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Lichen Planus (LP)is an inflammatory and uncommon dermatosis with an unknown etiology. Morphology, Pruritic, Polygonal, Purple (violaceous), Plane (flat topped), Papules (5Ps) with Wickhams striae on surface. Most common sites are wrists... more
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    • Marketing Research
Dr. Chitram Umashankar. (2024). Modern Theories Related with Homoeopathic Drug Action. In DD Banerjee Augmented Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy (4th Edition) (pp. 653–659). B. JAIN PUBLISHERS (P) LTD. INDIA—USA—EUROPE.
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      HomoeopathyScientific Basis of Homoeopathy
Background: Traumatic injury is a global issue that affects millions of people, accounting for 9% of deaths and 12% of the disease burden. Unintentional injuries, such as those caused by firearms, represent the majority of trauma cases.... more
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      HomoeopathyHomoeopathy in autoimmune diseaseScientific Basis of Homoeopathy
A 22-year-old female with polycystic ovary disease (PCOD) reported irregular menstrual cycles for one year. Previously healthy, she experienced periods for three months, six months, three months without, and three months without.... more
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      HomoeopathyHomoeopathyHomoeopathyPsychiatry, Homeopathy
A 22-year-old female with polycystic ovary disease (PCOD) reported irregular menstrual cycles for one year. Previously healthy, she experienced periods for three months, six months, three months without, and three months without.... more
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      HomoeopathyHomoeopathyHomoeopathyPsychiatry, Homeopathy
A 22-year-old female with polycystic ovary disease (PCOD) reported irregular menstrual cycles for one year. Previously healthy, she experienced periods for three months, six months, three months without, and three months without.... more
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      HomoeopathyHomoeopathyHomoeopathyPsychiatry, Homeopathy
This is a brief in spanish translated from english: Una experiencia que estimula los sentidos: aquí Aquí tienes un resumen detallado de The Biochemic Handbook, incluyendo las propiedades, beneficios, modo de uso y contraindicaciones de... more
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      Alternative MedicineHealing
Background Prior vaccination is often studied for its impact on individuals' postinfection prognosis. Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) medicines, advised by the Government of India as prophylaxis during the first wave... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyHomeopathyMedicinePandemic Influenza
Dreams are defined as "a restorative process that is brain state-regulated, reversible, and homeostatic, integrated within both circadian and social-physiological structures, and characterized by a speciesspecific quiescent posture, a... more
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      Dreams (Psychology)DreamsHolistic ApproachesHomoeopathy
Skin diseases significantly impact global health, with prevalence influenced by intrinsic factors (age, gender, genetics) and extrinsic factors (geography, climate, socioeconomic conditions). In tropical regions like North Kerala,... more
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    • Homoeopathy
Background: Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that negatively impacts physical and mental health, as well as overall quality of life. Conventional treatments for insomnia often involve pharmacological interventions, which may lead to... more
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      InsomniaHomoeopathic MedicineHomoeopathyInsomnia Assessment
Anaemia, defined as a reduced haemoglobin concentration, is associated with increased perinatal mortality, increased child morbidity and mortality, impaired mental development, impaired immune competence, increased susceptibility to lead... more
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      Health EconomicsPublic HealthPublic Policy
Diabetes Mellitus and its complications are clinical conditions of growing importance both from the clinical as well as epidemiological standpoint. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) occurs either because of a lack of Insulin or because of the... more
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      DiabetesDiabetes Mellitus and Its ComplicationsType 2 DiabetesTherapeutics
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The term 'eczema' derives from the Greek word 'to boil'and is synonymous with the other descriptive term, 'dermatitis'. Eczema describes a clinical and histological pattern, which can be acute or chronic and has severalcauses. Curative... more
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Background and Objective: Homoeopathy is one of the various alternative systems of medicine prevalent in India. A survey was conducted during the month of January–February 2017 in a congregation at Sangam, Allahabad, to know about the... more
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      Travel MedicineHomoeopathyMass Gathering Medicine
In this study, Chelidonium and Colchicum emerged as particularly potent, significantly inhibiting Sclerotium rolfsii mycelial growth and reducing sclerotial formation compared to the control, while Acidium phosphoricum showed a very low... more
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To compare the difference between primary homoeopathic and conventional paediatric care in treating acute illnesses in children in their first 24 months of life. One hundred eight Indian singleton newborns delivered at 37 to 42 weeks... more
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Diabetes mellitus is chronic disorder. Due to poor diabetes control leads to one of the complications like neurological impairment because of which there may be ulceration over the foot and legs called as Diabetic foot ulcer. Most of the... more
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    • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
A major clinical problem that still affects 8 to 12% of couples globally, infertility and issues with diminished fecundity have long been a cause for worry. Approximately 35% of the cases of infertility result from deficiencies associated... more
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A major clinical problem that still affects 8 to 12% of couples globally, infertility and issues with diminished fecundity have long been a cause for worry. Approximately 35% of the cases of infertility result from deficiencies associated... more
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This is a case study of a male patient who came with the complaint of pain and yellowish non offensive mucoid discharge and occasionally bloody discharge from right ear on and off in nature since 1 year but aggravated since 3 months, .... more
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      Repertory StudiesEar Nose and ThroatHomoeopathyScope
Background Adhesive capsulitis, commonly referred to as "frozen shoulder," is a debilitating musculoskeletal condition characterized by pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion in the shoulder joint. The present study aimed to... more
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      SHOULDER PAINAdhesive CapsulitisFrozen ShoulderGrip strength
ADHD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which is very common neurodevelopmental disorder. This case report signifies how individualistic holistic Homoeopathic similimum cured a male child of 3 years with ADHD and speech delay... more
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      ADHD (Psychology)AudiologyHomoeopathic MedicineHomoeopathy
Post Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating mental health condition that often results from exposure to traumatic events, leading to symptoms such as intrusive memories, emotional numbing, hypervigilance, and avoidance.... more
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      Post traumatic stress disorderScientific Basis of Homoeopathy
Background: In addition to conventional teaching-learning techniques, the educational system employs a variety of student-centered techniques. Enquiry-Based Learning (EBL) represent pedagogical methods focused on self-directed inquiry or... more
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      Educational ResearchHomoeopathic MedicineHomoeopathy
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common degenerative joint disease that often leads to pain and decreased quality of life, primarily affecting the knee joint. A retrospective study was conducted at Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College... more
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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common degenerative joint disorder prevailing all over the world and has a strong association with ageing. Progressive joint destruction is the primary cause of pain and disability, which affects the Quality of... more
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Introduction: Foot disorders such as ulceration, infection, and gangrene are the leading causes of hospitalization in patients with diabetes mellitus. Approximately 15 to 20 percent of the estimated 16 million persons with diabetes... more
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Background Various authors have explained Dr. Hahnemann's concept of vital force and its substantialism. However, the explanation of Dr. Stuart Close, in his book Genius of Homoeopathy, remains in a scientific view. The introduction of... more
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Background: Corona Virus disease (Covid-19) rapidly spreading pandemic was initially found as a cluster of severe pneumonia cases in December 2019 reported in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. Infection with the virus, can be asymptomatic or... more
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Sulphur is such a complete Homoeopathic medicine that it is somewhat difcult to tell where to begin. Sulphur seems to contain a likeness of all the sickness of men and a beginner on reading over the proving of Sulphur might naturally... more
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      Case Study ResearchClinical PracticeIndividualizationObservational Research
Constipation is a symptom-based disorder, and its definition is mainly subjective. Constipation carries a major health care burden, as it affects 15%-20% of the global population. Chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC) is a common... more
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      Case Study ResearchCase ReportConstipationHomoeopathic Medicine
The treatment of renal stones with Platina 1M in homoeopathy is described in this succinct case report. According to homeopathic principles, the remedy was chosen based on the patient's particular symptoms and unique constitution. Platina... more
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      Health SciencesHomoeopathy
In this time, Novel Corona Virus is an important issue in the world, it also named COVID-19. This virus has been come from Wuhan, China in last December 2019. This virus has created critical circumstances in the whole world especially... more
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      Computer ScienceOutbreakCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Background Prior vaccination is often studied for its impact on individuals' postinfection prognosis. Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) medicines, advised by the Government of India as prophylaxis during the first wave... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyHomeopathyMedicinePandemic Influenza
Homeopathic medicine, rooted in the late 18th century by Samuel Hahnemann, operates on the principle of "like cures like" and involves administering highly diluted substances to treat symptoms. Despite its widespread use, homeopathy faces... more
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Indian medicinal herbs are highly promising for treating a wide range of illnesses. One useful medicinal plant is Coleus aromaticus, which has several uses. The principal aim is to identify plantbased constituents in homoeopathic mother... more
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      Medical SciencesMedical EducationHomoeopathyAYUSH
Hypo-pigmentation of skin, although is not a life threatening disease, but is considered to be a social stigma, so invariably associated with significant psychological trauma and social isolation [1]. Pityriasis Alba is one of the cause... more
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Dermatophytes, the most common causative agents, are assuming high significance in developing countries like India. These organisms metabolise keratin and cause a range of pathologic clinical presentations, including tinea pedis, tinea... more
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      Health SciencesHomeopathyDermatologyMedicine
Background: Hypertension is considered to be silent killer as it is largely asymptomatic and patient may have elevated blood pressure for a long time. Hypertension is a grave medical condition, elevating the risks of heart, brain, kidney,... more
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      PharmacologyPathologyHealth SciencesPediatrics
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus has emerged as a severe epidemic in recent years. The patients with Diabetes mellitus not only face challenges in managing their illness but also develop several complications related to it. One of these... more
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      Type 2 DiabetesErectile dysfunctionHomoeopathy
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Abstract Keratoderma climactericum, also known as Haxthausen disease, is a condition characterized by hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles, primarily affecting menopausal women. Conventional treatments often provide limited relief,... more
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      HomeopathyDermatologyX RaysKeratoderma
Homoeopathy, a holistic medical method, has been shown to improve children's behavior and overall wellbeing. It addresses various behavioral problems by focusing on each child's unique needs and constitution. A systematic review of... more
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Background Prior vaccination is often studied for its impact on individuals' postinfection prognosis. Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) medicines, advised by the Government of India as prophylaxis during the first wave... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyHomeopathyMedicinePandemic Influenza
Tinea faciei is a superficial dermatophyte infection limited to any surface of the face, including upper lip and chin. A 41 years old female patient presented with the complaints of red and circular rashes on both sides of her face with... more
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    • Health Sciences
Background: With change in the lifestyle peoples are suffering from haemorrhoids as a major health issue. It affects anal region and creates physical and psychological disturbances resulting in significant compromise in the quality of... more
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      HomeopathyMedicineObservational StudyItching
Keratoderma climactericum, also known as Haxthausen disease, is a condition characterized by hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles, primarily affecting menopausal women. Conventional treatments often provide limited relief, highlighting... more
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      Health SciencesDermatologyMedicineCase Report
Introduction: Calcinosis cutis [ICD-10-CM L94.2] is the condition where calcium salt deposits in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. There are five major types based on etiology: dystrophic, metastatic, iatrogenic, idiopathic, and... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineTraumaPaediatricsHomoeopathic Medicine