Healing rituals
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Recent papers in Healing rituals
This issue and the following issue of EJOSS host a comprehensive editorial project. It stemmed from a panel presented at the IUAES 1 Congress on "Identity, Separation, and Belonging", which took place in Istanbul in 2023. This project... more
The Sundarbans in linguistic Bengal in the Indian Subcontinent constitutes a unique ecosystem. Living conditions in these environs have been riddled with specific bounties as well as hazards. Historical records since the early medieval... more
Abstract: This work presents a research proposal that aims to understand how black and white black women and mourners and black and white men, residents of Viçosa and the microregion of Viçosa MG, learned such craft and the mapping where... more
Este artigo se propõe a adentrar neste duplo universo: o aspecto mágico/religioso dos saberes das benzedeiras e o papel da palavra enquanto elemento de cura. Esse conhecimento, das quais somente estas são conhecedoras, se faz presente e... more
Patients seek cures from a variety of medical systems. In the traditional medical systems, medical traditions partly cover other sectors of social life. In contrast to traditional health care system, the official health care system is... more
The storied landscapes of Ireland are dotted with holy wells―hallowed springs, pools, ponds, and lakes credited with curative powers and often associated with Catholic and indigenous saints. While many of these sites have been recently... more
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo é compreender as experiências (pessoais, religiosas, sociais e culturais) e as transformações desenvolvimentais das benzedeiras ao longo de suas trajetórias de vida, bem como sua relação com a promoção da... more
Sarasvatī Śāradā typeface. Akṣaras and akṣara components have been further adjusted, enhanced etc. with Glyphs 3. Document preparation and output have migrated to LaTeX. Implementation of Vedic accents in accordance with L.v. Schroeder.... more
Using the minutes of the Female Relief Society of Nauvoo, journals and diaries kept by early Mormon women, and letters written about healing blessings, this thesis looks at how nineteenth-century Mormon women used rhetoric in healing... more
Meier offers a more detailed analysis of the common features of oneiromanteia in relation to Artemidoros and certain peculiarities that compare favourably with modern principles.
The Sundarbans in linguistic Bengal in the Indian Subcontinent constitutes a unique ecosystem. Living conditions in these environs have been riddled with specific bounties as well as hazards. Historical records since the early medieval... more
India has been swept by pandemics of plague, influenza, smallpox, cholera and other diseases. The scale and impact of these events was often cataclysmic and writers offered a glimpse into the everyday life of ordinary people who lost... more
What is illness and in what way does Christian understanding of it differ from that handed down from pre-Christian Antiquity? Wolfgang Häfele analyzes The Miracles of Saints Cyrus and John, written by the subsequent patriarch of... more
India has been swept by pandemics of plague, influenza, smallpox, cholera and other diseases. The scale and impact of these events was often cataclysmic and writers offered a glimpse into the everyday life of ordinary people who lost... more
A master thesis discussing the notions of body and disease, as they are presented in the Mesopotamian healing prescriptions collected in the genre of medical compendia referred to as the "therapeutic texts" by the assyriologists. An... more
Abstract: In the recent times, it has been often reported that different rituals are being practiced and many deities are being worshipped to ward off the Covid-19 pandemic when the human beings are facing disorder and uncertainties and... more
The modern healthcare in India post-Independence has seen large scale growth, with influences of western health systems in the country prevalent, the influence of religious, social and traditional habits affect the healthcare seeking... more
The diseases which are liable to create epidemic in colonial Bengal, cholera takes the formidable position. This contagious disease and effects of epidemic to the soldiers creates a bar to the company to implement a well-decorated... more
While our Hindu ancestors endured some of the hardest conditions in rural farming communities, crossed the seas to a land not of their own and suffered hardships under their bounded masters, they retained their worship of Devi (Amma /... more
Most studies concerning folk healing and healers emphasise on either the efficacy of healing or the modalities of the healing process itself. I focus here on the knowledge acquisition and transfer among low caste healers who build their... more
Magical Ceremonies during the Ritual Year of the Greek Farmer. In Minniyakhmetova, Tatiana and Kamila Velkoborská (eds.): The Ritual Year 10: Magic in Rituals and Rituals in Magic. The Yearbook of the SIEF (Société Internationale... more
This article is an attempt to understand ‘locality’, where the issues of subversion, subordination and marginalization as well as the problematic notions of liminality and empowerment are more vibrant and real. We shall demonstrate that... more
Drawing on original fieldwork, this book develops a fresh methodological approach to the study of indigenous understandings of disease as possession, and looks at healing rituals in different South Asian cultural contexts. Contributors... more