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University of Southern California, and the University of New Mexico. Rogers is particularly known for his book Diffusion of Innovations, published in l995 in its fourth edition. Rogers has conducted research projects on various aspects of... more
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    • Intuitiveness
Recent work in the cognitive science of morality has been taken to show that moral judgment is largely based on immediate intuitions and emotions. However, according to Greene's influential dual process model, deliberative processing not... more
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      Moral PsychologyIntuitionUtilitarianismPsychopathy
Recently, some simulation systems of the building using Augmented Rarity (AR) have been proposed. In these systems, these are separated by interior simulation systems and exterior simulation systems, and two systems are independent... more
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      Augmented RealitySimulationARToolKitIntuitiveness
1. Einführende Gedanken ………………………....................………. 1 2. Acht Typen des (natur-) wissenschaftlichen Zufalls … 2 3. Zufall in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften …..… 4 4. Zufall und Intuition... more
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      IntuitionCoincidencesCoincidenceCreativity & Serendipity/Synchronicity
A close attempt to what it says, in the context of Programmable Heuristics, slightly more human approach here.
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1) Welche Rolle spielt Intuition im Entwicklungsgang der einzelnen Wissenschaften, was kann aus wissenschaftshistorischer und epistemologischer, also gewissermaßen externer Perspektive zur Intuition in den Wissenschaften gesagt werden?... more
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      ChanceCoincidencesCoincidenceCoincidence, Serendipity, and Synchronicity
Intuition is the ability, without any time delay, to determine the causes of any and all effects regardless of the complexity of those effects. This intuition is a higher awareness, a deeper understanding, very much supported by our five... more
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The advent of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle usually marks the dawn of “philosophy” as we know it nowadays. But what about those who came before Socrates, namely the presocratic philosophers? Can we take what survived from their words of... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheHeraclitusRationality
Brush drawings on Flickr
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      DrawingsCartoonsChristianity and the ArtsAutomatic Drawing
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    • Intuitiveness
Per una teoria del sentire e delle valutazioni affettivo-intuitive
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      Affect, Emotion and FeelingBeliefs and attitudesIntuitiveness