Jesuits and Music
Recent papers in Jesuits and Music
Centering on the Jesuit’s reducciones of Paraguay, this study examines the relationship between European musical practices and the idea of “city”, and explores the selective appropriations some native groups effected, investing musical... more
Revue de la Société liégeoise de musicologie, 27 (2008) -68 -ralliement à un processus dépassant les frontières, soucieux de la défense, du développement et de la valorisation du cantique spirituel.
Bologna, Benacci, 1585 , con gentile permesso della Biblioteca arciana, Venice. uesta stampa dovrebbe essere il ritratto di uno dei giovani chiamati indiani da Benacci che indossa un abito giapponese. Sappiamo che in uropa portavano... more
The French Jesuit mission in Shanghai in the mid-nineteenth century created a unique musical workshop with the construction of a pipe organ with bamboo pipes in 1856-57. Destroyed in the Cultural Revolution in 1966, the 'Bamboo Organ of... more
Este es uno de los primeros trabajos realizados en el proceso de ordenamiento, catalogacion y estudio del Archivo Musical de Chiquitos, donde se preserva música de las misiones jesuíticas en el actual territorio boliviano. Algunas de sus... more
Sur la base de sources d’archives hétérogènes, cet article propose une première synthèse sur la culture musicale des sodalités mariales établies dans les deux anciennes provinces « belges » des jésuites entre le 16e et le 18e siècle. Il... more
The book presents a meticulously organized compilation of 163 regulations governing musical practices within Jesuit colleges of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. These regulations encompass various aspects such as singing lessons in... more
Judging from the official documents that set the guidelines for Jesuit education in the early modern era (notably the famous Ratio studiorum of 1599), music might seem at best an ancillary element. However, as recent studies have... more
This article focuses on the theatrical productions in the Jesuit’s “Seminario de nobles” of Valencia during the 18th Century, until the expulsion of the order from the Spanish dominions. Earlier “dramas” and newer “tragedias” are... more
In spite of a certain rigorist attitude at the beginnings, the members of the Society of Jesus made abundant use of music in their ministries as catechists, pastors, missionaries, and educators throughout the early modern era. Vernacular... more
Early modern itinerant preachers made large use of music and sound in their pastoral work. During the so-called popular missions in Europe (circa 1550-1750), music was indispensable for its emotional power (for instance during nocturnal... more
Cet article étudie un corpus de soixante-trois pièces de musique conservé dans le fonds des jésuites flamands aux Archives de l’État à Anvers. Ces pièces composées sur des textes flamands (50 pièces) et latins (13 pièces) et destinées à... more
In a research project entitled “The Soundscape of Early Modern Catholicism” (started in 2012 at the Jesuit Institute of Boston College), I am exploring the grammar of the bidirectional interaction between the Catholic Weltanschauung and... more