Recent papers in Intersection
This study analyzes vehicle-pedestrian crashes at intersections in Florida over 4 years, 1999-2002. The study identifies the group of drivers and pedestrians, and traffic and environmental characteristics that are correlated with high... more
The Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) has initiated multi-modal level-of-service (LOS) methodologies, including that for the bicycle travel mode. It has already adopted a bicycle LOS methodology for the roadway segment portion of... more
James Baldwin is one of the greatest artists of the postmodern era. It will not be an overstatement to say that no author has shaped the narrative of race, sexuality, and gender in Black America, apart from Toni Morrison. Giovanni's Room... more
A signal timing assignment proposal for urban multi lane signalised roundabouts The relationship between the left-turning traffic volume and the storage area at signalised roundabouts is investigated, and a calculation procedure for... more
Using cellular automata (CA) Nagel-Schreckenberg (NaSch) model, we numerically study the probability P ac of the occurrence of car accidents at nonsignalized intersection when drivers do not respect the priority rules. We also... more
Evaluation of planar algebraic curves arises in the context of intersections of algebraic surfaces with piecewise continuous rational polynomial parametric surface patches useful in geometric modeling. We address a method of evaluating... more
A searching algorithm is presented for determining which members of a set of n points in an N dimensional space lie inside a prescribed space subregion. The algorithm is then extended to handle finite size objects as well as points. In... more
Dos rectas en R 3 se llaman oblicuas o cruzadas si son no paralelas y no se intersectan. El objetivo de esta nota es encontrar los dos puntos de dos rectas oblicuas que minimizan la distancia entre dos puntos arbitrarios de las rectas, es... more
How to estimate queue length in real-time at signalized intersection is a long-standing problem. The problem gets even more difficult when signal links are congested. The traditional input-output approach for queue length estimation can... more
Perencanaan merupakan suatu proses yang berlangsung continue yang melibatkan keputusan dan pemilihan alternatif dengan tujuan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu di masa yang akan datang. Penyusunan tata ruang merupakan tugas besar dan... more
This project evaluated the safety and operational impacts of two alternative left-turn treatments from driveways/side streets. The two treatments were: (1) direct left turns and,
Guwahati City with its rising population has been gradually engulfed by traffic related problems in almost the entire stretch of the city. In this paper an attempt has been made to highlight the major traffic related problems that are... more
En parallèle des modèles de simulation de trafic -dits mathématiques -qui décrivent le trafic de manière statistique, l'INRETS a mené depuis plus de 15 ans des recherches sur la simulation du trafic routier fondée sur le comportement réel... more
Traffic congestions, air pollution, noise pollution & its resultant ill effects and frustration have become the order of the day. The necessitate for traffic evaluation and assessment is likely to improve for future development of Road... more
Roundabouts have become increasingly popular in recent years as an innovative operational and safety solution at both low volume and high volume intersections. This paper contains capacity analysis of existing roads at a busy intersection... more
An ideal of a ring is completely irreducible if it is not the intersec- tion of any set of proper overideals. We investigate the structure of completely irrreducible ideals in a commutative ring without niteness conditions. It is known... more
This project evaluated the safety and operational impacts of two alternative left-turn treatments from driveways/side streets. The two treatments were: (1) Direct left turns (DLT) and, (2) Right turns followed by U-turns (RTUT). Ten sites... more
This project evaluated the safety and operational impacts of two alternative left-turn treatments from driveways/side streets. The two treatments were: (1) direct left turns and,
Arterial provides high degree of mobility while also directly serving abutting land uses in major centres of municipal areas. It is connected to the higher and lower road hierarchy via intersections. The intersections play important roles... more
本文的目的在於探討保羅的「處境交會」是詮釋保羅最合適的切入點。純歷史研究法,如平行或借詞,及處境二分法有其不足之處,無法恰當的理解保羅。保羅所處的時代,多元文化的滲透力不可避免,也不容易加以區分。過度分化而宣稱保羅單受某文化傳統影響,並以此文化傳統來主導保羅的意思,易落入簡化主義的陷阱。故而本文提出,「處境交會」是詮釋保羅最合適的切入點,並以加4: 3, 9的τὰ στοιχεῖα為例說明。 The purpose of this article is to... more
Composite traffic control mechanisms at intersections are normally made up of two or more traffic control devices; for example, roundabout and traffic signals combined or if you like, traffic signal and one way flow combined. Roundabouts... more
The urban traffic congestion has become a global phenomenon. Rapid urbanization and industrialization have caused an unprecedented revolution in growth of vehicles all over the world. This study presents, grade separation (over bridge) is... more
A before-and-after study of injury accidents with bicyclists on 91 roundabouts in Flanders-Belgium was carried out. The study design accounted for effects of general safety trends and regression-to-the-mean, but couldn't take into account... more
Adequate sight distance is an important factor needed to provide safe and efficient operation of left-turn movements at signalized intersections. This factor becomes more crucial for left turners attempting this maneuver during the... more
A recommendation of National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 493 was that a flashing yellow arrow (FYA) permissive indication is an acceptable and recommended application for permissive left-turns. Consideration being given to... more
The intersection of sorted arrays problem has applications in search engines such as Google. Previous work has proposed and compared deterministic algorithms for this problem, in an adaptive analysis based on the encoding size of a... more
Each year from 1998 to 2007, an average of approximately 4,800 pedestrians were killed and 71,000 pedestrians were injured in United States traffic crashes. Because many pedestrian crashes occur at roadway intersections, it is important... more
The thrust of a recently published transportation vision for Toronto is focused largely on reducing automobile dependence via a number of interacting strategies, including the wide application of transit priority policies to improve... more
Intersections are quite important and complex traffic scenarios, where the future motion of surrounding vehicles is an indispensable reference factor for the decision-making or path planning of autonomous vehicles. Considering that the... more
Many state and local transportation agencies have recently begun considering the use of U-turns as alternatives to direct left turns from driveways or side streets, using median designs that prohibit left turns onto the facility, and... more
Intersection Fine triangle intersection a b s t r a c t Let Fin(v) = {(s, t) : ∃ a pair of (K 4 −e)-designs of order v intersecting in s blocks and 2s+ t triangles}. Let Adm(v) = {(s, t)
Objects cannot occupy the same location in 3D space at the same time. Generally all static objects have no possibility of collision between them. Collision Detection (CD) is to detect collision between objects when they are... more
To find out why elderly drivers have more frequent traffic accidents on intersection than any other one, this study was conducted to examine the characteristics of elderly drivers' driving behavior on intersection using a multifaceted... more
Principality of typings is the property that for each typable term, there is a typing from which all other typings are obtained via some set of operations. Type inference is the problem of finding a typing for a given term, if possible.... more
The accident data base of the City of Helsinki shows that when drivers cross a cycle path as they enter a non-signalized intersection, the clearly dominant type of car-cycle crashes is that in which a cyclist comes from the right and the... more
This paper outlines within the framework of action research, the process of implementing a communication across the curriculum (CAC) programme in the Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences. It highlights the link between institutional... more
Computing the intersection of parametric and algebraic curves and surfaces is a fundamental problem in computer graphics and geometric modeling. This problem has been extensively studied in the literature and different techniques based on... more
This chapter explores issues of social class, gender and identity on the basis of informal talk amongst adolescents. She analyses how, through which particular practices, discourses and types of knowledge, four 16-17-year old London... more
From various pavement markings at intersections, direction guidance markings to guide drivers on moving directions are designed to provide guidance on turn directions for vehicles approaching the intersection; however, it is also an... more
The paper identifies a total of 34 different weaving section configurations that are modeled while operating at capacity using the INTEGRATION software for a wide range of weaving section lengths and travel demand distributions.... more
A new boundary evaluation method is presented. It is based on error-free Boolean operations on polyhedral solids. We describe, in detail, an intersection algorithm that handles, in a straightforward way, all the possible geometric cases.... more
This research examined the changes in eye movements and Driving performance at different intersection types, as a function of age and turn type. The results showed that when making a right turn, older adult drivers tend to spend less time... more
The objective of this article is to create a better understanding of the intersection of the academic fields of entrepreneurship and strategic management, based on an aggregation of the extant literature in these two fields. The article... more
The digital map of road networks is one of the most important components in-vehicle navigation. However, existing digital maps do not provide detailed modeling of complex intersections. Therefore, the positioning data from the Global... more