Internal Model
Recent papers in Internal Model
KIVIEW is an object-oriented browsing interface to databases. The underlying internal model is a semantic network, defined via a collection of triplet facts which are governed by a small set of integrity requirements. KIVIEW's only... more
We have recently proposed an extension to Petri nets in order to be able to directly deal with all aspects of embedded digital systems. This extension is meant to be used as an internal model of our co-design environment. After analyzing... more
Survivors of spinal cord injury need to reorganize their residual body movements for interacting with assistive devices and performing activities that used to be easy and natural. To investigate movement reorganization, we asked subjects... more
Recent psychophysical studies on normal subjects, as well as brain imaging studies, have revised the concepts concerning the mechanisms underlying spatial orientation during navigation tasks. The emphasis has been put on internal models... more
The paper investigates the design of Adaptive Feedforward Cancellation (AFC) algorithms with sinusoidal regressors for repetitive control. Such adaptive algorithms are equivalent to linear controllers based on the Internal Model Principle... more
a practical implementation of a high power quality UPS design used onboard ships to supply critical loads.
A b s t r a c t S t r u c t u r a l a s p e c t s are s t u d i e d o f n o n l i n e a r c o n t r o l systems in a s e t t i n g o f d i f f e r e n t i a b l e m a n i f o l d s . As a g e n e r a l i z a t i o n o f t h e s e t u p... more
Different types of conflict have different effects on the financial system. Country priorities for reconstruction therefore vary accordingly. Nevertheless, the following problems repeatedly occur in reconstruction. First, central banks... more
Specification tests using stochastic bottleneck models of airport congestion investigate whether dominant airlines internalize or ignore self-imposed delays at twenty-seven major US airports. Data on flight times determine the airport's... more
Children's misbehaviors and parental discipline strategies were investigated in families with abusive and nonabusive parents. Participants were 20 abusive families with children between the ages of 4 and 10. A matched control group of 20... more
A generalized minimum variance control law is derived for the control of nonlinear, possibly time-varying, multi-variable systems. The solution for the tracking and feedback/feedforward control law was obtained in the time-domain using a... more
In mid 2004, after a lengthy period of industry consultation, the Basel Committee finally released its definitive rules on capital charges for Operational Risk under Basel II. In its proposals for allowing banks to calculate regulatory... more
While attachment research has demonstrated that parents’ internal working models of attachment relationships tend to be transmitted to their children, affecting children’s developmental trajectories, this study specifically examines... more
The vestibular system provides the brain with sensory signals about three-dimensional head rotations and translations. These signals are important for postural and oculomotor control, as well as for spatial and bodily perception and... more
Community Policing: National and International Models and Approaches M. Brogden and P. Nijhar. Cullompton: Willan (2005) 259pp. d19.99pb ISBN 1-843920-05-0
This paper investigates the role of active dancers in attenuation of web tension disturbances in a web process line. A general structure of the active dancer is considered; governing equations for web spans upstream and downstream to the... more
The purpose of this investigation was to examine subject response to music conducting motions simulated on a computer screen. Forty musicians and forty non-musicians responded to a point of light moving around a computer screen simulating... more
The classical, disembodied approach to music cognition conceptualizes action and perception as separate, peripheral processes. In contrast, embodied accounts of music cognition emphasize the central role of the close coupling of action... more
A basic premise of attachment theory is that internal models of attachment remain relatively stable across the life span. We examined stability and change in adult attachment representations over 8 months in a sample of young adults (N =... more
The role of information which is incidentally or accidentally acquired has been neglected in the study of information-seeking behavior. The study reported in this article focused on "incidental information acquisition" as a key concept... more
This article begins with a broad historical overview detailing how school-based sexuality education has been taught from a specific kind of heterosexual perspective that has excluded lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and... more
Although the idea of action simulation is nowadays popular in cognitive science, neuroscience and robotics, many aspects of the simulative processes remain unclear from empirical, computational, and neural perspectives. In the first part... more
A theoretical overview and supporting data are presented about the control of the segmental component of speech production. Findings of "motor-equivalent" trading relations between the contributions of two constrictions to the same... more
This series of articles for rehabilitation in practice aims to cover a knowledge element of the rehabilitation medicine curriculum. Nevertheless they are intended to be of interest to a multidisciplinary audience. The competency addressed... more
Ren et al. (J Neurophysiol 96:1464–1477, 2006) found that saccades to visual targets became less accurate when somatosensory information about hand location was added, suggesting that saccades rely mainly on vision. We conducted two... more
Recognition and simulation of actions performable on rigidly-Jointed actors such as human bodies have been the subject of our research for some time. One part of an ongoing effort towards a total human movement simulator is to develop a... more
In this paper we present a new approach to freeway travel time prediction, based on recurrent neural networks. Travel time prediction requires a modeling approach that is capable of dealing with complex non-linear spatio-temporal... more
Complex adaptive systems have historically been studied using simplifications that mandate deterministic interactions between agents or instead treat their interactions only with regard to their statistical expectation. This has led to an... more
To meet the Basel II regulatory requirements for the Advanced Measurement Approaches, the bank's internal model must include the use of internal data, relevant external data, scenario analysis and factors reflecting the business... more
This article begins with a broad historical overview detailing how school-based sexuality education has been taught from a specific kind of heterosexual perspective that has excluded lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and... more
There is an increasing amount of empirical work investigating the sense of agency, i.e. the registration that we are the initiators of our own actions. Many studies try to relate the sense of agency to an internal feed-forward mechanism,... more
Imagination can be defined broadly as the manipulation of information that is not directly available to an agent's sensors. However, the topic of imagination raises representational, physiological, and phenomenological issues that cannot... more
Many neuroimaging studies of the mirror neuron system (MNS) examine if certain voxels in the brain are shared between action observation and execution (shared voxels, sVx). Unfortunately, finding sVx in standard group analyses is not a... more
The cerebellum has attracted the attention of theorists and modelers for many years 1-3 . The attraction is that the cerebellar cortex is both quite simple and well documented. It has only one output cell, the inhibitory Purkinje cell... more
During the last few years there have been many changes in the way that financial institutions model risk. New risk capital regulations have motivated a need for vertically integrated risk systems based on a unified framework throughout... more
In exploratory data analysis of high dimensional data one Eof the main tasks is the formation of a simplified overview of data sets. Clustering and projection are among the examples of useful methods to achieve this task. However there... more
A necessary strategy to improve our technologies is to provide them with useful pieces of deterministic previous knowledge about the processes and the equipment. Our attention was previously focused on the industrial control systems,... more