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If our relationship to the technology is usually instrumental, in artistic activity the technique becomes a possibility for accidents, bug and dysfunction.
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      Bernard StieglerMartin HeideggerAccidentIncident
Our planet experiences falls of meteorites with different airburst and ground impact risk. Some of these meteors can survive after the atmospheric passage and fall into the ground. Although there are claims that people were hit and killed... more
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of SciencePhenomenologyHistory of Astronomy
Organizations' Information Systems (IS) are subject to various IS incidents. Organizations' efforts for preparing for, mitigating impact of and recovering from incidents, including those caused by IS incidents, are commonly called... more
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      Information SystemsInformation SecurityComputer SecurityIncident
Background: While the main concern of Iran has been the risk of drought, and the Iranian authorities are always trying to find the solutions and prepare projects for the supply of their citizens' water, this country suddenly experienced a... more
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      Climate ChangeHealthIncidentFlood
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      BusinessNursingCommunicationOrganizational Communication
The phenomenal growth and success of Internet has changed the way traditional essential services such as banking, transportation, medicine, education and defence are operated. Now they are being progressively replaced by cheaper and more... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SocietyEconomic GrowthVulnerability
Abstract: The local farmer preserves the farm produce either by drying over the cooking tripod flue or by the use of natural sunlight. The quantity of produce that can be accommodated over the cooking flue is limited and the traditional... more
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      IncidentTransparencyTrackingKey words
Aim: Suicide is the leading cause of non-accidental death in Spain across both sexes and all age groups; however, data on suicide attempts by region are heterogeneous and little reported. This study aimed to examine the socio-demographic... more
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      EpidemiologyIncidentHospitalEmergency Departments
Organizations' Information Systems (IS) are subject to various IS incidents. Organizations' efforts for preparing for, mitigating impact of and recovering from incidents, including those caused by IS incidents, are commonly called as... more
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      Information SystemsInformation SecurityComputer SecurityIncident
Es handelt sich bei diesem Text um die Einführung in den Band "Zeit zählt" des Chicagoer Soziologen Andrew Abbott und skizziert die Grundzüge seines Werks. Abbott ist zeit seines Forscherlebens auf der Suche nach einer... more
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      SociologySociological TheoryIncidentSoziologie
Organizations' Information Systems (IS) are subject to various IS incidents. Organizations' efforts for preparing for, mitigating impact of and recovering from incidents, including those caused by IS incidents, are commonly called... more
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      Information SystemsInformation SecurityComputer SecurityIncident
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      EngineeringPlasma PhysicsOncologyRadiology