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RESUMEN. En el presente estudio teórico se revisan los principales hallazgos e investigaciones realizadas sobre el estrés y burnout en profesores. En primer lugar se analizan los estudios centrados en aislar las diferentes causas de tipo... more
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      Personality TypeTheoretical ModelPalabras Clave: BIMEnter
The influence of a person’s brain type and the segmental coordination used in free throw basketball shooting was evaluated by video analysis. Fifteen subjects were classified using a brain typing inventory with 16 categories. Markers were... more
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      KineticsInformed ConsentMotor ControlCollege Students
Despite the advances in argumentation on group decision negotiation there is a need to simulate and identify the personality of participants. To make participants' agents more human-like and to increase their flexibility in the... more
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      PsychologyComputer SciencePersonalityAgent Based
On the basis of 30 years of experience of experts of the International Institute of Socionics, a method for applying the drawing test of G.А. Shulman to determine the socionic personality characteristics is described. Recommendations on... more
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      SocionicsTYPINGPersonality Type
Psychological reactance is a construct that has potential wide ranging counseling implications. Recently, researchers have argued that reactance is characterological in nature and have attempted to delineate its nomological network. This... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonalityMBTI
We are currently pursuing methods for “author profiling” in which various aspects of the author's identity might be identified from a text, without necessarily having a corpus of documents from the same individual. A key component of... more
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      Language UsePersonality Type
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      PsychologyMyers Briggs Type IndicatorPersonality Type
As organisations operate in turbulent and complex environments, it has become a necessity to assess the systems thinking (ST) skills, personality types (PTs), and demographics of practitioners. In this study, we investigated the... more
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      ManagementEngineeringPersonality PsychologyComplex Systems Science
Each record was reviewed using 2 different techniques to determine whether or not the claim should be paid by insurance. Under the "symptom-based" system, all ~5sits with nursing triage levels of Immediate/Emergent were approved... more
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      Emergency MedicinePerformance EvaluationClinical SciencesPersonality Type
The purposes of this study were to explore students' career aspirations in interior design and identify any relationship between their self-assessed curriculum strengths, career aspi. rations, and personality types.
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      ArchitectureInterior DesignPersonality Type
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      SociologyCognitive ScienceContent AnalysisVideo Game
The relationship between Big Five personality (measured by the NEO-PI) and prejudice was examined using a variable-and a person-centred approach. Big Five scores were related to a generalized prejudice factor based on seven different... more
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      PsychologyCluster AnalysisCross ValidationCorrelation Analysis
This paper explores the evolution of career management systems for industrial researchers. Based on case studies of experimental career development systems for industrial researchers, combined with a survey of 196 researchers at two large... more
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      MarketingCareer DevelopmentBusiness and ManagementCase Study
• Naturally inclined to help others • Natural diplomats because of the ability to see both sides • Egalitarianism and karma are attractive ideas to INFJs • INFJs find it easy to make connections with others • INFJs need time alone to... more
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    • Personality Type
The MBTI Test and College Majors MBTI® Types vary in many ways and this holds true for their college major selection process. Whether it is which college majors they choose, or the decision-making process they go through to choose such... more
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      Career Guidance CounselingMBTIPersonality AssessmentCareer Guidance
Personality types refer to common or typical configurations of the dispositional attributes that define the individual. Research over the last 20 years has identified a set of three replicable personality types: resilient, overcontrolled,... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality
A hypothesis relating personality types to activity of the Behavioural Approach System (BAS) and the 11 Behavioural Inhibition System (BIS) was tested in a sample of 1015 10-18-year-old adolescents. According 12 to this hypothesis,... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality and Individual DifferencesPersonality Type
This study investigates the relationship between the personality type and cognitive-metacognitive strategies utilized by test-takers in reading comprehension tests. One hundred undergraduate Iranian English Foreign Learning (EFL) students... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPersonality PsychologyTeaching English as a Second LanguagePersonality
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      Natural Language ProcessingLanguage ProcessingArtificial IntelligentPersonality and Individual Differences
Cohen's (1967) method of determining compliant, aggressive and detached personality types is modified and employed in exploring the relationship between personality types and generalized purchasing involvement. The hypothesis that the... more
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      BusinessPersonalityConsumerPersonality Type
This study explored the value of using Holland's theory of vocational personality types and work environments for improving predictions of personality-performance relations. Upper level undergraduates representing the RIASEC environments... more
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      PsychologyPredictionWork EnvironmentBusiness and Management
This paper argues for the greater use of personality type instruments such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II (KTS II), when forming engineering design teams. Considering the importance of... more
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      EngineeringEducationEngineering EducationEngineering Design
This study aimed to investigate the relationship among EFL learners' Autonomy (AU), Critical Thinking (CT), Personality Type (PT), and use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS). To fulfill this objective, 140 randomly selected EFL... more
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      Critical ThinkingAutonomyVocabulary Learning StrategiesIndividual Differences
The economic literature shows many evidences on the relationship between labor market success and personality. Our study examines the connection between Myers–Briggs personality types and academic performance among students of University... more
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      PsychologyHigher EducationPersonalityMBTI
This study investigates the relationship between the personality type and cognitive-metacognitive strategies utilized by test-takers in reading comprehension tests. One hundred undergraduate Iranian English Foreign Learning (EFL) students... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPersonality PsychologyTeaching English as a Second LanguagePersonality
This book offers a different look at Identity and identification and introduces the notion of substitute identities (and a subsequent repertoire of personalities) as a rather common phenomenon in many people, as the root of PTSD and... more
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      Personality PsychologySelf and IdentitySocial IdentityDiversity
If the inferior function is our "troublemaker," (Spoto, 1995, p. 96) with its necessity, according to C.G. Jung, to find expression for the development of character, how much more troublesome does life become when the anima/animus... more
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      MythologyMBTISexualityJungian psychology
The findings of the literature on the predictive power of the Big Five personality model on academic and training success, vary to a large extent, according to several researchers. One of the reasons for the diverging conclusions may be... more
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      Academic PerformanceUniversity StudentsPersonality TypeTHE BIG FIVE MODEL
In recent years, it has been well established that the basic personality factors of Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Conscientiousness are associated with stress experience and coping. However, little is known about their combined eects. To... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCoping StrategiesPersonality and Individual Differences
To what extent are personality characteristics linked with listening style preferences? To probe this question, a large sample of young adults (males, n = 898; females, n = 733) completed both the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality and Individual DifferencesYoung Adult
Although some research has linked emotional intelligence (EI) and psychological health, little research has examined EI's ability to predict health outcomes after controlling for related constructs, or EI's ability to moderate the... more
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      PsychologyEmotional intelligenceEuropeanPersonality Type
Munculnya berbagai media sosial turut menandai kemajuan berkomunikasi tanpa batasan ruang dan waktu seperti misalnya media sosial Path. Umumnya, mahasiswa menggunakan media sosial Path untuk mengungkapkan diri atau menunjukkan keterbukaan... more
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      Personality PsychologySex and GenderPersonalityGender and Sexuality
This paper proposes an ANFIS (Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System) Learning Approach where we have found patterns of personality types using Big Five Personality Tests for Software Engineering Roles in Software Development... more
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      Software EngineeringFuzzy LogicSoftware DevelopmentCase Study
Personality is the man. The successful living of an individual, as a man, depends to a large extent on the academic achievement of that individual, as a student. This article attempts to find out personality type, academic achievement of... more
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      Personality PsychologyPersonalitySecondary EducationAcademic achievement
A major reconceptualization of personality psychopathology has been proposed for DSM-5 that identifies core impairments in personality functioning, pathological personality traits, and prominent pathological personality types. A... more
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      PersonalityPersonality AssessmentPersonality DisordersAdolescent
This study investigates the relationship between the personality type and cognitive-metacognitive strategies utilized by test-takers in reading comprehension tests. One hundred undergraduate Iranian English Foreign Learning (EFL) students... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPersonality PsychologyTeaching English as a Second LanguagePersonality
This study examined whether people would interpret and respond to verbal (text) and non-verbal cues (posture) of personality in interactive characters just as they interpret cues from a person. In a balanced, between-subjects experiment... more
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      PersonalityConsistencyPersonality Type
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      MarketingBusiness and ManagementPersonality TypeAdministrative Science Quarterly
This study examined bidirectional, longitudinal associations between peer victimisation and self-esteem in adolescents, and tested for moderator effects of undercontrolling, overcontrolling, and ego-resilient personality types in these... more
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      PsychologySocial DevelopmentStructural Equation ModellingLongitudinal Study
This paper explores the use of aptitude tests for selecting students for Design Engineering programmes. The latest ideas and theories are then explored regarding the usefulness of personality type instruments such as the Myers-Briggs Type... more
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      Product DesignEngineering DesignMyers Briggs Type IndicatorTeam Formation
Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are conventionally recommended in mental health care literature as an important way to offer holistic treatment provision to patients. This study aims to explore multidisciplinary teamwork in contemporary... more
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      Organizational BehaviorBuddhismHistoryCultural History
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Myers-Briggs type inventory extraversion is associated with clinical evaluation ratings that students earn during their (obstetrics/gynecology) junior medical student... more
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      ObstetricsPersonalityMedical StudentsPersonality Assessment Inventory
This paper presents an approach in analyzing personality types, temperament and team diversity to determine software engineering (SE) teams performance. The benefits of understanding personality types and its relationships amongst team... more
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      Software EngineeringRough SetsSensorsSoftware Quality
The most important new development in the past two decades in the personal lines of insurance may well be the use of an individual's credit history as a classification and rating variable to predict losses. However, in spite of its... more
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      Credit ScoringRisk ManagementRisk TakingLiterature Review
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
A key component of improving human-computer interaction is through the matching of users with their preferred computer interfaces and interaction styles. Understanding the users better would result in a customized gaming experience,... more
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      Human Computer InteractionPersonality TypeAssessment Tool
The 16 personality types, of which the Myers-Briggs® test is based, include four pairs of opposite characteristics, including Introversion or Extroversion, thinking-feeling, Sensing or Intuition, and Perceiving or Judging.
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      Personality PsychologyPersonalityMBTIPersonality Assessment
Evolutionary interpretation of brain oscillations and empirical evidence link delta oscillations with reward motivation and alpha with anxiety. It is hypothesised that a balance of activity in these two oscillatory systems underlies the... more
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      OscillationsEmpirical evidencePersonality Type
-The present study investigated the relationship between Jung's personality types and psychometric intelligence. A total of 4758 participants completed the Critical Reasoning Test Battery 2 and the Jung Type Indicator (JTI). General... more
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      PsychologyIndividual DifferencesMyers Briggs Type IndicatorPersonality Type
Schizoid process is one of the most ubiquitous personality patterns, but it is insufficiently discussed in the literature. This article offers a description of both the true schizoid and the more prevalent schizoid process that runs... more
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      Transactional AnalysisPersonality Type