Image Processions
Recent papers in Image Processions
On April 25, 2004 at 21.30 hrs local time on the second leg of his procession through Lalitpur, Nepal, the ceremonial chariot carrying the so-called ’Red Matsyendranātha’ fell on its side and its crown touched the ground. This meant the... more
This article, published in the Bollettino della Deputazione di Storia Patria per l'Umbria (vol. 103, 2006), focuses on a special gonfalone painted by Niccolò di Liberatore in 1466 for the confraternity of the Annunziata in Perugia.... more
Pilgrimage and Faith: Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam explores pilgrimage as experienced in Buddhist, Christian, and Muslim faith communities. It addresses shared goals of personal development and communal solidarity as deep human... more
The genesis of world religions necessitates an integration process with contemporary local society, political enterprises, and cultural institutions. Through the study of a foreign religious festival in a historical period, this study... more
O. SERGI, “’A Cunfrùnta e ‘A Parrèra”. Le antiche processioni di Pasqua a Catanzaro. Espressioni di “fede” tra liturgia, pietà popolare e identità dei luoghi, in «Obiettivo Calabria», XLVII, 2, 2009, pp. 56 - 59. Rivista bimestrale della... more
... 25 In 1708 (828 NS) a man who climbed on top of the chariot's pinnacle fell and died. ... fell at a place called Na, just after leaving Phulchowk, allegedly breaking up entirely (Adhikari 2004) and within a month, on June 1st the... more