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Education in the broadest sense is aimed at helping individuals become more productive members of the society. At the heart of the whole pedagogy is Guidance and Counselling, which has been positively correlated with effective learning... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationCareer Guidance CounselingDidactics
Soergada Poerbakawatja mengemukakan pengertian emosi, Emosi adalah respons terhadap suatu perangsang yang menyebabkan perubahan fisiologis disertai perasaan yang kuat dan biasanya mengandung kemungkinan untuk meletus. Respons demikian... more
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    • Guidance and Conseling
Education in the broadest sense is aimed at helping individuals become more productive members of the society. At the heart of the whole pedagogy is Guidance and Counselling, which has been positively correlated with effective learning... more
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      EducationCareer Guidance CounselingDidacticsEducational Research
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      Islamic StudiesIslamBimbingan Dan KonselingGuidance and Conseling
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    • Guidance and Conseling
Anak berkebutuhan khusus pada awalnya dikenal dengan istilah anak cacat,anak berkelainan atau anak luar biasa. Anak berkebutuhan khusus adalah anak yang dalam proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya secara signifikan mengalami kelainan... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationGuidance and Conseling
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      Career Guidance CounselingSchool Guidance and CounselingResearchGuidance and Conseling
Banyaknya permasalahan yang kian kompleks di dalam kehidupan manusia membuat kondisi-kondisi khusus kian bermunculan. Tidak terkecuali dalam dunia pendidikan. Siswa sebagai bagian dari masyarakat yang lebih luas tentu mengalami dampak... more
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      Mental Health CounselingCounselingEducational Psychology and CounselingMulticultural counselling
Kita tahu bahwa remaja sangat banyak dan sering membuat onar di jalanan. Remaja tidak memikirkan sebab dan akibat yang dilakukannya mereka hanya tahu senang-senang. Hal tersebut sering disebut kenakalan remaja dan apakah kenakalan remaja... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationGuidance and Conseling
This study aimed to: (1) produce a career exploration workbook for the junior high school students, (2) find out the effectiveness of the career exploration-workbook for junior high school. This study is a research and development.... more
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      Career Guidance CounselingCareer GuidanceCareer Guidance And CounselingSchool Guidance and Counseling
Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kebutuhan tersedianya perangkat instrumen yang efektif untuk digunakan dalam pengembangan kompetensi konselor di lapangan. Didasari keinginan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut, penelitian ini... more
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    • Guidance and Conseling
There are many public secondary schools in Bureti Sub-County. Most of the students in these secondary schools have been facing cases of indiscipline for many years and these cases seem to be increasing as years go by causing a lot of... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationCareer Guidance CounselingDidactics
Kasus dan Analisis Bullying di SMAN 9 Kota Tangerang Selatan
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    • Guidance and Conseling
This study investigated the effects of career guidance method and career counselling method on student’s vocational maturity. The main purpose of the study is to find out which of the two purposed techni1ques will best facilitate the... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationCareer Guidance CounselingEducational Research
تواجدت الخدمات النفسية لمساعدة الفرد على التوافق النفسي والاجتماعي في ظل التغيرات والتحديات التي يواجهها في الوقت الراهن، فهناك من يقصد العيادة النفسية قصد العلاج النفسي، وهناك من يتجه نحو مراكز الإرشاد لطلب الاستشارة والخدمة النفسية... more
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      CounselingGuidance and Conseling
This study investigated the relationship between students’ study behaviour and their academic achievement in Aboh Mbaise Local Government Area of Imo State. The researchers employed a correlation design for the study. Two research... more
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      EducationCounselling PsychologyGuidance and Conseling
Semoga bermanfaat
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    • Guidance and Conseling
Guru bukan hanya sebagai seorang yang mentransfer ilmu pengetahuan yang dimiliki kepada peserta didiknya akan tetapi haruslah menjadi seorang yang dapat memberikan alternatif-alternatif kepada peserta didik yang mengalami kesulitan... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationGuidance and Conseling
The Kenyan government recognizes guidance and counselling as an essential service that should be given to every student. To demonstrate its seriousness, the government, through the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has officially... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationCareer Guidance CounselingDidactics
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      Social SciencesCounselingGuidance and Conseling
Community-based psychotherapists and school counsellors work to assist adolescents through sharing resources, building awareness of cognition and behavior, and skill development in communicative competence. However, adolescents, eager to... more
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      Clinical PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyCounseling PsychologyChild and adolescent mental health
Laporan ini disusun untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah BK di Sekolah
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      Educational ResearchSenior High SchoolsGuidance and Conseling
Abstract This study investigated the relationship between work values and job adjustment of civil servants in Lagos State Secretariat, Alausa. In this regard, one hundred and sixty workers were used for study selected from four... more
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      Teacher EducationEducational PsychologyValue EducationSocial Adjustment
Yapılan bu araştırmanın amacı, rehberlik ve psikolojik danışmanlık eğitimi alan öğretmen adaylarının kaynaştırma eğitimine ilişkin görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesidir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden tarama modeli ile... more
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      InclusionTeacherRehberlik Ve Psikolojik DanışmanlıköğRetmen
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder that can be caused by various etiologies accompanied by chronic hyperglycemia due to insulin secretion disturbance or insulin disruption, or both. The purpose of this study is whether there... more
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      NutritionFood and NutritionCritical DieteticsDietetics
Community-based psychotherapists and school counsellors work to assist adolescents through sharing resources, building awareness of cognition and behavior, and skill development in communicative competence. However, adolescents, eager to... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPsychoanalysisChild and adolescent mental healthPsychotherapy and Counseling
Using information and communication technology (ICT) in psychological counseling and guidance field is a current issue with the developing technology. In Turkey, scientific research on this subject is quite limited. The aim of this... more
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      PsychologyCounselingGuidance and Conseling
The Kenyan government recognizes guidance and counselling as an essential service that should be given to every student. To demonstrate its seriousness, the government, through the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has officially... more
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      EducationCareer Guidance CounselingDidacticsEducational Research
In the church in recent times, it seems that agitation for the approval of homosexuality or same-sex marriage is on the increase. There is a fight for recognition and societal acceptability of their kind of relationships and marriage,... more
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      Sociology of ReligionChristian EthicsGuidance and Conseling
21 st Century is the age of science and technological age, people's quality of life has improved tremendously in this century and also turning on alarm signal of loneliness. The aim of the study was to identify the loneliness among adults... more
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      Clinical PsychologyEducational PsychologyMental Health CounselingHappiness and Well Being
This was the final project of the UC San Diego College Counseling Practicum course. I described the steps taken at a high school in mainland China to implement a plan for change. I also stated outcomes as well as future goals.
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      EducationCareer ManagementCounseling PsychologyHigher Education
A complexities of living expand and the challenges of meeting everyday needs of homosapiens increases, there arises in a more compelling proportion the need for achieving sustainable behaviour and attitudinal change in society to ensure... more
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    • Guidance and Conseling
There is no doubt whatsoever that the Human immunodeficiency virus infection is a pandemic infectious disease whose impact on societies is without precedent. Hence, people's attitude towards HIV counselling and testing may significantly... more
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      Counselling PsychologyGuidance and Conseling