Healing Environments
Recent papers in Healing Environments
[Co-authored with Faye Brands] Attention to the role of art within healthcare is on the rise. Dutch hospitals are increasingly embracing the concept of the ‘healing environment’, which aims to create agreeable hospital surroundings for... more
Introduction. The influence of the environment on wellness, not only for patients themselves but for all care-givers as well, refers to the humanisation principles of spaces of care. Commencing with an analysis of existing paediatric... more
There are currently about 6 million -mainly older-people with dementia in 28 the European Union. With ageing, a number of sensory changes occur. Dementia 29 syndrome exacerbates the effects of these sensory changes and alters perception... more
A assistência ao parto está em crise no Brasil. A redução da mortalidade materna e neonatal ainda é um desafio para os serviços de saúde e a sociedade como um todo. As altas taxas encontradas se configuram como uma violação dos Direitos... more
Proses penyembuhan manusia adalah keseimbangan dari kondisi fisiologis dan psikologis seseorang. Untuk mendukung kondisi psikologis tersebut, maka diperlukan lingkungan yang sehat dan nyaman, yang dapat memberikan suasana dan dampak... more
This document is the syllabus for a graduate seminar I am offering this fall in the Department of Architecture at Kansas State University. The tripartite "Deep Beauty" construct, which is defined in the paper, outlines a new paradigm for... more
In Syria, there are two dominant scholarly opinions on ritual self-flagellation, which rest on different understandings of health and healing, and which form the topic of the first part of this chapter. The second examines miracle stories... more
Evidence-based design strategies can improve stress-free environments in healthcare, by emphasizing strategic opportunities to influence the design of health facilities. Evidence-based design (EBD) as a tool for healthcare planning is a... more
Indoor environment has a potential impact on health by influencing behaviors, actions, and interactions of patients and their families as well as the health providers. The motto of health professionals since Hippocrates “First, do no... more
Da qualche anno il dibattito che si è intrecciato tra l'architettura e le discipline antropologiche ha preso di mira lo spazio-tempo della post-modernità» così scrive Ida Farè nella sua riflessione sulla dimensione contemporanea... more
Being in an environment, which causes stress, anxiety and uncertainty, are some of the elements, which have an influence on the well-being of human beings. Health care providers, health care receivers and health care workers all... more
Chapter from the Architecture Review Flanders 2010 taking two architecture projects in the field of psychiatry as a case two discuss the issue of care architecture. Published by the Flanders Architecture Institute (isbn 9789081326322)
Our understanding and experience of the built environment are primarily shaped by multi-sensory and emotional modes of exchange with space. Meaningful interaction with environmental stimuli and processing of multi-sensory information are... more
Submitted to the International Society of traumatic Stress Studies in 1998, this was a paper delivered on an UN-constructed healing environment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for a high school in the middle of the Robert Taylor Homes... more
Evidence-based design strategies can improve stress-free environments in healthcare, by emphasizing strategic opportunities to influence the design of health facilities. Evidence-based design (EBD) as a tool for healthcare planning is a... more