Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives
Recent papers in Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives
Individual choice behavior usually involves a complex decision-making process, and is often contextdependent reflecting the influence of choice environment and the fact that the individual has limited information processing ability and... more
In this paper we introduce a new flexible mixed model for multinomial discrete choice where the key individual-and alternative-specific parameters of interest are allowed to follow an assumptionfree nonparametric density specification... more
This paper reconsiders the discussion on ordinal utilities versus preference intensities in voting theory. It is shown by way of an example that arguments concerning observability and riskattitudes that have been presented in favour of... more
Modern-day environmental policies or programs, such as watershed ecosystem restoration, are designed to improve multiple ecosystem services and consist of multiple components or parts. The valuation of such policies or programs should... more
The feasibility of new shopping centers is largely related to their relative location and spending power in the trade area. Commercial developers, retailers, and retail planners need information about the likely impact of new retail... more
We study how to evaluate allocations independently of individual preferences over unavailable commodities. We prove impossibility results suggesting that such evaluations encounter serious difficulties. This is related to the well-known... more
Social choice theory understands a voting rule as a mapping from preferences over possible outcomes to a specific choice or choices. However, actual election procedures often do not have this structure. Rather, in a typical election,... more
Researchers and analysts are increasingly using mixed logit models for estimating responses to forecast demand and to determine the factors that affect individual choices. These models are interesting in that they allow for taste... more
OLS becomes inefficient. Determination of wages generally causes a high correlation between the non-observable characteristics affecting wages and those that simultaneously determine the sector in which the individuals are currently... more
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is proposed in this paper to generate local weights of alternatives from pair-wise comparison judgment matrices used in the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The underlying assumption behind the approach is... more
for comments and suggestions. Financial support through a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada is gratefully acknowledged.
Several recent studies of voter choice in multiparty elections point to the advantages of multinomial probit (MNP) relative to multinomial/conditional logit (MNL). We compare the MNP and MNL models and argue that the simpler logit is... more
Overcoming the independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA) property of the basic Multinomial Logit (MNL) model is a major research issue in the field of discrete choice modelling. In recent years, several approaches have been developed... more
Arrow's celebrated theorem of social choice shows that the aggregation of individual preferences into a social ordering cannot make the ranking of any pair of alternatives depend only on individual preferences over that pair, unless the... more
We characterize the Nash bargaining solution replacing the axiom of Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives with three independent axioms: Independence of Non-Individually Rational Alternatives, Twisting, and Disagreement Point Convexity.... more
Individual choice behavior usually involves a complex decision-making process, and is often contextdependent reflecting the influence of choice environment and the fact that the individual has limited information processing ability and... more
Given sound theoretical underpinnings, the random utility maximization-based conditional logit model (CLM) serves as the principal method for applied research on industrial location decisions. Studies that implement this methodology,... more
Single-peaked preferences have played an important role in the literature ever since they were used by Black (1948) to formulate a domain restriction that is sufficient for theexclusion of cycles according to the majority rule. In this... more
The article considers the construction of social welfare functions when the set of alternatives is the two-dimensional nonnegative orthant, as would be the case if there are two divisible public goods which can be consumed in any... more
Several recent studies of voter choice in multiparty elections point to the advantages of multinomial probit (MNP) relative to multinomial/conditional logit (MNL). We compare the MNP and MNL models and argue that the simpler logit is... more
Nested logit is increasingly advocated as a tool of recreational demand and benefit estimation. The intent of this short monograph is to lay out, in a simple fashion, the theory behind the nested-logit model of site choice and the... more
for comments and suggestions. Financial support through a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada is gratefully acknowledged.
Such inter-brand effects may depend on the specific strategy followed by a firm. For example, a firm may target a particular brand to exploit its vulnerability or to avoid direct competition with other brands. Or a firm may design its... more
This paper develops a general multiperiod-multinomial probit model for panel data to estimate the living arrangements of the elderly. The model has the following features:
Rational choice theory commonly assumes that the presence of unselected choices cannot impact which among the remaining choices is selected-often referred to as independence of irrelevant alternatives. We show that such seemingly... more
This paper concerns voting with logical consequences, which means that anybody voting for an alternative x should vote for the logical consequences of x as well. Similarly, the social choice set is also supposed to be closed under logical... more
This paper develops an extension of the classical multinomial logit model which approximates a class of models obtained when there is uncontrolled taste variation across agents and choices in addition to the stochastic noise inherent in... more
The class of bargaining solutions that are defined on the domain of finite sets of alterna- tives and satisfy Weak Pareto Optimality (WPO), Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA) and Covariance (COV), is characterized. These... more
In spatial environments, we consider social welfare functions satisfying Arrow's requirements. i.e., weak Pareto and independence of irrelevant alternatives. When the policy space os a one-dimensional continuum, such a welfare... more
This paper introduces two-player bargaining problems allowing for asymmetric subjective uncertainty about factors that determine whether agreement is achieved, focusing on surprising events, i.e. events believed possible by only one... more
This paper develops an extension of the classical multinomial logit model which approximates a class of models obtained when there is uncontrolled taste variation across agents and choices in addition to the stochastic noise inherent in... more
This article summarizes the cumulative progress of a cognitive-dynamical approach to decision making and preferential choice called decision field theory. This review includes applications to (a) binary decisions among risky and uncertain... more
In the Desert Uplands region of Central Queensland, many pastoralists are clearing vegetation in order to improve cattle grazing production. A choice modelling study was undertaken to provide estimates of the bene¢ts of retaining remnant... more
This paper questions the alleged superiority of superlative prices indices (like the Fisher index) over more standard base year indices (like the Laspeyre index) as measures of changes in the "cost of living" (COL). The primary basis of... more
This study provides a Bayesian investigation of rank-ordered multinominal logit models employing conjugate priors for standard multinomial logit models as well as other priors. Also considered is a specification test of the independence... more
The purpose of this note is to show that there is no necessary relationship between the independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA) property and stochastic independence of the errors in probabilistic choice models.
This paper analyzes implementable social choice functions (in dominant strategies) over restricted domains of preferences, the leading example being combinatorial auctions. Our work generalizes the characterization of who showed that... more
This paper analyzes implementable social choice functions (in dominant strategies) over restricted domains of preferences, the leading example being combinatorial auctions. Our work generalizes the characterization of who showed that... more
In one-dimensional environments with single-peaked preferences we consider social welfare functions satisfying Arrow's requirements, i.e. weak Pareto and independence of irrelevant alternatives. When the policy space is a onedimensional... more
En este artículo se examinan las preferencias declaradas de los consumidores hacia las nueces, mediante un experimento de elección, con un doble objetivo: primero, identificar los atributos más relevantes para el consumidor a la hora de... more