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This is a slightly revised version of my doctoral thesis, in which I have attempted to assemble all the available evidence on the genesis and early development of the directional guardians in Indian culture (mainly Brahmanical / Hindu).... more
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      IconographyHistory of ReligionSouth Asian StudiesSouth Asian Archaeology
Food for Thought.
The laments of Architects and the dire need for a up haul in a profession boxed by Engineers and Developers.

India. 21st century. Existential crisis of Architects
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      ArchitectureDesign Process (Architecture)Indian architectureProfessional practice in Architecture
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      Indian ArtIndian art and architecture
The chapter has been published in the book, History of Bangladesh, Sultanate and Mughal Periods (c. 1200 to 1800 CE), Vol 1, Political History edited by Abdul Momin Chowdhury. It is a chapter on the urban process took place in the Nawabi... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryCultural HeritageUrban History
Hiran Minar is yet another masterpiece of mughal architecture. Unique in design, pattern and setting, the monument adds a glorious chapter to the mughals, their love for building edifices of great strength and grandeur of noble simplicity... more
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      ArchaeologySoutheast Asian StudiesArchitectureMughal History
Are the temples at Khajuraho a true
representation of Nagara style?
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      Indian art and architectureIndian Temple Architecture
The essay explains the urgency of the need to reconsider cognitive categories in the definition, classification and hierarchisation of arts; to rebuild the crumbling bridges between life and arts, culture and development; and, to read the... more
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      Indian folk art and folkloreIndian tribal art and cultureModern and Contemporary Indian ArtIndian Art History
The Kalachuris , more than any other mediaeval Central Indian dynasty, made unique, and atleast the most extensive contribution to the shaping of mediaeval Central Indian art.They survived the longest in known history, from the 6th to the... more
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      Art HistoryIndian Archaeology and History of ArtReligion and Art, Sanskrit Studies, Sanskrit Aesthetics, Indian Philosophy, Indian Music, Dance and ArtsArcheology and history of art and architecture of the Indian world;
The city of Chandigarh, India, has received considerable interest since its design and construction in the early 1950s, mainly due to Le Corbusier’s involvement in the scheme. More recent work has begun to critically examine the planning... more
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      Modernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)HousingModern ArchitectureSocial Housing
Devi Prasad (1921–2011), India’s pioneering artist-potter, visionary educationist and pacifist, joined Santiniketan, India’s premier art school in 1938 when founder Rabindranath Tagore was still involved with the institution. At... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesEarly Childhood EducationCeramics (Ceramics)Peace Movements
This paper, published in the International Journal of Arts and Sciences Vol. 8(8), January 2016, is an exposition into findings related to the dwellings of Rabindranath Tagore, at Santiniketan in Bengal, India. Tagore, one of modern... more
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      Architectural HistorySubaltern StudiesHistory and Theory of Modern ArchitectureRabindranath Tagore
Bhairava is a wrathful form of Shiva, the destroyer of Kala (time), whose form inspires both fear and awe. Idols of Bhairavas are found across Shaivite and Shakta temples all over India, mostly as a Dwarpala. There also exist independent... more
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      Modern Indian HistoryMedieval Indian HistoryAncient Indian HistoryIndian art and architecture
The iconographic production of the Tamil Nāyaka kingdoms, apart from the Vijayanagara influences and the heritage of the earlier dynasties who ruled in the area (e.g. the Pāṇḍyas and the Cōḷas), as well as to remoter traditions, both... more
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      Indian studiesSouth Asian StudiesSouth AsiaIndian Politics
This book addresses a series of ‘confrontations’: occasions of dynamic exchange and interaction between historical agents and the social and material contexts that defined the lived and intellectual spaces in which they operated.... more
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      BuddhismHinduismJainismMaterial Culture Studies
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      Medieval Indian HistoryPersian and Indian Miniature PaintingIndian Archaeology and History of ArtIndian art and architecture
This work sets out to explore the role played by Pierre Jeanneret in the design and construction of the city of Chandigarh between 1951-65. In the enormous task of anchoring the Chandigarh project Jeanneret played the role as faithful... more
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      ArchitectureCharles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris (Le Corbusier)Modern ArchitectureModernism in India (Architecture)
A review of Kalighat painting. An excursus of the main factors which characterized the Kalighat painting, its history and its style.
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      Indian ArtIndiaHistory of Indian PaintingHistory of Indian Art
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      BuddhismJainismComparative LiteratureArt History
The seventeenth century is regarded as the golden age of Mughal rule on the Indian subcontinent. Mughal painting and architecture drew on existing Islamic traditions, but augmented these by using elements that had seldom been seen before... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryArchitectureHistory of Religion
Published in 2000 to accompany Power and Desire, an exhibition drawn from the San Diego Museum of Art's collection of South Asian Paintings, this article looks at a selection of courtly paintings to analyse the gestures, postures, seating... more
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      History of ArtIndian art and architecture
Among the works acquired by the French military officer Jean-Baptiste Gentil (1726-99) during his tenure in India was a group of architectural studies known today as the Palais Indiens (1774). Painted on hand-fabricated graph paper, these... more
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      History of Architectural RepresentationMughal ArchitectureArchitectural RepresentationMughal Art
This is an account of the stylistic development in Indian Sculpture and includes the early developments in Bharhut, Sanchi, Amravati and allied sites and later developments in what is classified as 'Gupta Art'. It offers chronological... more
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      Historiography (in Art History)Indian ArtIndian Archaeology and History of ArtHistory of Art and Architecture
nil Relia, nato a Surat in Gujarat nel 1957, è oggi conosciuto in tutta l'India per la sua prestigiosa collezione di ritratti 1 . Il peculiare interesse per questo genere pittorico risale alla sua infanzia quando collezionava per diletto... more
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      South Asian StudiesPortraitureSouth Asian ArtIndian Art
A scientific inquiry of vernacular space invariably encounters obstacles of its own making. An analysis based on breaking down and isolating each property misses the totality of lived space. This paper compares two cities in India built... more
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      Urban StudiesMarxist theoryIndian art and architecture
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      HinduismIndian PhilosophyIndian studiesIndian Art
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      Mughal ArchitectureMughal IndiaMughal paintingPondicherry
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      Chinese StudiesIndian studiesIranian StudiesHistory of Iran
Photographs taken during the First War of Independence in Agra
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      British ImperialismHistory of photographyBritish Imperial and Colonial HistoryMughal Architecture
The Past as Present: Pedagogical Practices in Architecture at the Bombay School of Art by Mustansir Dalvi Published by Sir JJ College of Architecture & The Urban Design Research Institute 2016 ISBN : 978-93-81444-13-9 ABSTRACT From the... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectural EducationArts Education and PedagogyIndia
This thesis critically surveys heritage management in present day India and the legislative apparatus that underpins it. Keeping within the Indian context, the research seeks to verify the suitability of the strategies that are upheld by... more
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      Cultural HeritageSouth Asian StudiesHistoric PreservationColonialism
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      Byzantine LiteratureBuddhist IconographyByzantine ArchitectureAncient Indian Architecture
Punjab Arts Council building at Chandigarh in the exposed brick face is an exemplar of enduring grandeur. After 33 years of its construction, the building still retains its original elegance and looks as charming as it ever was. Credit... more
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      Modern ArchitectureIndian art and architectureModern Indian Architecture
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      Indian ArtIndiaReproductive LaborModern and Contemporary Indian Art
In this review criticism is offered against the incorrect attribution of imitation of Graeco-Roman classicism, derivative character, inferior conception and execution, to Indian pillar order and architecture. A demonstration is given of... more
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      History of Indian Temple Architecture, HistoriographyIndian and South Asian HistoriographyIndian art and architectureIndian Temple Architecture
A short account of portraits of royal family of Pallavas at Mamallapura.
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      Indian art and architectureIndian Temple SculpturesPallava art
Since time immemorial, the people of India have always adored wood as a suitable plastic medium in their daily-life. The easy availability and ready tractability of the material was greatly used by the artists and craftsmen of this... more
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      Indian ArtWoodcarvingIndian folk art and folkloreIndian tribal art and culture
On 11 Nov. 2017, under the auspices of the Indian Embassy in Rome, ISAS, the Institute of South Asian Studies & ISMEO – International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, brought together Indologists and art historians from... more
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      HistoryIndian studiesSouth Asian StudiesSouth Asian History
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      Philosophy Of ReligionIndian PhilosophyIndian studiesIndian Art
This is a popular article discussing the information about Early Chalukyan artisans from two recently discovered Chalukyan quarries near the World Heritage site of Pattadakallu.
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      Indian TemplesAncient Indian ArchitectureHindu templesFamous Architects and Their Works
अशोक भौमिक 'भारतीय कला इतिहास की सब से महत्वपूर्ण रचना' सिंधुघाटी से मिली नर्तकी की मूर्ति से लेकर आज तक की चित्रकला और मूर्तिकला के इतिहास से बेशुमार उदाहरण पेश करते हैं . अश्लीलता का आरोप झेल रहे हुसैन के अनेक चर्चित चित्रों से... more
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    • Indian art and architecture
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      Indian studiesModern Indian HistoryIndian ArtIndian Modernism (Art)
L’immagine della caverna ha rivestito una importanza fondamentale nelle rappresentazioni mitico-simboliche di molte civiltà antiche (sia orientali che occidentali), caricandosi di numerose valenze che offrono diversi livelli di lettura.... more
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      Indian studiesSouth AsiaIndian ArtSIMBOLISMO
Link to tour recordings: I was engaged by the Columbia Museum of Art to provide discussions on five works of art for the Multimedia TAP Tour of the exhibition, Visions from India:... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtVisual CultureModern and Contemporary Indian Art
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      Indian studiesReligious StudiesIndian architectureIndian religions
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      BuddhismIndian Archaeology and History of ArtJavanese studiesSoutheast Asian Art History
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