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      HistoryHistory of EducationAlbanian StudiesHistory of Jesuit Education
J acobus Pontanus SJ Der letzte Vertreter in dieser Sammlung Deutscher Dichter der frühen Neuzeit verweist mit seiner Biographie und seinem Werk schon ins Barock und ist doch auch für die lateinische literarische Kultur des deutschen 16.... more
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      Jesuit theatre, Baroque theatreJacobus PontanusHistory of Jesuit EducationJesuit Theater
This 1996 essay (published 1998) on how to improve Latin pedagogy is reproduced here with minor changes. Early modernity's humanist approaches to the teaching of Latin have much to offer us, and they can help us to counter the... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismHistory of Latin Language
Edukacja klas niższych w jezuickich kolegiach Rzeczypospolitej od XVI do XVIII wieku Słowa kluczowe Towarzystwo Jezusowe (jezuici), kolegium i konwikt, Ratio atque Institutio Studiorum SJ (ustawa szkolna Towarzystwa Jezusowego), status... more
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    • History of Jesuit Education
Blum, Paul Richard. “Psychology and Culture of the Intellect: Ignatius of Loyola and Antonio Possevino.” In Cognitive Psychology in Early Jesuit Scholasticism, edited by Daniel Heider, 12–37. Neunkirchen-Seelscheid: Editiones... more
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      Early Modern PhilosophySpiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius LoyolaHuarte de San JuanIgnatius of Loyola
Il primo contatto di Genova con la Compagnia di Gesù risale al 1552 ma solo nel 1623 l’ordine di Sant’Ignazio riuscì ad individuare in via Balbi la sede definitiva per il Collegio. Questo lungo lasso di tempo trova spiegazione in un... more
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      IconographyReformation StudiesJesuit historyHistory of Roman Catholicism
本研究根據《西儒耳目資》出版的歷史文化背景,重新思考編者金尼閣(Nicolas Trigault, 1577-1628)的教育背景如何形成這本字典的架構,並對傳教士之教育背景對語言分析的影響提出新的見解。本研究發現金尼閣和其他耶穌會傳教士在養成過程中所接觸的記憶術和字典編纂有相同的功能,可以提供金尼閣編纂《西儒耳目資》的基本架構。文藝復興時期所流行的結合術(the Combinatory... more
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      Jesuit historyArt of memoryMissionary LinguisticsJesuits
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      History of musicHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of Jesuit Education
published in Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis L, 1, 2010, p. 195-216.
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      Early Modern HistoryReligion and PoliticsHabsburg StudiesBook History (History)
This paper highlights the significance, value, and implications of the Ratio Studiorum for Jesuit education today.
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      Renaissance StudiesJesuit historySecularizationSocial Justice in Education
The article analyses fates of the graduates of the two Jesuit universities (University of Graz and University of Nagyszombat or Tyrnava) in a period from 1586 to 1645. The university matriculation lists were the main source for the given... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHabsburg StudiesSocial HistoryAustrian History
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      Italian Baroque artPrints (Art History)Prints and DrawingsJesuits
Аж ты дал с[и]нька своєго, дал до проклятои школи, а звлаща до начиня діаволского вызуитов. Аж они там твоєго сынка русинька, засмаковавши єму поганую діаволюю науку, ошукали… А потом и тебе, отца, и твоєго отца и увес народ твой, и язык... more
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      EducationEarly Modern HistoryJesuit historyJesuit education
The book presents a meticulously organized compilation of 163 regulations governing musical practices within Jesuit colleges of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. These regulations encompass various aspects such as singing lessons in... more
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      History of EducationHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of Music EducationJesuits and Music
Many historians believe that the educational work of the Jesuits was one of the essential factors behind the failure of the Reformation movement in 16th century Poland. The article aims to depict and discuss Laurentius Bojer, a Swede who... more
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      Jesuit historyHistory of Jesuit Education
Marianische Kongregationen in der Zeit des Episkopats des Olmützer Bischofs Franz von Dietrichstein (1599-1636) Der Autor stellt Überlegungen über die Entwicklung der mährischen marianischen Kongregationen an den Jesuitenkollegien im... more
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      History of Roman CatholicismHistory of MoraviaHistory of Jesuit EducationHistory of the Society of Jesus
The educational activity of the Jesuit order was, according to the majority of historians, one of the main reasons for its unexpected survival, despite the dissolution by the Pope, within the borders of the Russian Empire.
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      History of EducationJesuitsHistory of Jesuit Education
Стаття присвячена особистості вчителя гетьмана Богдана Хмельницького.
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      Jesuitshistory of PedagogyHistory of Jesuit Education
The dictionary contains detailed information obtained from printed literature and handwritten sources on all 76 music seminaries operating at Jesuit educational centers in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Music seminaries functioned at... more
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      History of EducationHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of Music EducationHistory of Jesuit Education
Головні аспекти вивчення історичних дисциплін у Львівському єзуїтському університеті.
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      HistoryHistory of EducationHistory of Jesuit EducationHistory of Jesuit Science
It was characteristic for old Polish secondary education that all elements of school life were being used to enhance the impact of educational influence. According to the fact, that the basic program of teaching doesn't occupy children... more
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      Modern HistoryHistory of EducationJesuit historyJesuit education
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      EducationHigher EducationTransformation of University SystemsUniversity Governance, Management And Accounting