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Florence in the Time of the Medici. Public Celebrations, Politics, and Literature in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Translated and Edited by Nicole Carew-Reid, 2008
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      Girolamo SavonarolaCarnivalBook burningHistory of Florence 15th Century
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      History of Women's StudiesHistory of Florence 15th Century
in: Florence in the Time of the Medici. Public Celebrations, Politics, and Literature in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, by Michel Plaisance. Translated and edited by Nicole Carew-Reid, Toronto: CRRS, 2008.
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      History of FlorenceGirolamo SavonarolaRenaissance FlorenceHistory of Florence 15th Century
in Michel Plaisance Florence In the Time of the Medici. Public Celebrations, Politics, and Literature in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Translated and Edited by Nicole Carew-Reid pp. 41-53 Centre for Reformation and Renaissance... more
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      Girolamo SavonarolaRoyal EntriesCharles VIIILorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici
Florence in the Time of the Medici. Public Celebrations, Politics, and Literature in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Translated and Edited by Nicole Carew-Reid pp. 85-100
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      Girolamo SavonarolaProcessionsHistory of Florence 15th Century
RESUMEN: El artículo trabaja las representaciones de la resistencia política en la Florencia de los Médici, particularmente sobre la historia ciceroniana del asesinato de Julio César en el año 44 a.C. Esta historia, que tiene como eje la... more
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      Cultural StudiesEarly Modern HistoryItalian StudiesHabsburg Studies
Final draft
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory of FlorenceMedieval Notary
The essay stresses on the evolution of the image of Jerusalem in Savonarola’s preaching, since the descent in Italy of Charles VIII, King of France, focusing on the sermons on the book of Haggai and on the Compendio di rivelazioni. The... more
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      Girolamo SavonarolaProphecyHistory of Florence 15th Century
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      Diplomatics (Medieval)Boniface VIIISisto IVHistory of Florence 15th Century
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      Mamluk StudiesLetters & DocumentsHistory of Florence 15th Century
in Antonfrancesco Grazzini dit Lasca (1505-1584). Ecrire dans la Florence des Médicis, Manziana, Vecchiarelli editore, 2005, pp. 201-210 ; in Sylviane Leoni et Alfredo Perifano, éds., Création et mémoire dans la culture italienne... more
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      Niccolò MachiavelliMandragolaAnton Francesco DoniLorenzo de' Medici
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      History of Universities in the Middle AgesHistory of Florence 15th Century
55. The cloister of the Badia, Florence, towards the west, showing fresco scenes 8-10.
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      Art HistoryItalian StudiesRenaissance StudiesArchitectural History
Presentazione dell'edizione critica del "Liber dierum lucensium" di Giovanni Caroli a cura di Amos Edelheit

Firenze, Salone Multimediale del Comune di Firenze
Sabato, 23 giugno 2018 ore 17
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      Medieval HistoryDominican HistoryDominican OrderHistory of Florence 15th Century
Chapter 7, pp. 175-190
Toronto, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2008
ISBN 978-0-7727-2036-8
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      Social ExclusionShort story (Literature)Madness and LiteratureBeffa
Dans une perspective d'interprétation de la politique culturelle de Laurent le Magnifique, cet ouvrage explore divers aspects des festivités florentines de la seconde moitié du XVe siècle.
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      Theatre StudiesMedieval HistoryComedyRenaissance Studies
Si tratta di una bibliografia ragionata basata sulla selezione e sull'affinamento dei titoli bibliografici (schedati in 53 voci, pp. 93-193) dedicati allo stile, alla lingua e alle teorie linguistiche di Leon Battista Alberti. Nel saggio... more
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      Cultural StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsRenaissance History
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      Cultural HistoryRenaissance StudiesHistory of FlorenceHistory of Political Thought