On Power in Architecture #2: A Phenomenological Perspective International Symposium 13 September 2018, 10:00–16:00 Venue: Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana Speakers: Andrew Benjamin, Dean Komel, Jeff Malpas, Luka Skansi, Peter Trawny
The relation between architecture and power seems to offer itself in an immediate way. Howeve... more The relation between architecture and power seems to offer itself in an immediate way. However, the question arises: What kind of power do we have in mind when we connect it with architecture? Is this political, religious, economical, or another kind of social power? Or should we assume that architecture has to do with some, even more original, power that concerns the arche of the world itself? This “arche of the world” is the central theme of phenomenological philosophy as initiated by Edmund Husserl at the beginning of the 20th century. I would like to sketch a possible phenomenological approach to the problem of “power within architecture”. A “sketch” can be understood as the key element of architectural praxis itself. On this basis, we can consider the question of whether and how architectural praxis can play a critical role in addressing different positions of social power, rather than finding self-satisfaction as their subservient toy.
video : http://videolectures.net/igorzabelseries_komel_fenomenoloska_skica/
V predavanju sem skiciral možni fenomenološki pristop k problemu »oblasti/moči v arhitekturi«. »Skico« lahko pri tem razumemo kot osnovni element same arhitekturne prakse. Na tej podlagi lahko razmislimo o vprašanju, če in kako naj arhitekturna praksa igra kritično vlogo pri naslavljanju različnih pozicij, ki se tičejo družbene oblasti, namesto da se skuša zadovoljiti kot zgolj njena uslužna igrača.
Posnetek: http://videolectures.net/igorzabelseries_komel_fenomenoloska_skica/
Books by Jeff Malpas
Papers by Jeff Malpas
video : http://videolectures.net/igorzabelseries_komel_fenomenoloska_skica/
V predavanju sem skiciral možni fenomenološki pristop k problemu »oblasti/moči v arhitekturi«. »Skico« lahko pri tem razumemo kot osnovni element same arhitekturne prakse. Na tej podlagi lahko razmislimo o vprašanju, če in kako naj arhitekturna praksa igra kritično vlogo pri naslavljanju različnih pozicij, ki se tičejo družbene oblasti, namesto da se skuša zadovoljiti kot zgolj njena uslužna igrača.
Posnetek: http://videolectures.net/igorzabelseries_komel_fenomenoloska_skica/