International Criminal Procedure
Recent papers in International Criminal Procedure
This book clearly sets out the international criminal law framework. Features throughout the text are used to equip readers with the tools to consider and assess the current status of the law and encourage critical analysis of the latest... more
This article discusses the challenges posed by the scope and volume of the evidential record to fact-finding and the presentation of cases in international criminal trials. To this end, it introduces a modified version of a technique... more
Title: The Basic of Criminal Procedure
Author: Judge Eliza B. Yu, LLM, DCL
Publisher: Central Book Supply Inc.
ISBN: 978-971-011-609-6
No. Of Pages: 510
Size: 6 x 9
Edition: 2013
Binding: Softbound
Price: ₱730
Author: Judge Eliza B. Yu, LLM, DCL
Publisher: Central Book Supply Inc.
ISBN: 978-971-011-609-6
No. Of Pages: 510
Size: 6 x 9
Edition: 2013
Binding: Softbound
Price: ₱730
From Hollywood films to some Chinese popular perceptions of their Eastern neighbors, piracy and pirates retain a powerful hold in contemporary culture. However, it is their most recent incarnation in areas like the Gulf of Guinea, the... more
The article proceeds as follows. The first section of the paper outlines the orthodox view of preliminary examinations which sees this stage of an ICC intervention as a ‘legal checklist’. It is posited that this classical understanding... more
The expansion of open-source information has revolutionized how human rights violations and international crimes are documented. The paper discusses how and to what extent ICC judges have considered the admissibility and probative value... more
This thesis analyses the influence of the common law (I refer to it as "Anglo-American law") and civil law (or "Romano-Germanic law") on the development of international criminal law. The first part offers a theoretical overview of the... more This book offers detailed analyses on how the investigation and preparation of fact-rich cases can be improved, both in national and international jurisdictions. 24 chapters organized in 5 parts... more
This book examines the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), often called the "Khmer Rouge Tribunal." We decided to prepare the book on the third anniversary of the ECCC's creation, because the tribunal was originally... more
Biljana Plavšić, the former president of Republika Srpska, was indicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. After she plead guilty and issued a... more
La monografia è frutto di un’opera di rielaborazione della tesi di Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza dell’Autore. L’Autore, dopo la disamina dell’origine storica e della disciplina giuridica del mandato d’arresto europeo (c.d. MAE),... more
Abstract. “Your Brain is the Hardware of your Soul. It is the Hardware of your Very Essence as Human Being. You cannot be who you really want to unless your brain works right. How your brain works determines how happy you are, how... more
Ethno-nationalist politicians and criminals in Mostar espoused a discourse of ethno-exclusionist sociocultural relations as a superstructure for the public in order to establish ethnocratic kleptocracies where they concealed their... more
This paper considers various current practices relating to proceedings in absentia for violations of international criminal law. It notes the various purposes criminal law theory argues criminal proceedings serves, and considers whether... more
I have been thinking hard on the concept of corporate personality of the company. And also how well recognized the company law is in Tanzania at large, and multifaceted subject which stretched quickly in dimensions in this modern time.... more
The modern public prosecutor is a figure both powerful and enigmatic. Legal scholars and criminologists often identify "three essential components" of criminal justice systems: police, courts and corrections. Yet increasingly, the public... more
Encyclopedia entry in The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment
Civil forfeiture is playing an increasingly prominent role in the fight against organised crime. While this tool is attractive to law enforcement agencies, it does give rise to concerns under Art 6 of the ECHR. Such proceedings ought to... more
The thesis is devoted to the study of procedural aspects of the activity of international criminal courts. Chapter 1 describes the evolution of international criminal justice. Chapter 2 defines the legal nature, organisation, jurisdiction... more
This paper argues that the actions and activities of the ICTY have not been beneficial to achieving reconciliation or stability in the Balkans, but to the contrary are part of the reason that parts of the region have remained unstable.... more
The Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic can be viewed in two ways. The optimistic view is that it is a vindication of the idea that the international community should complement the efforts of states in the fight... more
This paper examines the possibility of reforming the defences of duress and obedience to superior orders under International Criminal Law. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court defines both defences as grounds for the... more
The authors are trying in to analyze the "right to a fair trial," in the sense of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Serbia on the other hand, proposals to contribute to the plan of proper understanding of the law, which... more
"This chapter examines two key issues which have arisen as regards the international criminal tribunals' interpretation of the right to a fair trial, namely the parties to whom rights at trial attach, and the use of defendants' right to... more
Tokyo Trial is a historical TV series on the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo. Its heroes are the audacious dissenting judges Pal and Röling—a rare choice that seems to point to a critical counter-narrative of... more
Contemporary developments in international criminal justice have led to new systems of victims' rights and redress. A number of studies have identified the processes of victim protection, participation and reparations at the International... more
"The information and communication technology has probably had the greatest impact on society than any other technology. People rely on information and communication technology for all the advantages delivered such as powerful information... more
Parliament serves a very critical role in both enacting the laws of the country and also providing an oversight in many government institutions inter alia, Director of Intelligence and Security Services through Parliamentary Committees to... more
This paper uses ideas propounded by Susan Sontag and Judith Butler on photography to illuminate the significant role of photography and visual media in international law jurisprudence. Two key questions are pursued: firstly, what role... more
This third, updated and expanded, edition of the book provides the most comprehensive overview of the law and jurisprudence of the international and internationalized criminal courts and tribunals concerning procedure, evidence, and human... more
A discussion of the hierarchy and relationship between the ICC and domestic courts in the prosecution of war crimes. I am grateful to the School of Law, Sociology and Politics at Sussex University for the granting of permission to... more