Recent papers in Iguanas
Female green iguanas, Iguana iguana, were caught in Belize, Central America (17"N), in December, at the onset of seasonal gonadal activity. The animals were immediately transferred to San Diego (32"N). Ovarian follicular development... more
The iguana had a history of coelomic cavity distention and anorexia of 2 days in duration. The iguana became acutely depressed, lethargic, and dehydrated, which is an atypical occurrence associated with simple anorexia of a few days'... more
Cryptosporidium infection was associated with colitis and cystitis in 2 green iguanas (Iguana iguana). The disease was characterized by a chronic clinical course of cloacal prolapses and cystitis. Histological examination of the gut and... more
The Fijian crested iguana (Brachylophus vitiensis) is restricted to tropical dry forest habitat and has been extirpated from over 80% of its original range primarily because of habitat destruction. A large population on Yadua Taba island... more
INTRODUCCIÓN: La Iguana negra es una especie endémica de México, su distribución es bastante amplia, encontrándose desde Sinaloa hasta Chiapas, también en los estados de Durango, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Morelos Guerrero,... more
The widespread montane Mexican horned lizard Phrynosoma orbiculare (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae) represents an ideal species to investigate the relative impacts of Neogene vicariance and Quaternary climate change on lineage diversification... more
Guide to Lizards is an essential directory to more than 300 lizard species, including readily available terrarium choices plus dozens of seldom seen and rare species that are of great interest to hobbyists and travelers alike. Written by... more
We observed a Ctenosaura pectinata (Wiegmann, 1834) (Western Spiny-tailed Iguana /
Carotenoids have received much attention from biologists because of their ecological and evolutionary implications in vertebrate biology. We sampled Galápagos land iguanas (Conolophus subcristatus) to investigate the types and levels of... more
The persistence of reptile populations in a specific location is influenced by individuals' capacity to regulate their body temperatures, among other factors. Anthropogenic climate change may pose a risk to the survival of ectothermic... more
While Quaternary climatic changes are considered by some to have been a major factor promoting speciation within the neotropics, others suggest that much of the neotropical species diversity originated before the Pleistocene. Using... more
Iguaninae is a monophyletic taxon of tetrapodous squamates (lizards) that can be distinguished from other iguanians by at least five synapomorphies. Skeletal variation within Iguaninae is described and forms the basis of systematic... more
Unlike extant birds and mammals, most non-avian theropods had large muscular tails, with muscle arrangements similar to those of modern reptiles. Examination of ornithomimid and tyrannosaurid tails revealed sequential diagonal scarring on... more
Multiple subcutaneous masses from two sibling bearded dragons were removed. Nodules were well demarcated, restricted to the subcutis, and soft, white to yellow, resembling adipose tissue. Histologically, the masses were composed of short... more
The Paris Natural History Museum herpetological collection (MNHN-RA) has seven historical specimens of Brachylophus spp. collected late in the 18<sup>th</sup> and early in the 19th centuries. Brachylophus fasciatus was... more
We compared the natural ultraviolet B (UV-B) exposure, dietary vitamin D, and skin-generated vitamin D synthesis for adult males of two species of Jamaican anoles. The more shadetolerant and thermal-conforming Anolis lineotopus merope,... more
The reptile Iguana iguana exhibits four states of vigilance: active wakefulness (AW), quiet wakefulness (QW), quiet sleep (QS) and active sleep (AS). Cerebral activity decreases in amplitude and frequency when passing from wakefulness to... more
The generally accepted framework for the evolution of a key feature of the avian respiratory system, unidirectional airflow, is that it is an adaptation for efficiency of gas exchange and expanded aerobic capacities, and therefore it has... more
"Originally published in 1992, Giant Lizards is a bestselling reference held in high regard within every level of the herpetological community for its authoritative and thorough coverage of lizard biology. Now in a completely revised... more
We collected ectoparasites from 27 of 51 wild-caught, free-ranging exotic reptiles examined in Florida from 2003 to 2008. Sampled animals represented eight species, Þve of which yielded ectoparasites. Reported new parasite distribution... more
The effects of the direct interaction between hybridization and speciation-two major contrasting evolutionary processes-are poorly understood. We present here the evolutionary history of the Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus... more
The histological and physiological effects of the removal of superficial corneous epidermal materials have been studied in several squamate species and a caiman. The gross and microscopic anatomy of the squamate integument has... more
The persistence of reptile populations in a specific location is influenced by individuals' capacity to regulate their body temperatures, among other factors. Anthropogenic climate change may pose a risk to the survival of ectothermic... more
We compared the natural ultraviolet B (UV-B) exposure, dietary vitamin D, and skin-generated vitamin D synthesis for adult males of two species of Jamaican anoles. The more shadetolerant and thermal-conforming Anolis lineotopus merope,... more
Little is known regarding the ultrastructure of the genus Fallisia (Apicomplexa: Haemosporina: Garniidae). This report describes the fine structure of some developmental stages of Fallisia audaciosa that infect neutrophils in the... more
Background: Melioidosis caused by Burkholderia (B.) pseudomallei is an endemic zoonotic disease mainly reported from northern Australia and Southeast Asia. In Europe, cases of human melioidosis have been reported only from patients... more
A two-phase cross-over therapeutic study was performed with 19 green iguanas (Iguana iguana) maintained within a preferred optimum temperature range of 26 to 37 degrees C. During phase 1, they were fed a normal vegetarian diet and... more
Objective To assess the cardiovascular e¡ects (arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and metabolic acidb ase status) of three doses (MAC multiples) of iso£urane alone and combined with butorphanol in the green iguana (Iguana iguana). Study... more
The El Niñ o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a major source of climatic disturbance, impacting the dynamics of ecosystems worldwide. Recent models predict that human-generated rises in green-house gas levels will cause an increase in the... more