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Cool roofs represent an acknowledged, relatively simple, and low-cost strategy to reduce cooling energy demand of buildings and mitigate urban heat island phenomena. The purpose of this paper is to study the coupled passive-active effect... more
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      Energy Efficiency in buildings and citiesEnergy efficiencyEnergy Efficiency in BuildingsUrban Heat Island Effect
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceHydrogenEnergy Policy
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      DiagnosticsHeat Pumps
Gegenstand der hier vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Kombination von Wärmepumpen mit einer thermischen Solaranlage für den häuslichen Wärmebedarf. Die Untersuchung wurde in Form von Simulationen verschiedener Anlagenvarianten... more
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      Solar thermalThe role of solar thermal energy storage to reduce domestic heating demandHeat PumpsSolar Energy and Thermal Energy Storage Systems
Given the need for decarbonization of the heating sector and the acute need of a propane replacement in the U.S. Upper Midwest, this study quantifies the techno-economic characteristics of sustainable heating electrification in isolated... more
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      Energy EconomicsPhotovoltaicsRenewable EnergyEnergy
This article presents a newly designed and realized system for heat recovery from waste water. The waste water is the heat source, the temperature of which is about 44-49 o C. The heat recovery process is performed using a plate heat... more
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      Wast heat recoveryHeat Pumps
• Effects of wind on the thermo-flow characteristics of cooling towers have been revealed. • Windbreaker types have been studied to decrease the negative effects of wind. • Results show that it is possible to use the momentum effect of... more
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      ThermodynamicsHeat TransferBiofuelsComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulation
Heat pump is environmentally friendly, have high performance and low running cost, despite these advantages heat pumps do not have wide usage. One of the important disadvantages of heat pumps their high prices. In comparison with... more
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    • Heat Pumps
This study investigates the use of air source heat pumps (ASHPs) in detached residential homes in cold climates. The study aims to assess if ASHPs can provide reliable heating responses in mild, cold, and very cold climate zones across... more
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      Climate ChangeRenewable EnergyClimate change policyHeat Transfer
Diplomski rad-Novi Sad, 2012. 1 4 3. MATERIJAL I METOD RADA
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      Transfer of technology for agriculture and livestock farmingPig FarmingHeat Pumps
This work presents an experimental investigation of the performance of a HDH system operated by heat pump. The novel heat pump system provides the necessary heating for the humidifier and cooling for the dehumidifier of the HDH system.... more
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      DesalinationWater DesalinationSolar Desalination of WaterGround source heat pumps
Space cooling energy consumption is a significant component of building energy consumption, and in recent years it has attracted much attention worldwide owing to its significantly increasing usage. The variable refrigerant flow (VRF)... more
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      Ground source heat pumpsHeat Pumps
"In order to characterise the performance of domestic air and ground source heat pumps (ASHP and GSHP), the Coefficient of Performance (COP) from over 100 models was collected, along with the temperature rise across the heat pump.... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergy EffciencyGround source heat pumpsHeat Pumps
Heat pumps are a promising technology for heating (and cooling) domestic buildings that provide exceptionally high efficiencies compared with fossil fuel combustion. There are in the region of a billion heat pumps in use world-wide, but... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergyEnergy and EnvironmentSustainable Energy
4 sharing only not 4 sale Source: Torrent Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRefrigeration Air ConditioningHeat PumpsHeating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Pompa merupakan suatu alat mekanik yang digunakan untuk memindahkan fluida dari suatu tempat menuju tempat lain dengan cara meningkatkan tekanan fluida tersebut. Peningkatan tekanan tersebut digunakan untuk mengatasi hambatan-hambatan... more
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      Water PumpHeat PumpsCentrifugal PumpMakalah PLTU
Humidification-dehumidification is a carrier gas based thermal technique that is ideal for small-scale water desalination applications. One advantage of humidification-dehumidification systems is the ability to utilize low grade and... more
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      WaterDesalinationWater DesalinationSolar Desalination of Water
Combination of solar thermal collectors and heat pumps in a single solar assisted heat pump (SAHP) system has been widely used for various purposes including water heating. International Energy Agency, Task 44 of the Solar Heating and... more
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      Building Integrated Solar Energy TechnologiesSolar thermalReviewSolar Energy
Siklus Carnot merupakan suatu siklus termodinamika yang melibatkan proses isotermal, isobarik, dan isokorik. Siklus ini adalah suatu rangkaian sedemikian rupa sehingga akhirnya kembali kepada keadaan semula. Sistem menjalani proses... more
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      Physical ChemistryHeat PumpsRefrigeratorSiklus Carnot
ÖZET Jeotermal ısı pompaları (JIP'ları) olarak da bilinen toprak (yer) kaynaklı ısı pompaları (TKIP veya YKIP), geleneksel ısıtma ve soğutma sistemleriyle karşılaştırıldığı zaman, enerji kullanım verimlerinin daha yüksek olması nedeniyle,... more
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      Ground source heat pumpsSolar and Geothermal Heat PumpHeat Pumps
This article investigates how hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerant affects compressor operating conditions and system performance using experimental testing under different conditions. In a heat pump or refrigerator cycle, it is necessary... more
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      ThermodynamicsHeat TransferIC ENGINESNanofluid (Heat Transfer)
The debate on low-carbon heat in Europe has become focused on a narrow range of technological options and has largely neglected hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, despite these receiving strong support towards commercialisation in Asia.... more
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      HydrogenEnergy PolicyFuel CellsHeat Pumps
Fuel cells are a promising technology for combined heat and power (CHP); however their efficiency and carbon benefits are often overlooked because of their reliance on fossil fuels. This paper sets out the numerical methods and evidence... more
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      Housing & Residential DesignRenewable EnergyFuel CellsHousing
Moisture content of food material is a key factor influencing the quality of storage and extending the quality of a food product. Manufacturers develop new technologies to process sensitive food materials to supply new products with... more
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      Drying and Dehydration of FoodHeat Pumps
Global increase in energy demand and fossil fuel prices loaded ever-increasing pressure on identifying and implementing new means to utilise clean and efficient energy resources. Due to the environmental benefits, technical and economic... more
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      Building Integrated Solar Energy TechnologiesSolar EnergySolar PowerWater Heating
Electrical heating is still widely used in the process industry. While the use of immersion heaters for the production of hot water or steam is declining, the adoption rate of electrical heat pumps is increasing... more
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      Demand Side ManagementHeat Pumps
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      CoolingHeat Pumps
Abstract - This article investigates the energy-economic optimum of thermal insulation thickness for external wall. The investigation was performed by applying the method 'total cost '. An appropriate steady-state mathematical model... more
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      Heat ExchangerHeat PumpsThermal Insulation
the aim of this article is to form an adequate mathematical model with lumped parameters. The model will serve to test the behavior of the heat pumps' evaporator in terms of energy efficiency. Parameter of energy efficiency is the COP... more
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      Heat PumpsMathematical ModelEvaporator
Heat Pumps are becoming one of the most considered mechanical conditioning equipment in our buildings. While they are popular, there appears to be quite a vast range of system types and applications in building conditioning. This paper... more
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      Heat PumpsEnergy StorageEnd usesEnergy Sources
Cool roofs represent an acknowledged, relatively simple and low cost strategy to reduce cooling energy demand of buildings and mitigate urban heat island phenomena. The purpose of this paper is to study the coupled passive-active effect... more
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      Energy Efficiency in buildings and citiesEnergy Efficiency in BuildingsUrban Heat Island EffectHeat Pumps
Thermal-based renewable and low-grade energy sources to operate humidification-dehumidification (HDH) desalination systems are critically reviewed. The investigated renewable energy sources are solar energy and geothermal energy. The... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergyIntegrated Renewable Energy SystemRenewable energy resources
This study investigates the performance of a novel humidification dehumidification (HDH) desalination system integrated into a vapor compression (VC) heat pump. The integrated heat pump delivers the necessary heating and cooling loads to... more
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      EnergyHeat TransferEnergy and EnvironmentHeat Treatment
Solar photovoltaic (PV) technology is now a profitable method to decarbonize the grid, but if catastrophic climate change is to be avoided, emissions from transportation and heating must also decarbonize. One approach to renewable heating... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPhotovoltaicsRenewable EnergySustainable Development
The aim of this article is to present the reason and the process of creating new modified mathematical model of heat pump plate condenser. The fundamental mathematical model is modified according to analytical optimization procedure.... more
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      Heat ExchangerHeat Pumps
Geothermal energy has the potential to provide long-term, secure base-load energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions. Climate change is not expected to have any major impacts on the effectiveness of geothermal energy... more
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      GeothermalHeat PumpsGeysers
The main aim of this study is to conduct energetic and exergetic investigations of a dual stage heat pump for drying applications in order to evaluate the performance of the overall system. The integrated system consists of two processes,... more
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      Drying TechnologyEnergyExergy AnalysisHeat Pumps
This article compares climate impacts of two heat-pump systems for domestic heating, that is, energy consumption for space heating of a residential building. Using a life cycle approach, the study compared the energy use and greenhouse... more
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      Industrial EcologySensitivity AnalysisCarbon FootprintCarbon Emissions
A steady state simulation model has been developed to evaluate the system performance of a transcritical carbon dioxide heat pump for simultaneous heating and cooling. The simulated results are found to be in reasonable agreement with... more
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      RefrigerationHeat PumpsTranscritical
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      Mining EngineeringComputational ModellingHeat TransferOil Shale
This article presents experimental and theoretical investigations of a new configuration of an open-air open-water (OAOW), water-heated (WH), humidification-dehumidification (HDH) desalination system coupled with a vapor compression heat... more
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      EnergyHeat TransferEnergy and EnvironmentHeat Exchanger
For clarify main affecting factors on air-source transcritical CO 2 heat pump water heaters, and the influence extent of these main affecting factors, at fixed water inlet temperature of 12 C, an experimental research was conducted on a... more
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      Supercritical fluidsRefrigeration Air ConditioningHeat Pumps
This paper reviews the current status of microgeneration technologies at the domestic scale. Overviews are given for nine such technologies, grouped into three sections: (a) low carbon heating: condensing boilers, biomass boilers and room... more
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      PhotovoltaicsRenewable EnergyWind EnergyBiomass
All Lennox product is set up with a systematic coding system for both model numbers and serial numbers. Unit model number (including any dash numbers) and serial number must always be used when referring a problem to Lennox in regard to... more
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      Air ConditionersHeat PumpsFurnace
This paper presents a vapor compression heat pump-driven humidification–dehumidification process with energy recovery option. Two systems with different applications of recovered energy are proposed. System A recovers energy for... more
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      Mass TransferRenewable EnergyWater qualityEnergy
The new millennium has marked an increasing interest in citizens as energy end-users. While much hope has been placed on more active energy users, it has remained less clear what citizens can and are willing to do. We charted user... more
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      Energy PolicyUser InnovationLead user innovationHeat Pumps
Esheatpac is an electricity storage system that combines heat pump, steam accumulator, and steam-water cycles technologies. It includes a heat pump, powered by an electric compressor, which produces saturated steam that is stored in steam... more
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      Heat PumpsStorage of Electrical Energy
The drying or dehydration is the controlled heating of food products to evaporate quantified amount of moisture that is originally present in it. Drying of food products is essential to enhance the shelf life of the product without... more
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      Chemical EngineeringRelative HumidityHeat PumpsFluidized Bed Dryers
Component optimization studies during the last twenty years, point to the use of ground source heat pump systems to minimize building heating and cooling costs. Modern computational tools enable building energy simulation for a typical... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergyBuilding Energy SimulationOptimization