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      Organizational CultureResilience EngineeringAviationQualitative Research
Airlines are high-reliability organisations (HRO) evolving in an ultra-competitive and regulated environment where market differentiation is challenging (e.g., a limited option of original equipment manufacturers (OEM), routes) and thin... more
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      Transformational LeadershipAviationTransactional LeadershipOccupational health and safety
Development of Just Culture has been one of the most important advancements in airline safety management over the past two decades. The majority of western aviation organisations have incorporated Just Culture into their management... more
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      Airline EconomicsAviationAviation SafetyHuman Factors in Aviation
The Legislative Decree No. 173/2017 sets forth the sanctions for the infringement of EC Regulation No. 216/2008. The wording of the decree, in particular of article 12 on the rules of the air, may be a threat to the long path which led to... more
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      Aviation LawAircraft AccidentHealthcareCriminalization
This article is the second part of a series on air accident investigations. With reference to aircraft accident and incident investigations, and the use of results of such investigations, the article discusses the issue of the proper... more
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      Airworthiness and Aircraft Accident InvestigationGeneral AviationAviationAviation Safety
A segurança internacional enfrenta um ambiente de ameaças cada vez mais complexo, e a aviação civil, por possuir um papel significativo na economia global, é um alvo atrativo para atentados terroristas. O presente trabalho tem como... more
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      Aviation SecurityNational Airspace SystemJust Culture
This paper will synthesize the work of Reason, Dekker, Vaughn, Snook, Hollnagel, and to show how wildland fire management can evolve from retributive justice (focus on punishment) to restorative justice (making victims... more
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      Restorative JusticeFirefightersJust CultureWildland Fire Human Factors and Leadership
article in Dutch. The Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, has started a trial to evaluate the usefulness to team debriefings of performance reports generated by a medical data recorder (MDR) in the operating room (OR). Outcome... more
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      SurgeryMachine LearningJust CultureBlack Box
Many social service agencies that provide services for the Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disability (ID/DD) employ, develop, and use non-nurses to medicate and coordinate healthcare services in their group homes. These... more
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      Mental HealthProfound intellectual and multiple disabilitiesAutism Spectrum DisordersDevelopmental Disabilities & Aging
This article is the third part of a series on air accident investigations. It develops on the legal status of findings of aircraft accident and incident investigations. The extent to which such findings may be binding in civil, criminal... more
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      Criminal ProcedureAirworthiness and Aircraft Accident InvestigationGeneral AviationAviation
This article is the first part of a series on air accident investigations. It presents a digest of international, regional and domestic sources of law concerning aircraft accident and incident investigations, and explains the relations... more
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      Airworthiness and Aircraft Accident InvestigationGeneral AviationAviationAviation Safety
To investigate faculty and residents' perceptions of whether SimWars can serve as a meaningful instructional format for Emergency Medicine residents and to identify strategies to implement SimWars effectively in a residency training... more
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      Emergency MedicineCommunicationInstructional DesignLeadership
A segurança internacional enfrenta um ambiente de ameaças cada vez mais complexo, e a aviação civil, por possuir um papel significativo na economia global, é um alvo atrativo para atentados terroristas. À luz das Ciências Aeroespaciais, a... more
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      Just CultureGestão de Riscos
"Een vriendelijke dokter is een goede dokter! De mate van vriendelijkheid lijkt een meetlat die veel patiënten gebruiken om de kwaliteit van de zorg te bepalen. De meeste patiënten kunnen immers niet anders. Want hoe kan de gemiddelde... more
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      Human FactorsJust Culture
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      BusinessNursingCommunicationOrganizational Communication
Airports, like hospitals, never close and, as such, healthcare providers and aviation professionals operate under a distinctive but shared set of circumstances As a result, long and intensive shifts are common, sleep deprivation and... more
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      FatigueOccupational health and safetyShift WorkAviation management
Resilience allows teams to function at their optimal capacity and skill level in times of uncertainty. The SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic created a perfect opportunity to study resilience culture during a time of limited healthcare team... more
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      ResilienceHuman FactorsQualitative ResearchHealthcare
To investigate faculty and residents' perceptions of whether SimWars can serve as a meaningful instructional format for Emergency Medicine residents and to identify strategies to implement SimWars effectively in a residency training... more
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      Emergency MedicineCommunicationInstructional DesignLeadership