οποίες επιβεβαιώνουν τη θεοσέβεια... more
Questo contributo si prefigge di evidenziare alcuni aspetti dell’Eracle Dattilo, figura daimonica del pantheon greco collegata alla Beozia e ad un sostato culturale fenicio. Pausania ci informa dell’esistenza di luoghi di culto in suo... more
September 2008 ‘Slaves and secrecy: slave participation in the mystery cult of the Kabeiroi.’ Slaves, Religion and Cults, University of Nottingham
April 2008 ‘Re-enactment and ritual consumption: the kykeon in ancient Greek mystery cults.’ Food and Drink in Archaeology, University of Nottingham