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Desa Inklusi dan UU No.6 tahun 2014 tentang Desa
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One of the common and yet not well understood learning difficulties is dyslexia. Most teachers in Indonesia are still not equipped with enough information or knowledge to enable them to identify this learning difficulty. As such, most... more
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Surrounding factors, both the internal and external, always have a significant impact on a literary work. The most considerable external factor on literary works is the author himself, especially if he/she experiences a physical disorder... more
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Raport siswa inklusi
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      Pendidikan InklusiInklusiAnak Berkebutuhan KhususPendidikan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus
The main problem encountered in the field of education in Yogyakarta is the large number of children with special needs who do not get adequate educational services. Schools in the city of Yogyakarta tend to rejectandon the other hand,... more
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Stigma is an inseparable part of social life. Stigma shows diversity in representing viewpoints, values, standards, and the power to make social categorizations. One of the causes of stigma is physical and non-physical differences such as... more
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The accessibility of transportation for people with disabilities in Yogyakarta remains a serious challenge. The city's public transportation has not yet met the accessibility standard, which in turn prevents persons with disability from... more
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SD Negeri X Surabaya merupakan salah satu sekolah dasar yang menyelenggarakan program pendidikan inklusi di Kota Surabaya. SD Negeri ini menjalankan best practice pelaksanaan pendidikan inklusi yang membantu peserta didik tumbuh dan... more
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      Pendidikan InklusiInklusiAnak Berkebutuhan KhususSekolah Dasar
Various sectors seem to ignore the existence of persons with disabilities, including the tourism industry. The majority of tourist destinations have not provided accessible facilities for them. Transportation services also do not... more
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Jurnal ini membahas tentang perlindungan hak, termasuk hak-hak apa saja yang harus kita perjuangkan untuk penyandang disabilitas di Indonesia. Stigma sebagian masyarakat di Indonesia masih kurang toleran terhadap orang yang menyandang... more
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      Inclusive EducationAutism (Education)PendidikanHak Asasi Manusia
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      Pendidikan InklusiInklusiAnak Berkebutuhan Khusus
Jumlah difabel daksa di kabupaten Bantul termasuk dalam kategori tinggi dibandingkan daerah lain, terutama pascagempa tahun 2006. Meskipun pemerintah telah memperhatikan keberlanjutan hidup yang layak bagi difabel, namun sampai saat ini,... more
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      Political ScienceInklusi
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Teachers’ attitudes are crucial to promote inclusive science practices, including those with special educational needs (SEN). This study aimed to investigate science teachers’ attitudes toward teaching diverse student and to identify the... more
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Mastering Indonesian language for all students is important despite the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on students' conditions and government provisions related to the pandemic, the teachers need a form of adaptation in the Indonesian... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationSocial InclusionBahasa IndonesiaIlmu Komunikasi
This study was inspired by a project in the United States called “accessible congregation”, a project that promotes accessibility in the places of worshsip. While idea of “accessible congregation” is not less known in Indonesia, it is... more
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      Political ScienceInklusi
This study aims to determine how the experience of being a good stepmother for children with cerebral palsy (CP children). With the stigma of a stepmother who tends to be negative, is it still possible to be a good stepmother for a CP... more
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In this research, the researcher becomes a teacher while the English teacher becomes a volunteer or therapist to help, control and manage the class. The result of the study showed that before the implementation of flashcards, all students... more
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The Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) evaluation model is commonly used to evaluate a program, including a learning program. This study aimed at assessing the implementation of the learning program in Inclusive Early Childhood... more
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Adalah fakta bahwa manusia tidak memiliki kesamaan secara persis. Ada yang pendek, ada yang tinggi, ada yang berkulit gelap ada yang berkulit putih, ada yang berhidung mancung, ada yang berambut pirang, ada yang gemuk ada yang kurus, dan... more
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Person-centered funding models are replacing block-funding models in the disability services sector.  Australia is part of this international trend.  Concerns have been raised by service providers, suggesting that people with disabilities... more
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This article discusses the paradigm of penghulus (the marriage registrants at the office for religious affairs, KUA) in Malang City regarding the status of marriage witnesses. This study uses a philosophical normative approach to find... more
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This study aims to determine how the experience of being a good stepmother for children with cerebral palsy (CP children). With the stigma of a stepmother who tends to be negative, is it still possible to be a good stepmother for a CP... more
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This paper is a descriptive analysis of the Quranic views and attitudes on the people with disabilities. It starts with examining verses from the Quran and Prophetic Traditions (Hadith) as well as relevant social reality. Despite the fact... more
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Game is one of learning tools in early education for any children. My Costume is a game to stimule visual-spacial intellegence of children with autism. This tool is constructed from Research and Development (R&D) study which utilizes the... more
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Trans-jogja is the latest transportation mode that gives new alternative for the mobility of people of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). It is operated both for an alternative and also for improving the recent performance of public... more
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      DifabelPemiluInklusiSistem Pemilu
User satisfaction is one of success indicators of a library in providing service to users. This research is intended to investigate the user satisfaction on the service quality of Difabel Corner (DC) in the State Islamic University Sunan... more
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User satisfaction is one of success indicators of a library in providing service to users. This research is intended to investigate the user satisfaction on the service quality of Difabel Corner (DC) in the State Islamic University Sunan... more
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Although Higher Education Institutions have come a long way in including students with disabilities, many students still experience exclusion or "otherness" among their abled peers.  Currently, there is a gap in research where... more
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This study aims to examine and find out the information about deaf response towards the use of Indonesian signal language (BISINDO) and Indonesian Signal Language System (SIBI) on communication. Research method being implemented was... more
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This study aims to examine and find out the information about deaf response towards the use of Indonesian signal language (BISINDO) and Indonesian Signal Language System (SIBI) on communication. Research method being implemented was... more
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Game is one of learning tools in early education for any children. My Costume is a game to stimule visual-spacial intellegence of children with autism. This tool is constructed from Research and Development (R&D) study which utilizes the... more
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This article aims to answer one of the essential questions in the implementation and promotion of inclusive education in Indonesia, particularly inclusive higher education. Referring to the case of the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan... more
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The research is about the ‘struggle’ to name persons with disabilities in Indonesia. As in other countries that find naming as an important tool in the fight for equality, Indonesia witnessed various naming influenced by the way people... more
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This study answers the question of how the politics of protection and fulfilment of the rights of persons with disabilities in the case of Regional Disability Regulations in Wonogiri Regency. With a mixed-method between normative legal... more
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The web-based Academic Monitoring System for Students with Disabilities is a software development that aims to monitor the academic activities of students with disabilities. This development needs to be done because the average Grade... more
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This study documents and reflects the experience of Sign Language speakers in Yogyakarta. The reflection is then negotiated with the grand narrative of linguistic justice, which has been unwittingly narrated by the domination of knowledge... more
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This paper elaborates the acceptance process of a single parent who has a dyslexic child in the movie…
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Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) menyebutkan 2.332 komunitas adat di Indonesia yang memiliki kekhasan identitas sosial berdasarkan tradisi, yang menjadi basis cara pandang dan cara hidup (world view) masyarakat adat.
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      Social ExclusionSocial Exclusion and InclusionTanah Dan Persoalan Masyarakat AdatMasyarakat Adat