Papers by Paul Ersilian Roșca
Dumitru Boca, Cornel Coprean (Edit.), Arhiepiscopia Vadului, Feleacului și Clujului (1973-2023). Întâiul episcop-vicar, Ed. Renașterea, Cluj-Napoca, 2023
Teofil Tia, Adrian Podaru, Grigore Foltiș (coord.), In honorem ÎPS Mitropolit Andrei, la 75 de ani, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2024
Tabor, 2023
In the rich collection of antimensia of the Museum of the Orthodox Metropolis of Cluj, the antime... more In the rich collection of antimensia of the Museum of the Orthodox Metropolis of Cluj, the antimensia of Saint Hierarch Andrei Şaguna hold an important place. The twenty-seven pieces provide special information on the historical development of the Diocese of Sibiu and, implicitly, of the above-mentioned Transylvanian hierarch. Starting with the ‘classic’ antimensia of 1848 and 1850/52 and continuing with those of 1857 or 1873, in which the title of baron is mentioned, these objects transpose an entire liturgical, ethnic and cultural universe onto a small piece of cloth.
Tabor, 2022
One of the most important institutions within the Archdiocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj is the Muse... more One of the most important institutions within the Archdiocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj is the Museum of the Orthodox Metropolis of Cluj. On 6th of December 2021, ten years had passed since the inauguration of the current space, situated at the semi-basement of the Orthodox Cathedral.
Nonetheless, the Museum’s earliest roots are much older, dating back to year 1924, when it was established by Bishop Nicolae Ivan. In the approximately 100 years of existence, the institution managed to host and display a great number of icons painted on wood and glass from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, mural paintings from Răchitova (15th century), sacred objects, chalices, liturgical manuscripts written between 15th and 19th century and also books from the 17th through the 19th centuries. In the past decade, the Museum of the Orthodox Metropolis of Cluj proved to be a dynamic and visible institution, playing an important cultural role in Cluj-Napoca. Through its entire activity, the Museum intends to be not only an illustration of the past, but also a project for future generations.
Tabor, 2021
The First World War marked the establishment of the vast war cemeteries, those places where, in i... more The First World War marked the establishment of the vast war cemeteries, those places where, in individual, anonymous or mass graves, the soldiers rest in eternal peace, as each country started commemorating their heroes. In Romania, the existence of these cemeteries is largely due to the efforts of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie of Romania, who started a project to systematise these war memorials and cemeteries, to build mausoleums, monuments and symbols dedicated to the memory of those who died defending their country. Queen Marie’s war diary describes many
episodes in which the Queen visited, organized and took care of such war memorials. For her, the First World War caused both personal dramas, such as the death of Prince Mircea, and national dramas, such as the approximately one million victims who will never be forgotten despite the
happiness of accomplishing the dream of seeing Greater Romania become a reality.
Throughout history, we have records not only of unique, unrepeatable events, but also of personal... more Throughout history, we have records not only of unique, unrepeatable events, but also of personalities who stand out through a series of traits that turn them into exceptional destinies. Two such examples are Princess Ileana of Romania and Father Arsenie Boca, both special figures of the twentieth century in Romania. Although their lives were completely different, given their origins and the course of their lives, they intersected at one point. Their meeting led to a special friendship, that was unique, considering the difficult years at the end of World War II and the beginning of the Communist regime in Romania. Our paper, which brings to the readers attention a series of unprecedented information and documents, presents a unique page of Romanian and Church history. Consequently, we may gain a better understanding of the context of the closeness between Princess Ileana of Romania and Father Arsenie Boca, the controversies related to the moment of their encounter, the evolution of their friendship. We will not forget to discuss the influence Father Arsenie Boca exercised over the choice of Princess Ileana’s future monastic life, who later became Mother Alexandra.
Arhiva Someșană, 2022
Studiu propus şi prezentat în cadrul celei de-a III-a ediţii a Congresului Naţional al Istoricilo... more Studiu propus şi prezentat în cadrul celei de-a III-a ediţii a Congresului Naţional al Istoricilor Români, Alba Iulia, 8-10 septembrie 2022. PAUL-ERSILIAN ROŞCA şi rănile însângerate"), tocmai de aceea, abia în anul 1920 2 s-a putut începe proiectul planificării unei încoronări în adevăratul sens al cuvântului. Primul şi cel mai important pas a fost făcut, în vara anului 1920, prin coagularea şi înfiinţarea Comisiunii pentru organizarea Serbărilor Încoronării Suveranilor, organism creat de către generalul Alexandru Averescu, prim-ministrul României la acel moment. După cum era de aşteptat, în componenţa comisiei s-au regăsit personalităţi şi specialişti din multiple arii şi domenii: arhitecţi, istorici, pictori, militari, diplomaţi, politicieni, specialişti în protocol şi, nu în ultimul rând, reprezentanţi ai clerului, mitropolitul-primat Miron Cristea 3 fiind anume însărcinat cu redactarea ceremonialului religios al încoronării (alături de înaltul ierarh s-au mai regăsit în Comisie şi Nicolae Iorga, Victor Ştefănescu, Constantin Coandă, Octavian Goga, Anghel Saligny, George Enescu, Petre Antonescu, Arthur Verona, Nicolae Titulescu, Paul Angelescu ş.a.) 4. Chiar de la început, s-a adus în discuţie chestiunea locului unde avea să se deruleze istoricul eveniment. Oraşul Alba Iulia, destul de modest ca infrastructură, populaţie şi importanţă economică, era însă locul cel mai plin de simboluri, referinţele istorice la Mihai Viteazul sau la Marea Adunare de la Alba Iulia din 1 decembrie 1918 fiind hotărâtoare în înclinarea balanţei 5. Aşa se face că, urbea transilvană a fost desemnată ca loc al încoronării, următorul pas fiind acela al alegerii spaţiului propriu-zis. S-au avut în vedere Câmpul lui Horea, locul atât de marcant pentru ideea de Unire, sau un alt spaţiu public din oraş. Ferdinand nu a fost de acord cu aceste variante, argumentând că era necesară desfăşurarea ceremoniei într-o biserică, deoarece, "aşa cum ţăranul nu ar accepta să-şi facă nunta aiurea, undeva pe un câmp, nici încoronarea sa nu poate fi făcută în altă parte decât într-un lăcaş de cult" 6 .
Astra Salvensis, 2020
Archimandrite Filaret Jocu was one of the most controversial figures of the Romanian Orthodox Chu... more Archimandrite Filaret Jocu was one of the most controversial figures of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the first decades of the 20th century. The controversies are not related to his theological education or his moral quality, which were both remarkable, but to the role he played in a few important issues regarding the Church. While studying in Athens, Filaret Jocu managed to position himself within the influential circles of the Church of Greece and make several connections which would prove extremely important over the years. He was one of the clerics who officiated the religious wedding between Carol, Crown Prince of Romania, and Princess Helen of Greece. After Princess Helen's arrival in our country, Filaret Jocu was one of the closest people in her entourage. Being sent as a secret agent to Greece, he had the mission to examine the Greek people's attitude towards monarchy compared to the republicanism of Eleftherios Venizelos. A few years later, in 1929, Patriarch Miro...
Arhiva Someșană, 2020
The year 1939 represented one of the most important temporal landmarks in the history of Romania ... more The year 1939 represented one of the most important temporal landmarks in the history of Romania and of the Romanian Orthodox Church. After two decades of peace, of economic, cultural and religious development, Romania was in the eve of other dramatic changes. The constitutional monarchy, to which not only the accomplishment of the Great Union, but also the international prestige of the country are related, was replaced by royal dictatorship. The Romanian Orthodox Church had a new leader, as Patriarch Nicodim Munteanu took over after Patriarch Miron Cristea had been leading the institution for 20 years. The new patriarch’s mission was not easy either, as this was unfolding in parallel with a series of important, and sometimes dramatic events: the beginning of the Second World War, King Carol II’s abdication, King Michael I’s ascension to the throne, the installment of the legionary regime and marshal Ion Antonescu’s dictatorship, the moment of 23rd of August 1944, the Soviet occupation, and the gradual installment of the communist regime. The post-conflict reality in Romania proved the fact that returning to the interwar period situation was a utopia, both for the Monarchy and for the Church. The Communist Party would not make concessions in the process of power seizure. After eliminating the political competitors, the only two institutions that reminded of “old” Romania were the Royal House and the Church. Between 1945 and 1948, both were subjected to unbelievable pressure, and Patriarch Nicodim Munteanu and King Michael were more and more on their own. Being aware that in order to limit the communists’ acts, they had to act together, the two became very close and supported each other. It was the last lambency of the Byzantine symphony, the end of a symbiotic relation that had lasted for more than 600 years. When King Michael I was forced to abdicate, on 30th of December 1947, Patriarch Nicodim Munteanu understood it was time for him to leave as well. The old patriarch lived for another two months, for 58 days, in a country that had become a Popular Republic.
Tabor, Nr. 9 (Septembrie), 2019
Moartea patriarhului Miron Cristea, prim-ministru în funcție al României, a condus la necesitatea... more Moartea patriarhului Miron Cristea, prim-ministru în funcție al României, a condus la necesitatea desemnării, învestirii și întronizării unui nou patriarh. Departe de a fi rodul unor simple dezbateri din cadrul Sfântului Sinod sau al Parlamentului, alegerea mitropolitului Nicodim Munteanu a fost determinant legată de aprobarea și implicarea regelui Carol al II-lea. Ceremonia învestirii, desfășurată în 5 iulie 1939, deși fastuoasă și plină de emoție, a subliniat prin discursurile rostite de Patriarh și de Rege, redefinirea relației Biserică-Stat. Astfel, după o maximă apropiere și chiar subordonare a Bisericii de către regimul carlist în timpul păstoririi lui Miron Cristea, alegerea noului patriarh a marcat așezarea relațiilor într-o nouă cheie: colaborarea instituțională corectă și lipsită de excese.
Calendarul Renașterea, 2020
Războaiele au fost, sunt și vor fi mereu asociate celei mai întunecate laturi a fi inței umane, v... more Războaiele au fost, sunt și vor fi mereu asociate celei mai întunecate laturi a fi inței umane, violența exercitată împotriva altor persoane (excludem cazurile de autoapărare), indiferent de motivațiile politice, economice, sociale, religioase, rasiale etc. neputând fi în niciun fel justifi cată. Secolul XX a marcat intrarea într-o altă dimensiune a ideii de confl ict, războiul luând forma unor confl agrații la scară planetară, ciocniri care au antrenat zeci de milioane de combatanți, cantități de armament fără precedent și intrarea pe scena istoriei a unor forțe de distrugere (armele nucleare) capabile să conducă la extincția vieții pe Terra. Această creștere fără precedent a violenței a marcat, din păcate, și înregistrarea celui mai mare număr de victime civile din istorie, bătăliile mutându-se dintr-un spațiu bine delimitat (celebrul "câmp de bătălie" -loc al confruntării dintre două armate afl at de regulă departe de localități, pe "câmp") într-un cadru în care urbanul a fost în egală măsură târât. Mai mult decât atât, nu de puține ori, persoanele necombatante au devenit ținta principală a acțiunilor ofensive, motivele acestei schimbări de paradigmă fi ind legate de ideea eradicării unor întregi populații sau comunități din motive care țineau de diferența rasială, confesională, etnică * Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă Cluj-Napoca.
Astra Salvensis, Nr. 15, 2020
Archimandrite Filaret Jocu was one of the most controversial figures of the Romanian Orthodox Chu... more Archimandrite Filaret Jocu was one of the most controversial figures of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the first decades of the 20th century. The controversies are not related to his theological education or his moral quality, which were both remarkable, but to the role he played in a few important issues regarding the Church. While studying in Athens, Filaret Jocu managed to position himself within the influential circles of the Church of Greece and make several connections which would prove extremely important over the years. He was one of the clerics who officiated the religious wedding between Carol, Crown Prince of Romania, and Princess Helen of Greece. After Princess Helen’s arrival in our country, Filaret Jocu was one of the closest people in her entourage. Being sent as a secret agent to Greece, he had the mission to examine the Greek people’s attitude towards monarchy compared to the republicanism of Eleftherios Venizelos. A few years later, in 1929, Patriarch Miron Cristea and the Romanian Government entrusted Archimandrite Jocu with undertaking a tour in the Patriarchates of Constantinople, Antioch, Jerusalem and Alexandria in order to understand their attitudes in terms of the calendar change, while the official purpose of his visit was searching for carpets for the Romanian Patriarchal Cathedral in Bucharest. After having served for several years at the Patriarchal Cathedral, in 1941 he was elected Bishop of Argeş, an election which was later revoked due to tensions within the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church and several political interests.
Our paper, by means of original archive sources, aims at presenting the main aspects of Archimandrite Filaret Jocu’s life, a servant of the altar and a spy in the benefit of the Romanian Orthodox Church and Romania.
Arhiva Someșană, 2019
Throughout history, we have records not only of unique, unrepeatable events, but also of personal... more Throughout history, we have records not only of unique, unrepeatable events, but also of personalities who stand out through a series of traits that turn them into exceptional destinies. Two such examples are Princess Ileana of Romania and Father Arsenie Boca, both special figures of the twentieth century in Romania. Although their lives were completely different, given their origins and the course of their lives, they intersected at one point. Their meeting led to a special friendship, that was unique, considering the difficult years at the end of World War II and the beginning of the Communist regime in Romania. Our paper, which brings to the readers attention a series of unprecedented information and documents, presents a unique page of Romanian and Church history. Consequently, we may gain a better understanding of the context of the closeness between Princess Ileana of Romania and Father Arsenie Boca, the controversies related to the moment of their encounter, the evolution of their friendship. We will not forget to discuss the influence Father Arsenie Boca exercised over the choice of Princess Ileana’s future monastic life, who later became Mother Alexandra.
Empires and Nations from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century, Vol. II, 2014
Tabor, 2018
Gulagului. Despre Gulag nu putem vorbi doar referindu-ne la URSS, Gulagul a existat şi în România... more Gulagului. Despre Gulag nu putem vorbi doar referindu-ne la URSS, Gulagul a existat şi în România socialistă, preluând modele, metode şi manifestări pe care nu s-a limitat la a le reproduce. Închisorile româneşti au asistat la o veritabilă dezvoltare şi perfecţionare a metodelor folosite în anchetarea şi pedepsirea deţinuţilor politici. Fenomenul Piteşti a constituit apogeul grotescului, "capodopera" pe care umanul pervertit în diabolic îl poate concepe. Alături de acest exemplu stau multe altele, dovadă a dimensiunii la care regimul represiv postbelic a ajuns.
Tabor, 2017
Ioan Lupaş şi monarhia.
Tabor, 2016
Pagini memorabile de istorie transilvană.
Trecutul mai aproape de noi Omagiu Profesorului Gheorghe Marinescu la 70 de ani, 2015
Astra Salvensis, 2018
The beginning of the twentieth century represented not only the emergence, affirmation or consoli... more The beginning of the twentieth century represented not only the emergence, affirmation or consolidation of South-Eastern European states, but also the redefining of politics in the Balkan area. For several centuries all the nations in this area regarded the Ottoman Empire as the main enemy in front of which common action was the only successful opposition attempt. With the power of Istanbul becoming predominantly nominal, the Balkans became the European area with the most considerable ethnical, religious and political tension. Every nation's wish to build its own state proved difficult to accomplish, given that certain territories were claimed by two or several parties. The partisan implication of the Great Powers only amplified and encouraged the conflict that had simmered in this region. The Balkan Wars and the first World War indisputably confirmed a reality we experience even today, a century after these events. The political alliances were clearly outlined and functioned as long as the involved monarchs understood the European political game rules. Greece's alliances with Serbia and Romania against Bulgaria immediately found an echo in Russia's and the Austro-Hungarian Empire's positions. Romania tried to play the mediator role since its status allowed it to keep its neutrality in the first phase of the conflict, and later be involved in an alliance which proved to be lasting. Our paper presents the main characteristics of the Romanian external politics during the Balkan Wars, by identifying the transition from the secret agreement with the Triple Alliance to the approach to Tsarist Russia. The influence of the Royal House of Romania could not pass unnoticed, a relevant example being the offer of the Albanian throne to Prince William of Wied, Queen Elisabeth of Romania's nephew.
One of the most important phenomena that contemporary society is confronting with is the seculari... more One of the most important phenomena that contemporary society is confronting with is the secularization. Often associated with modernity, secularization is the main factor for the relativization of moral and ethical world values. The causes must be sought in the past centuries, the process of secularization being fueled, in time, by the religious and technological trends that have developed. Our study suggests an understanding of the phenomenon of secularization in the expression, giving also some general directi.ons to remedy its negative consequences.
Papers by Paul Ersilian Roșca
Nonetheless, the Museum’s earliest roots are much older, dating back to year 1924, when it was established by Bishop Nicolae Ivan. In the approximately 100 years of existence, the institution managed to host and display a great number of icons painted on wood and glass from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, mural paintings from Răchitova (15th century), sacred objects, chalices, liturgical manuscripts written between 15th and 19th century and also books from the 17th through the 19th centuries. In the past decade, the Museum of the Orthodox Metropolis of Cluj proved to be a dynamic and visible institution, playing an important cultural role in Cluj-Napoca. Through its entire activity, the Museum intends to be not only an illustration of the past, but also a project for future generations.
episodes in which the Queen visited, organized and took care of such war memorials. For her, the First World War caused both personal dramas, such as the death of Prince Mircea, and national dramas, such as the approximately one million victims who will never be forgotten despite the
happiness of accomplishing the dream of seeing Greater Romania become a reality.
Our paper, by means of original archive sources, aims at presenting the main aspects of Archimandrite Filaret Jocu’s life, a servant of the altar and a spy in the benefit of the Romanian Orthodox Church and Romania.
Nonetheless, the Museum’s earliest roots are much older, dating back to year 1924, when it was established by Bishop Nicolae Ivan. In the approximately 100 years of existence, the institution managed to host and display a great number of icons painted on wood and glass from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, mural paintings from Răchitova (15th century), sacred objects, chalices, liturgical manuscripts written between 15th and 19th century and also books from the 17th through the 19th centuries. In the past decade, the Museum of the Orthodox Metropolis of Cluj proved to be a dynamic and visible institution, playing an important cultural role in Cluj-Napoca. Through its entire activity, the Museum intends to be not only an illustration of the past, but also a project for future generations.
episodes in which the Queen visited, organized and took care of such war memorials. For her, the First World War caused both personal dramas, such as the death of Prince Mircea, and national dramas, such as the approximately one million victims who will never be forgotten despite the
happiness of accomplishing the dream of seeing Greater Romania become a reality.
Our paper, by means of original archive sources, aims at presenting the main aspects of Archimandrite Filaret Jocu’s life, a servant of the altar and a spy in the benefit of the Romanian Orthodox Church and Romania.
one of the most controversial pages in the history of Romania. In the years of the
First World War, the relation and, later, marriage of Carol to Ioana (Zizi) Lambrino was
one of the main problems the Royal House of Romania had been confronted with so
far. Our study aims at presenting and understanding the context in which Prince Carol
was sent to Bistrita, together with the important role played by Maria Martini. Colonel
Condeescu’s letters will help us better describe how the project of separating Carol
from Zizi Lambrino was put into practice.