International Development Law
Recent papers in International Development Law
Le Code panafricain d’investissements, adopté fin 2016 par un comité d’experts de l’Union africaine, constitue un modèle intéressant de ces nouveaux textes internationaux visant à concilier le droit des investissements étrangers, le... more
This paper was submitted at the university of Melbourne as part of my LL.M degree program. It assess corruption in Africa and its impacts to the ordinary African people. The work was greatly influenced by the work of Professor Coulier,... more
One cannot deny that the access to energy facilitates. From employment creation to human development, from security interests to the empowerment of women; energy remains at the heart of all countries’ core interests. However, the... more
Observers view the expansion of China’s relationship with African countries not only from its perspective as a multifaceted endeavour but also from the nuances extant in the academic and non-academic professional circles. The factors... more
Le projet de Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit au développement (2020) est peut-être le prologue d'un renouveau du droit international du développement, fondé sur une approche par les droits de l'homme et promu par le Mouvement... more
The relationship between resource-rich developing countries and foreign investors has always been underscored by the former's desire to maintain control over their natural assets and the latter's quest to protect their profit-making... more
This article revisits Ibrahim Shihata’s role in developing the financial aid policies of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) after the formal inauguration of the New International Economic Order project (NIEO) in... more
The environmental costs of economic development have received increasing attention during the recent years. According to the World Energy Outlook 2009 today´s energy policies have a severe impact on climate change, since energy accounts... more
On 24 November 2017, the Department of International Law of the University of Groningen is organizing its second Workshop in a series that explores "International Law for the Sustainable Development Goals". The theme of interactive... more
There is no doubt that there exists a strong connection between environment and human rights. Vice President Weeramantry, in a separate opinion in Gabcikovo-Nagymaros, 1 pointed out this connection thus: [t]he protection of the... more
This piece gives an overview of different forms of the use of the term ownership at the time of the transformation from the planed into a market economy. It argues that, whilst the reformers had a clear understanding of what they found... more
E-Mail: [email protected] It has generally appeared in the international development legal regime that Law has been approached as 'a tool for development itself'. In this sense, experts sometimes assume that Law is both... more
The main mandate of the World bank is to promote and foster economic development of its members. in the 80s , the World Bank has taken steps to deal with governance issues in its member countries. That was seen as a political move... more
E-Mail: [email protected] International Development Law or the legal regime relating to international development is one of the aspects of international law that is of greatest interest to developing countries. When the... more
viewed as an integrated process of change that involves economic, social, cultural, political and environmental dimensions. The differences between these views revolve around a few key issues. These key issues are whether the state should... more
The chapter provides a critical analysis of child rights-based interventions on violence against children (VAC) undertaken by Plan Philippines. A summary is available through
L’interdépendance entre la paix et le développement est un principe théorique affirmé de longue date par les Nations Unies. Elle a pour conséquence pratique l’insertion plus ou moins explicite de véritables compétences de développement... more