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The biogeography of Madagascar palms J o h n D r a n s f i e l d a n d M i j o r o R a k o t oa r i n i vo Madagascar has an extraordinary palm flora, diverse in species and evolutionary lines, a diversity that poses interesting... more
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Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is a salt and drought tolerant fruit crop mainly cultivated in Arabian countries. Shoot tip explants of offshoots were used traditionally for various micropropagation protocols on research or commercial... more
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      Plant Tissue CultureMicropropagation- Somatic EmbryogenesisDate Palm
Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is the third most important fruit crop after citrus and mango in Pakistan. This crop is found in all four provinces of Pakistan on 90,000 ha with a production of around 600,000 mt yr −1. Pakistan's... more
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      PakistanPlant Tissue CulturePostharvest Technology of DatesDate Palm Production Technology
Inflorescence-based micropropagation holds great potential for the multiplication of recalcitrant male and female date palm individual trees and culti-vars of commercial interests with limited populations. This can be accomplished in a... more
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      Plant Tissue CultureAgriculturePlant Tissue Culture and Genetic TransformationMicropropagation
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Alien plants may be reproductively limited in exotic habitats because of a lack of mutualistic pollinators. However, if plants are adequately served by generalist pollinators, successful reproduction, naturalisation and expansion into... more
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      EcologyPollinationInvasive SpeciesBiodiversity
El maíz nativo es de alta importancia debido a su rusticidad, amplia adaptación, tolerancia y resistencia a condiciones ambientales adversas; en Tamaulipas existen regiones agrícolas donde los cultivares utilizados no alcanzan a... more
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      AgroecosystemsTemperatureZea maysInflorescences
Portulaca is the only genus in Portulacaceae and includes ca. 100 species with worldwide distribution. Inflorescence types in Portulaca have been used as an important character in infrageneric classifications and it has been suggested... more
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      Phylogenetic SystematicsCharacter EvolutionInflorescences
Pterisanthes (Vitaceae) is a genus of c. 20 species of scandent climbers endemic to Southeast Asia with unusual lamellate inflorescences. Molecular phylogenetic analysis supports its relationship in the well-supported Vitis–... more
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      Comparative AnatomyEvolutionary BiologyMorphological evolutionScanning Electron Microscopy
The subtribe Melinidinae (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae) includes 14 genera that present the PCK photosynthetic subtype in addition to several other unique and also common characters. The purpose of this research was (1) to test the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsZoologyMolecular Evolution
Mattila, E. and Kuitunen, M. T. 2000. Nutrient versus pollination limitation in Platanthera bifolia and Dactylorhiza incarnata (Orchidaceae). -Oikos 89: 360 -366.
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Floral morphology, anatomy and histology were studied in representatives of all families of current Oxalidales, which were recently constituted as a result of molecular systematic studies by other authors, and are composed of families of... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhylogeneticsPlant BiologyTaxonomy
1 The egg-prepupal parasitoid Fopius arisanus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was evaluated in quarantine facilities as a potential biological control agent for the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) in California, U.S.A. 2... more
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      EvaluationBiological ControlBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Flowers Magnolias are a magnificent sight, which is appreciated as a symbol of Magnoliopsida. The morphology of Magnolias flowers creates the impression of their sudden appearance in fossils and in the course of evolution. Possible,... more
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Evidence from recent research combined with an evaluation of the literature indicates that Ariraema is adapted to pollination by fungus gnats. It apparently shares this peculiarity among aroids only with the distantly related genus... more
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      Plant BiologyAdaptationBiologyPollination
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of methyl jasmonate spraying on anthocyanin synthesis in florets of oriental hybrid lily cv. ’Sorbonne’ and its relationship with other qualified traits of cut flower. Two concentration... more
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      GrowthHybridsInflorescencesAgricultural communications
Avocado trees (Persea americana Mill.) bearing a heavy crop produce a light "off" bloom the next spring. This results in a light crop and a subsequent intense "on" bloom the year after. The objective of the study was to quantify the... more
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      TheInitiationInflorescencesCrop Yield
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      TaxonomyRiceRiver ValleysInflorescences
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      ZingiberalesFlower DevelopmentPlant MorphologyPhyllotaxy
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      Functional MorphologyBiologyMorphologyPlant Morphology
Lignin engineering is an attractive strategy to improve lignocellulosic biomass quality for processing to biofuels and other bio-based products. However, lignin engineering also results in profound metabolic consequences in the plant. We... more
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      GeneticsRenewable EnergyMetabolismSystems Biology
A study of the vertical distribution of flowering and fruit set and of components of yield (fruit numbers, fruit size, and fruit oil content) was maintained for 2 years in N–S- and E–W-oriented olive hedgerows of comparable structure (row... more
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Caracterização anatômica de folhas e inflorescências de espécies de Lavanda (Lamiaceae) utilizadas como medicinais no Brasil Charcacterization of the anatomy of leaves and inflorescenses of the Lavender species (Lamiaceae) used as... more
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Variations can be observed in pollinator assemblages of exotic species in response to changes in environment or to variables that did not receive much attention. This paper is the first approximation of the abundance of pollinator species... more
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      PollinationTemperatureSpecies DiversityPollinators
Miconia caluescens DC (Melastomataceae) is a dominant invasive species in the tropical oceanic island of Tahiti (French Polynesia, South Pacific Ocean), where it was introduced as an ornamental plant. Whereas this small tree is sparse in... more
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      Mating SystemsInvasive SpeciesPhenologyBiological Sciences
The inflorescences of the genus Nassauvia are analyzed following Troll’s comparative-morphological approach. Eight types of synflorescences are recognized, each defined by a particular combination of six developmental processes:... more
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      Plant BiologyInflorescences
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      ZoologyTaxonomyMorphologyNew Zealand
The circumscription and phylogenetic position of the tribe Durioneae (Bombacaceae or /Malvaceae/Helicteroideae) was investigated by supplementing a previously published ndhF data set. The present analysis supports a narrow conception of... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhylogeneticsPlant BiologyEvolution
Dwarf dogwoods (or the bunchberries) are the only suffrutex in Cornaceae. They are attractive ground cover ornamentals with clusters of small flowers surrounded by petaloid bracts. Little has been reported on plant regeneration of... more
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      RegenerationPlant BiologyMorphologyEvolution
Phylogenetic relationships in the tribe Millettieae and allies in the subfamily Papilionoideae (Leguminosae) were reconstructed from chloroplast trnK/matK sequences. Sixty-two accessions representing 57 traditionally recognized genera of... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhylogeneticsBiotechnologyPlant Biology
The content of free sugars and the activities of enzymes involved in carbon metabolism-sucrose synthase, acid and alkaline invertase, phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase, malic enzyme and isocitrate dehydrogenase were determined during seed... more
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      PhytochemistryMedicinal PlantsBiological SciencesSeed Development
Inflorescence, apical and lateral buds of Musa balbisiana 'Kluai Hin' (BBB group) were used to culture on MS medium supplemented with 22 µM BA and 15% (v/v) coconut water. Comparison of bud orientation showed that the best response of in... more
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      Tissue cultureOrientationAcclimatizationInflorescences
Etlingera elatior are large ginger plants growing in clumps. rhizomes are stout, strongly aromatic and found just below ground level. crushed leaves emit a pleasant sour fragrance which is distinctive of the species. leaves are entirely... more
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      PharmacologyPhytochemistryComplementary and Alternative MedicinePlant Biology
Sex determination in maize is controlled by a developmental cascade leading to the formation of unisexual florets derived from an initially bisexual floral meristem. Abortion of pistil primordia in staminate florets is controlled by a... more
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Evidence from recent research combined with an evaluation of the literature indicates that Ariraema is adapted to pollination by fungus gnats. It apparently shares this peculiarity among aroids only with the distantly related genus... more
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      Plant BiologyAdaptationBiologyPollination
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      Plant BiologyOntogenyInflorescences
W arm-season turfgrass production in the United States is dominated by two species, bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. var. dactylon] and St. Augustinegrass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze]. Other warm-season species have... more
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      Plant MorphologyCrop ScienceHeritabilitySpikes
One hundred and eight species ofCecidomyiinae (Cecidomyiidae) were found in association with 53 species of plant distributed among 42 genera and 32 families at restingas of Barra de Marica, ltaipua~u and Carapebus. Ninety four gall midge... more
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Caracterização anatômica de folhas e inflorescências de espécies de Lavanda (Lamiaceae) utilizadas como medicinais no Brasil Charcacterization of the anatomy of leaves and inflorescenses of the Lavender species (Lamiaceae) used as... more
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Background and aims-In Cyperaceae, the single-ovuled, usually triangular gynoecia are widely considered to have a basic number of three carpels, often reduced to two, resulting in dimerous pistils. However, laterally flattened dimerous... more
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      Plant BiologyPlant Developmental BiologyCyperaceaeInflorescences
Efficient shoot bud formation (94.5  7.59%), in vitro regeneration and production of flowers were obtained from sterile plants of Begonia x hiemalis Fotsch. An in vitro regeneration was attempted using immature reproductive organs, which... more
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      Plant BiologyPlant MorphologyTissue culturePeat
A new species of Asclepiadaceae, Gymnema kollimalayanum A. Ramachandran & M.B.Viswan., sp. nov. is described here from the Kollihills in the Eastern Ghats of Peninsular India. Th is species is allied to G. hirsutum Wight & Arn. by habit,... more
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      Plant BiologyTaxonomyPlant MorphologyInflorescences
Phytophagous insects choose their feeding resources according to their own requirements, but their feeding preferences in the semiarid Caatinga have rarely been studied. Flowering trees leads to a greater diversity of flower visitors and... more
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      PhenologyPlant ScienceInflorescenceschlorophyll Content
We have studied the influence of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, on the pollination of Euphorbia characias, a deciduous insectpollinated shrub. The observations were made in two adjacent areas (invaded and non-invaded by L. humile)... more
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      EcologyPollinationReproductive SuccessBiological Invasion
Due to altered ecological and evolutionary contexts, we might expect the responses of alien plants to environmental gradients, as revealed through patterns of trait variation, to differ from those of the same species in their native... more
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      EcologyInvasive SpeciesGrowthPopulations
Experiment took place in the open field in the Vegetable Experimental Station of Agricultural University near Cracow in the years 2008-2010. In the experiment twelve, polish-bred determinate tomato cultivars: were used. In the end of... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyImage AnalysisMorphology
Additional index words. mutation breeding, ornamental plant breeding, Sorghastrum nutans Abstract. Immature inflorescences of a Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash selection were cultured on CCm medium with 5 mgÁL -1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic... more
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      HorticultureTissue cultureMutagenesisInflorescence
A b-glucosidase that cleaves the biologically inactive hormone conjugates cytokinin-O-and kinetin-N3-glucosides is encoded by the maize Zm-p60.
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      BiotechnologyPlant BiologyPollinationGene expression
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      ZingiberalesFlower DevelopmentPlant MorphologyPlant morphology and anatomy