History of the press
Recent papers in History of the press
Au moment de son élection, Emmanuel Macron a été présenté comme l’homme d’un « nouveau monde » qui devait remplacer les pratiques anciennes. Mais, du point de vue de ses rapports avec la presse, c’est au contraire avec un très ancien... more
"(...) Le savoir historique, qui a toutes les raisons de s'intéresser aux découvreurs et aux inventeurs, doit aussi tenir compte des relais et des centres de diffusion. La présente étude démontre, sur un exemple excellemment choisi, que... more
Artículo publicado en el libro: "Policías escritores, delitos impresos. Revistas policiales en América del Sur", coordinado por Diego Galeano y Marcos Luiz Bretas. Se puede descargar de manera gratuita en el siguiente link:... more
When the Hungarian Royal Opera House opened its doors on 27 September 1884 on Budapest's most prestigious avenue, this event coincided with the opening of the first session of the Hungarian Parliament that year and was widely flagged by... more
El título de este artículo hace referencia a un objeto de estudio peculiar: el sistema de medios de comunicación de la Cuba actual, es decir, la organización encargada de producir y distribuir relatos tendientes a la reproducción... more
This book provides a much-needed analysis of the changing representation of gay politicians in UK newspapers. Focusing on the 1950s onwards, a time when the press became more personal and gay politicians/politicians involved in gay... more
The US media system is primarily a commercial one dominated by a small number of lightly regulated corporations, and offset by weak public alternatives. This was not inevitable ; it resulted from the outcomes of specific policy battles... more
2014an I Mundu Gerra hasi zela ehun urte betetzen dira. Eneko Bidegainek, Eskualduna astekariak gertaera hau nola jaso zuen ikertu du, eta nola Ipar Euskal Herriko euskaldunak "frantsesteko" baliagarri izan zen.
AJI bukanlah sebuah organisasi yang berdiri karena landasan -sakit hati‖ akibat pembreidelan 1994. Itulah yang selalu saya tegaskan dalam berbagai forum diskusi jurnalistik. Betul, bahwa AJI secara faktual berdiri pada 7 Agustus 1994,... more
Este livro é muito mais do que uma análise sobre a "Revista do Brasil", pois estabelece um diálogo crítico com Monteiro Lobato, o regionalismo paulista, com as propostas de construção da nação e com os ideais eugênicos, desvendando... more
Form and style matter in journalism. To a large extent a newspaper's identity is determined by its appearance and its tone. Readers want to feel comfortable with a paper's design, its departmentalization and its use of illustrations,... more
This article explores the changes in news agency mechanisms that accompanied the restructuring of Europe after World War I. During the interwar period, a new form of negotiation replaced the pre-World War I conception of English, French... more
Article paru dans French Politics, Culture and Society, vol. 32, n°2, summer 2014, p. 49-56
La evolución de la prensa femenina en España: de La Pensadora gaditana a los blogs 1 L'evolució de la premsa femenina a Espanya: de La Pensadora Gaditana als blogs The evolution of women's press in Spain: from La Pensadora Gaditana to... more
„Manifestation of the Idea of European Unity – Living Magna Charta of Peace“: The Political Dimension of the PRESSA Cologne 1928 and its Reception in the Contemporary German and International Press“ The PRESSA was the most ambitious and... more
Еремеева К. Политический юмор Советской Украины в 1941-1991 гг. (на примере журнала «Перец») – Рукопись. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата исторических наук по специальности 07.00.01 – история Украины. – Харьковский... more
The present bibliography in three volumes was compiled as a part of the digitization project "German-language periodicals from Eastern Europe" at the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies. It is offering bibliographical data... more
Bu çalışmada, 1883-1917 yılları arasında “Tercüman” gazetesinde yayımlanan, Türkistanla ilgili materyallerin bibliyografik açıdan değerlendirilmesi yer almaktadır. Yazar, eserinin önsözünde Türkistan coğrafyasındaki matbuatın ortaya... more
Din paginile acestui periodic putem observa că Episcopia şi conducerea Bisericii Greco-Catolice din Banat au acţionat iniţial în spiritul fidelităţii şi au criticat intrarea României în război, apoi s-a trecut la o politică prin care s-a... more
Presentation of the editorial series «Nerbiniana: History of Magazines for Children and Youth».
When Freemasonry entered the world of early enlightenment sociability, it immediately spread as one of the most popular features, one might almost say the matrix of associational life across Europe and the world. With its entrance into... more
Este livro, de maneira inédita e extensiva, analisa a marcante carreira da Revista do Brasil, publicação de importância crucial na história da imprensa paulistana e brasileira. Na consideração das diferentes fases desse periódico ilustre,... more
The present bibliography in three volumes was compiled as a part of the digitization project "German-language periodicals from Eastern Europe" at the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies. It is offering bibliographical data... more
В статье рассматривается история возникновения журнала, издаваемого представителями дальневосточной тюрко-татарской общины на татарском языке в начальный этап эмиграции. Журнал выходил в г. Харбине в 1921 – 1925 гг. под названием «Ерак... more
Catàleg format per un total de 1.494 impresos, principalment gasetes, relacions i premsa d'opinió, publicats a Barcelona entre els anys 1653 i 1724. Aquest catàleg és un annex del llibre L'impressor Rafael Figueró (1642-1726) i la premsa... more
В основе данной публикации лежат материалы одноименной международной конференции, состоявшейся 16-17 сентября 2011 г. в Париже. Книга рассматривает участие французов в таких областях жизни в России как славистика и литературоведение,... more
У статті висвітлений радянський газетний дискурс київського музейництва 1930 х – початку 1940 х рр., окреслені основні змістовні рубрики та інформативний потенціал повідомлень у пресі для вивчення історії музеїв УСРР/УРСР на прикладі... more
Comunicare prezentată în cadrul Zilelor Universității "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iași.
The son of Mississippi’s first chancellor, Joseph Calvitt Clarke, left his birth state, probably in late 1837, and he moved to New Orleans. There, for seventeen years, he played an important role in society as an attorney, judge, lay... more
La anexión del territorio de la antigua República Dominicana a España, que tuvo lugar en marzo de 1861, supuso un acontecimiento excepcional en la historia de la diplomacia. Se trató de una reincorporación a la antigua metrópoli,... more
El choque entre la libertad de prensa y la revolución en la fase inicial del proceso revolucionario en Cuba, que se resolvió con la eliminación de la libertad de prensa.// The clash between press freedom and revolution in the initial... more
Over the last years, the development of the periodical press in early modern Germany and Europe attracted a lot of scholarly attention. This report is dedicated to highlight and discuss the current state of research on the early modern... more
Dit hoofdstuk schetst in hoeverre objectiviteit is geaccepteerd in de Nederlandse journalistiek en hoe dit proces is verlopen. Ik zal eerst analyseren wat het objectiviteitsregime als samenhangend complex van normen, routines en... more
"Frühneuzeitliche urbane Öffentlichkeit war geprägt von "fliegenden Blättern" in allen Variationen – Flugpublizistik im weitesten Sinne. Mehrblättrige Flugschriften, obrigkeitliche Einblattdrucke, illustrierte Flugblätter, selbst... more
Rezumat Ziarul „Românul” din Arad a jucat un rol important în lupta politică pentru drepturi naționale a românilor din Transilvania și Ungaria. Pe lângă redactorii și colaboratorii din aceste teritorii, redactorul-șef al cotidianului,... more