Istoria Bisericii Ortodoxe din Transilvania
Recent papers in Istoria Bisericii Ortodoxe din Transilvania
Monografie a orașului Mediaș din județul Sibiu, prezentând detaliat evoluția istorică, economică și culturală a orașului. Cuvintele autorului: Lucrarea de față am scris-o cu mintea, dar și cu inima... Conținutul ei, plămădit în sufletul... more
The article outlines the biographical path of Bishop Vasile Flueraş, from the years of his childhood and studies, to those of his service in the Church. Both at the Orthodox cathedral in the metropolis of Transylvania, where he was... more
1 Despre istoria Transilvaniei s-a scris foarte mult, dându-se naștere unor istorii paralele în funcție de originea etnică a autorilor. Aceste perspective etnice multiple au fost depășite abia în ultimul deceniu când s-a publicat o... more
The Romanian Orthodox Church of Banat played an important part in the unification process of Transylvania and Banat with Romania, in the autumn of 1918.
The involvement of the Orthodox Church and priests in the Romanian national movement during the Austro-Hungarian monarchy was highlighted in the years of the First World War by the repressive measures taken by the Hungarian civil... more
Metropolitan Andrei Șaguna’s life and activity have been the subject of numerous researches, to him being dedicated five rich bibliographies written by Romanian theologians and historians. The purpose of this study is to underline a side... more
În timpul revoluţiei paşoptiste elita politică a românilor din Imperiul austriac şi din Principatele Române a nutrit un plan măreţ de emancipare naţională, socială, politică, economică şi bisericească a întregii "Românimi", cu alte... more
This study illustrates the itinerary of the official and particular name of the Orthodox Church in the Habsburg Monarchy in general and the Diocese of Transylvania, in particular in the period between the 1848 Revolution and World War I,... more
Istoria Bisericii Ortodoxe Române din Transilvania se confundă până spre mijlocul secolului XX cu istoria poporului român de pe aceste meleaguri. Or, dacă imaginea prin excelență a Bisericii, înțeleasă în cheie exegetică paulină, este... more
Philanthropy is an attribute of the Church since the apostolic period, its philanthropic work varying throughout history depending on the political evolution, social, cultural and religious transformations of society, but especially on... more
Î n anul 2005, o echipă de istorici clujeni, coordonaţi de profesorul universitar Nicolae Bocşan, au demarat, sub egida Institutului de Istorie Ecleziastică din cadrul Universităţii "Babeş-Bolyai" din Cluj-Napoca, un şantier arhivistic... more
Although Metropolitan Andrei Şaguna enjoyed a special attention from lay and clergy researchers, Romanians and foreigners as well, researches on Şaguna recording no less than five monographs and hundreds of studies and articles, we can... more
The year 2019 was dedicated by the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church to the solemn commemoration, through church, cultural and academic actions, of the scholar patriarchs Nicodim Munteanu and Justin Moisescu and of all the... more
"Rugăciunea credinţei va mântui pe cel bolnav, şi Domnul îl va ridica, şi de va fi făcut păcate, se vor ierta lui". (Iacov 5, 15) C u nostalgie îmi aduc aminte că, din tinereţea mea, la praznicul Adormirii Maicii Domnului făceam pelerinaj... more
The diocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj was founded in the summer of 1921 and its first bishop was Archimandrite Nicolae Ivan (September 26th, 1921), ordained in the metropolitan cathedral of Sibiu (November 21, 1921), invested by King... more
Te study presents in detail two issues, little or not at all discussed in Romanian historiography: the official title of the hierarchy and of the Episcopal institution in Transylvania durin the time between the installation of Dionysius... more
The Church on the Hill, dedicated to the Holy Trinity (1796) is the oldest Orthodox place of worship in Cluj. However, the parish of this church is not the oldest Romanian Orthodox ecclesial community documented on today’s surface of the... more