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External and internal forces threatened the apartheid state in the 1980s. The refusal to perform compulsory military service by individual white men and the increasing number of white South Africans who criticized the role of the... more
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      South African Politics and SocietyMilitarismApartheidConscientious Objection/Draft Resistance
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      Social ChangeSocial PsychologySocial SciencesHigher Education
L'analogie entre l'apartheid et la situation en Israël-Palestine envahit les commentaires et les analyses. Elle prend cependant différentes formes. L'usage radical et systématique de l'analogie vise à condamner l'Etat d'Israël et le... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Franks, P.E, Holmes S, Kure K, Liebenberg M.M.B, Malele M.B, Setiloane C.W.M, Shane S, Van Schlakwyk (1991) : The salt and electricity of the future : Perspective of South African youth. Pretoria : Human Sciences Research Council.... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyDevelopment Studies
Franks, P.E and Morris P.M.R (1986) : Urban black government and policy.  Johannesburg: S.A.I.R.R Topical Briefing, July pages 1 - 19.
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      Social PsychologyAfrican StudiesSocial SciencesUrbanization in Developing Areas
Paper presented at the seminar: Organizational Communication _A Top Priority. Heia Safari Ranch, 12 - 13 March, 1992 Published verbatim as: Franks, P.E (1992) : Organizational communication through effective environmental... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementSociologyPolitical Sociology
Franks, P.E (Ed) (1984) : Urban Black Focus.  Johannesburg : Human Development Division, NIPR, pages 1 - 41.
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      EntrepreneurshipEducationUrbanization in Developing AreasSouth African Politics and Society
Glass, H.G.L and Franks, P.E (1989) : The implications of migrant labour for the development of a post-modern South Africa. Paper presented to the XXIXth International Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Rome, Italy, 12... more
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      Critical TheoryAfrican StudiesEuropean StudiesEuropean integration
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      African StudiesCalvinCalvinismChristian Orthodoxy and Nationalism