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The herpetofaunal richness of San JulianUniversitary Farm (FUSJ), in Patulul, Suchitepequez, Guatemala, was investigated using three methods: (1) Capture/sighting of specimens, (2) social inquiry and(3) desk research. The field work was... more
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      HerpetologyBiologyWildlife ConservationHerpetología
Por ser el juguete un objeto capaz de arrancarnos del trajín cotidiano para insertarnos en un tiempo y en un espacio distintos, hay quien ha dicho que su existencia está a medio camino entre la vida diaria y el ritual. Y los juguetes... more
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      CosmovisionOaxaca (Anthropology)Mesoamerica (Anthropology)Mesoamerica
Presentamos un listado taxonómico de las especies de reptiles del municipio de Cúcuta (Norte de Santander, Colombia), con base en registros hechos en campo, revisión de literatura y en información de dos colecciones herpetológicas.... more
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    • Herpetología
We provide an updated list of amphibians and reptiles of the state of Ceará, northeastern Brazil, with information on species distribution patterns and conservation priority areas. Data compilation based on information available in the... more
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      HerpetologyHerpetofaunaHerpetologíaHerpetology and conservation
Few studies have demonstrated historical human impact on biodiversity at local and regional scales, largely due to lack of baseline information and long term monitoring for most taxa. In 1958 and 1959 researchers from the Museum of... more
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      HerpetologyReptilesHerpetologíaAnfibios y reptiles
In anurans, males have larger laryngeal structures than females and produce conspicuous species-specific calls in various social contexts. Knowledge of female vocalisations is not well established and we start by summarising available... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyHerpetologyCognitive Psychology
Land-use change is the main cause of deforestation and degradation of tropical forest in Mexico. Frequently, these lands are abandoned leading to a mosaic of natural vegetation in secondary succession. Further degradation of the natural... more
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      HerpetologyGeographyCommunity EcologyHurricanes
ABSTRACT Embryonic development in Anadia bogotensis and body plan evolution in Gymnophthal-moidea (Squamata). Gymnophthalmoidea lizards inhabit in Central and South America from lowlands to highland Andes. This clade presents species... more
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Land-use change is the main cause of deforestation and degradation of tropical forest in Mexico. Frequently, these lands are abandoned leading to a mosaic of natural vegetation in secondary succession. Further degradation of the natural... more
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      HerpetologyCommunity EcologyHurricanesDisturbance Ecology
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      HerpetologyBehavioral SciencesEcosystems EcologyEcosystem Services
Phylogenetically close species are expected to exhibit similar characteristics related to their ecology. However, differences in some niche dimensions are necessary for coexistence. In this study, we evaluated the trophic ecology of the... more
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Biodiversity today is uneven, with equally ancient sister groups containing few or many species. It has often been assumed that high biodiversity indicates fast evolution, and yet in a classic work in 1944 George Simpson suggested that... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyHerpetologyPaleontologyBiology
Some people seem to have a misunderstanding about what constitutes reptile husbandry exactly. First, it needs to be noted that husbandry refers to the management and breeding of domestic, not wild, animals. It doesn't have anything to do... more
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      ZoologyHerpetologyConservation BiologyFire Ecology
Few studies have demonstrated historical human impact on biodiversity at local and regional scales, largely due to lack of baseline information and long term monitoring for most taxa. In 1958 and 1959 researchers from the Museum of... more
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Lizards are often parasitized by Acari species (mites and ticks). In this study we report the occurrence of a specimen of tick (Amblyomma sp.) parasitizing a juvenile individual of Tropidurus hispidus (Spix, 1825) in Parque Nacional Serra... more
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      HerpetofaunaHerpetologiaHerpetologíaNeotropical Herpetology
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      EcologyHerpetologíaAnfibios y reptilesTaxonomia
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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      Conservation BiologyBiologyRainforest RestorationFunctional Ecology
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      HerpetologyEducación AmbientalHerpetologiaSystematics, Herpetology, Evolution
We sampled the snake fauna in 13 landscapes along 80 km of highway and in the adjacent vegetation cover in the Colombian Llanos. We registered 119 snakes belonging to 33 species. Traffic levels significantly influenced rates of snake road... more
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      HerpetologyLandscape ecology (Biology)HerpetofaunaRoad accident analysis
We describe a new location of Psammodromus edwardsianus in the Aragon southern area. / Se describe una nueva localidad para Psammodromus edwardsianus en el sur de Aragón. / Es descriu una nova localitat per a Psammodromus edwardsianus al... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyHerpetologyTaxonomy
Species traits provide a strong link between an organism's fitness and processes at community and ecosystem levels. However, such data remain scarce for amphibians in the Neotropics. Colombia is the country with the highest number of... more
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      HerpetologyHerpetofaunaFunctional TraitsHerpetologia
Forest edges influence more than half of the world’s forests and contribute to worldwide declines in biodiversity and ecosystem functions. However, predicting these declines is challenging in heterogeneous fragmented landscapes. Here we... more
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      HerpetologyEdge effectsHerpetologiaHerpetología
We sampled the snake fauna in 13 landscapes along 80 km of highway and in the adjacent vegetation cover in the Colombian Llanos. We registered 119 snakes belonging to 33 species. Traffic levels significantly influenced rates of snake road... more
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      HerpetologyLandscape ecology (Biology)HerpetofaunaRoad accident analysis
Afiches con la herpetofauna más representativa del municipio de San José del Guaviare, Colombia
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      BiodiversityHerpetologíaSan José del Guaviare
La rana de hojarasca de párpados verdes (Eupsophus emiliopugini) posee su límite de distribución sur en la Isla Clemente, Reserva Nacional Las Guaitecas en la región de Aysén. Aquí recopilamos los registros de la región de Aysén... more
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3D model of the Three-Toed Earless Skink lizard brain highlighting the anatomy and the spatial arrangement of its major subdivisions. The brain reconstruction was obtained from a microCT scan of a iodine-stained specimen through manual... more
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      Comparative AnatomyZoologyHerpetologySquamates
1. Species recovery after forest disturbance is a highly studied topic in the tropics, but considerable debate remains on the role of secondary forests as biodiversity repositories, especially regarding the functional and phylogenetic... more
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      Conservation BiologyRainforest RestorationFunctional EcologyBiological Conservation
Predation can drive significant effect upon the community structure. However, the observation and documentation of this ecological interaction is occasional and yet scarce for many groups. Our goal here is to report the predation of... more
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      HerpetologyHerpetofaunaHerpetologíaNeotropical Herpetology
—Most existing studies on the White-lipped Mud Turtle, Kinosternon leucostomum, have been based on northern Central American populations, leaving a lack of information on populations from southern Central America and South America. Herein... more
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      Wildlife MedicineHerpetologíaCanine Medicine
We studied Hysiboas atlanticus reproduction through its spawning characteristics, sexual size dimorphism and mating behaviour, including courtship call. Between July 2009 and August 2011, we made monthly observations on an H. atlanticus... more
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      ZoologyBiologyNatural HistoryEcology
We sampled the snake fauna in 13 landscapes along 80 km of highway and in the adjacent vegetation cover in the Colombian Llanos. We registered 119 snakes belonging to 33 species. Traffic levels significantly influenced rates of snake road... more
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      HerpetologyGeographyLandscape ecology (Biology)Herpetofauna
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Biodiversity today is uneven, with equally ancient sister groups containing few or many species. It has often been assumed that high biodiversity indicates fast evolution, and yet in a classic work in 1944 George Simpson suggested that... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyHerpetologyGeologyPaleontology
The Mexican small-headed rattlesnake (Crotalus intermedius) is composed of three recognized subspecies that occur disjunctly in the central and southern highlands of Mexico. Only four species-specific prey items are reported in the... more
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      HerpetologyPredator-Prey InteractionsHerpetofaunaHerpetología
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      Applied EcologyHerpetología
Consciente de que las posibilidades de que una nueva especie biológica para la ciencia sea nombrada en mi honor son extremadamente cercanas a cero, no me queda otra alternativa que escribir al respecto para conocer algunos casos... more
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      HerpetologyTaxonomyBirds (Ecology)Biologia
Some preliminary data on Podarcis filfolensis of Lampione Islet are given. Estimated density was 75-80 individuals per 100 m 2. Most part of the lizards had the tail broken or regenerated. The diet was mainly based on ar-thropods, and... more
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      HerpetologyHerpetologíaPodarcisSmall islands of the Mediterranean
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      HerpetologyNayaritConservación De Fauna SilvestreHerpetologia
A small Cophosaurus texanus escapes crossing a stream of cool water.
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      HerpetologyAnimal BehaviorHerpetologiaHerpetología
Abstract.—We report the rediscovery of Andinophryne olallai, an endangered species only known from a single specimen, collected in 1970. At the type locality, Tandayapa, Pichincha Province, numerous follow-up surveys after 1970 failed to... more
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      HerpetologyConservation BiologyEcuadorHerpetología