Greg Lynn
Recent papers in Greg Lynn
Künstlerisch-architektonische Gestaltung und die gesellschaftliche Formung von Subjekten stehen in einem engen Wechselverhältnis. Aktuelle Varianten des Organizismus nehmen hierin eine wichtige Rolle ein, indem sie mit ihrem holistischen... more
The new design approaches that prevail today suggest a certain shift in the way architecture is conceived, materialized and described: architecture is now “animate,” “animalistic,” “evolutionary.” The leading fallacy towards which these... more
El doblez proyectado es indisoluble de la geometría que lo hace posible. Para establecer un claro control sobre el doblez es necesario realizar un documento proyectivo, un plano. Es por eso que los asuntos ligados a la geometría y al... more
El Centro POIESIS 1 y la Unidad de Arquitectura Paramétrica (UAP) 2 ha trabajado en la problemática de la vivienda (y más específicamente, en la problemática de la vivienda colectiva), haciendo foco en los modos del habitar desde su... more
The concept of dynamic forces shaping form in order to increase performance was the foundation of Buckminster Fuller's most noted project, the Dymaxion House. While Fuller is best known for his dome structures, the Dymaxion House is... more
Greg Lynn's Embryological House was an early work of digital architecture: a work in which the computer was a fundamental part of the design process. It was the subject of a case-study in digital preservation by the Daniel Langlois... more
According to Rudolf Wittkower, Andrea Palladio had develop a generative project system that allowed him to design his villas based on a nine square grid . The homogeneous space that resulted from Palladio´s project system was not... more
Chapter 3 of 'Art, Design and Capital since the 1980s: Production by Design' (Routledge, 2019), pp. 60–77 Chapter 3... more
Le design génératif: illustration et analyse
Zitieren, Kopieren und Rekonstruieren sind gängige Verfahren im architektonischen Alltag. Anstatt sie zu verbergen, um den Originalitätsanspruch der Moderne zu wahren, werden sie in diesem Buch offengelegt. Vier Architekten berichten im... more
Just as the capabilities of machine tool design influenced the aesthetic form of streamlined industrial design products during the mechanical age, the embedded curves and splines of digital software employed by architects today originated... more