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Монографію присвячено актуальній у сучасній юридичній літературі темі – теоретичним та практичним проблемам юридичної відповідальності за правопорушення в інформаційній сфері (інформаційні делікти). Розглядається зміст і структура... more
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    • Information law
Constitui-se de uma reflexão analítico qualitativa da Lei brasileira de Acesso à informação -Lei 12527 de 18 de novembro de 2011 frente ao direito de ser informado como visão jurídiconormativa contemporânea modelar do direito à... more
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      Brazilian StudiesInformation PolicyRight to Information ActInformation law
To look at how the law strikes the balance between secrecy security and accountability, this article will look at a number of key aspects being legislation, case law, and look at the current surveillance issues that have been exposed due... more
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      IntelligenceSecurityInformation law
Apa sesungguhnya yang paling berbahaya bagi netter jika mereka mengeluarkan opini atau curhat atau komplain di dunia maya?
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      LawCommunicationPublic OpinionBloggings, Social Webbings, & Other Emergent Writing/Reading Forms
Sandra Campos Olivera -Gobieno electrónico en el Perú: Propuestas para el Gobierno Regional de Arequipa CC INTRODUCCIÓN a construcción de una sociedad conectada es uno de los grandes desafíos de nuestro tiempo para la humanidad, puesto... more
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      Internet LawE-GovernmentInformation law
This paper examines coding applied by seven different review groups on the same set of twenty eight thousand documents. The results indicate that the level of agreement between the reviewer groups is much lower than might be suspected... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLawInformation Technology LawInformation law
"Cloud Computing. In Search of Lost Law in the Web 3.0" is one of the most complete essays on the cloud, giving informations on a bunch of aspects related to the considered technology, such as privacy, cybersecurity, disaster recovery,... more
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      Comparative LawIntellectual PropertyCyberlawEuropean Law
The publication contains a brief description of the process and the main (but not all) of the research results on the problem the origin of the term information, its basic concepts, and the analysis of the possibility of recognition... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation law
Nowadays algorithms can decide if one can get a loan, is allowed to cross a border, or must go to prison. Artificial intelligence techniques (natural language processing and machine learning in the first place) enable private and public... more
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      AlgorithmsIntellectual PropertyPrivacyPatents
Here comes your footer  Page 5 LA RESPONSABILITÀ PENALE  INGIURIA (art. 594 c.p.) "Chiunque offende l'onore o il decoro di una persona presente è punito con la reclusione fino a sei mesi o con la multa fino a euro 516. Alla stessa pena... more
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      Media LawInformation lawNarrative, Mulitmedia editing, Journalism, Photojournalism, Storytelling, Audio and Video editing and digitizing, Television Journalism, Visual CommunicationProfessioni Giornalistiche, Professioni Comunicative, Politica E Giornalismo
This article sheds light on the pressing issue of software patents by giving an account of the approaches followed in Europe, the US and India. The occasion of this study is the adoption in 2016 of the final version of the Indian... more
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      Intellectual PropertyEuropean LawInternet LawPatents
This article is a useful tool for both Asian and European readers as regards some of the state-of-the-art technologies revolving around the Internet of Things (‘IoT’) and their intersection with cloud computing (the Clouds of Things,... more
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      RoboticsIntellectual PropertyCyberlawPolitical Participation
El derecho a la información es un derecho fundamental o derecho humano y como tal, es en torno al cual gira la ciencia del Derecho de la Información, según ha sido explicado en capítulos precedentes.
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    • Information law
La libertad de expresión representa una de las garantías del buen fun- cionamiento de las sociedades democráticas actuales; de hecho libertad de expresión y sistema democrático pueden considerarse dos binomios inseparables. La posibilidad... more
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      CommunicationInformation law
During the last years the content industry is facing a second “Gutenberg revolution”. To meet the new consumers’ demands, in an environment reshaped by new technologies, information and knowledge are reinventing themselves and their... more
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      Consumer RightsKnowledge EconomyDigital CopyrightInformation law
The purpose of this analysis is to highlight how the phenomenon of cancel culture affects various principles and fundamental rights guaranteed by all the democratic Constitutions, with particular focus on the Italian system, in connection... more
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      Internet LawPrivate lawInformation lawFoundamental Rights
Professor Braman introduces the first issue of the journal with an exploration of the definition, scope, and relevance of the concept of "information policy." She sets forth the five criteria which define it as a coherent field of study,... more
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      Cultural PolicyAccess To InformationMedia LawInformation law
International law imposes positive obligations on states to restrict illegal information flow. The limitations which require an adoption of relevant prohibiting provisions in the legislation at the national level include prohibition of... more
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      Political SciencePublic International LawInformation lawCyber Law
This paper examines coding applied by seven different review groups on the same set of twenty eight thousand documents. The results indicate that the level of agreement between the reviewer groups is much lower than might be suspected... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLawInformation Technology LawInformation law
In the age of social media where it is almost impossible to escape your past on the Internet, the right to be forgotten enhances the ability of the individual to control the use of his or her personal data. Such a right has been... more
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      CyberlawPrivacyInformation Technology LawInformation law
Joint research project of ELSA International and Council of Europe
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      Constitutional LawMedia LawInformation lawCommunication and Media Law
In their book Blown to Bits: How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy, authors Evans and Wurster see the transfer of information as a 'trade-off between richness and reach'. Reach refers to the number of people... more
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      Information Technology LawInformation lawEmpirical evidence
This paper examines coding applied by seven different review groups on the same set of twenty eight thousand documents. The results indicate that the level of agreement between the reviewer groups is much lower than might be suspected... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceLawInformation Technology Law
The volume is devoted to the relevant problems in the legal sphere, created and generated by recent advances in science and technology. In particular, it investigates a series of cutting-edge contemporary and controversial case-studies... more
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      Information TechnologyComparative LawConstitutional LawMedia Studies
The Upper Information Rights Tribunal in the UK recently held that controllers not required by law to report data breaches are still subject to monetary penalties even if they voluntarily report a breach. The Information Commissioner’s... more
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      PrivacyPolitical ScienceInformation Technology LawInformation law
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      Public International LawInformation lawCyber LawCyber Security
Общая характеристика информационного права в Украине. Предмет, метод, основные институты, информационные отношения, развитие информационного законодательства.
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      Information SecurityInformation lawCyber LawInformation and Communication Technology Law
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceLawInformation Technology Law
It is not reasonable to discuss rights and justice in a society where human rights are not guaranteed and severely violated. Human rights are the most fundamental rights that have co-existed since the man's inception, and the supreme goal... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismInternational LawHuman Rights
BACKGROUND: Point 7 of the Rome Declaration is aimed at improving data sharing and technological and knowledge transfer as instruments to implement health policies. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the current paper is to understand if the... more
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      Information Technology LawInformation lawLaw and Health PolicyNagoya Protocol
İnsanların internet üzerinden diyalog ve farklı multimedya ürünleri paylaşımını sağlayan sosyal medya, sosyal hayatımızda önemli bir yere sahiptir. Özellikle son dönemlerde sosyal medya kişisel verilerin korunması, özel ve aile hayatının... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsSocial MediaPERSONAL DATA PROTECTION
Стаття присвячена аналізу змісту категорії «недостовірна інформація». Проаналізовано доктринальні погляди стосовно достовірності як загальної властивості інформації, факторів, що впливають на формування недостовірної інформації. Здійснено... more
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      Civil LawMedia LawInformation lawPersonal Non-Property Rights
The abstract is devoted to the contemporary issues of erga omnes obligations of Ukraine to prohibit illegal information and comparative analysis of the international law principles and Ukrainian legislation in this field.
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      Public International LawInformation lawCyber LawCyber Security
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      Internet LawPrivate lawInformation law
The first freedom of information law was enacted in Sweden back in 1766 as the “Freedom of the Press and the Right of Access to Public Records Act”. It sets an example even today. However, the “triumph” of the freedom of information did... more
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      Information TechnologyHuman RightsInformation lawPress Freedom
Dette kapitel om personlighedsret indgår i Lærebog i informationsret (2016, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag), som behandler en række immaterialretlige emner som ophavsret, persondataret, erhvervshemmelighedsbeskyttelse m.v.... more
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      Information lawCopyright LawPersonality RightsProtection of Personal Data
Information disclosure is a key principle of democratic and legitimate governance. It is an inevitable need for improving public policy decisions and stimulating citizen’s awareness to collectively produce high quality decisions. The... more
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      Decision MakingInformation lawKurdistanTransparency
No es infrecuente, al menos en el Derecho comparado, que las solicitudes de acceso a la información pública tengan por objeto el intercambio de correos electrónicos de empleados y cargos públicos. El examen de la casuística comparada e... more
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      AccountabilityInformation lawTransparency
Artigo publicado na "Rivista di diritto agrario", A. XCVIII (Fasc. 3/2019, pp. 586-613; assim como, na "Campo Jurídico: Revista de Direito Agroambiental e Teoria do Direito", Vol. 7, n.º 2, 2019, pp. 122-144.
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      Self RegulationInformation Technology LawEuropean Union LawInformation law
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      Information TechnologyCivil LawLibrary and Information SciencePERSONAL DATA PROTECTION
In this paper we present some aspects of an intelligent interface for a WWWeb legal information retrieval system. Our system is able to keep the context of the user interaction in order to supply suggestions for further refinement of the... more
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      Information Technology LawInformation lawNeural NetworkAutomatic Classification
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      Comparative LawInformation Technology LawMedia LawInformation law
REVISTA DE COMUNICACIÓN is the academic journal of the Faculty of Communication at the University of Piura. Disseminates scientific research in the field of communication since its inception in 2002.
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      MarketingEthicsJournalismPublic Opinion
El texto analiza las bases internacionales y constitucionales del derecho a la verdad en un régimen de justicia de transición, vinculándolo con el derecho de acceso a la información en poder del Estado. En busca de la efectividad de un... more
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      Information ScienceConstitutional LawInformation SecurityHuman Rights Law
Asked to edit and critically review the exchange between philosopher Rafael Capurro and Linda Treude on the concept of information, the below linked document presents the final version of the exchange, including my contributions to copy... more
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      Critical TheoryInformation SystemsSemioticsCultural History
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      Information lawResponsabilità CivilePrivate Law
The distinction between the right to privacy and other rights is important since it is possible to invade people’s privacy without infringing upon these other rights. It is crucial nowadays to examine the importance of the right to... more
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      Records ManagementFreedom of InformationE-GovernmentInformation law
This paper describes a work in progress within the evolving transactional learning environment at Glasgow Graduate School of Law and places this development within the wider context of our philosophy of professional legal education. The... more
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      Information Technology LawInformation law
Le tecnologie digitali hanno favorito l’emergere di nuove modalità di regolamentazione e di governance, in quanto consentono processi più decentrati di elaborazione, gestione e controllo dell’informazione. Allo stesso tempo tali... more
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      Information TechnologyComparative LawInformation Technology LawMedia Law
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      Information SocietyInformation lawContract law and Consumer ProtectionFinance and banking law