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This article deals with the theory of the so-called ‘intelligible Triad’ (esse, vivere, intellegere) to show in what way this theory was developed in Neoplatonism (by Plotinus, Porphyry, Iamblichus and Proclus) and transformed in the... more
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      PatristicsHistorical TheologySystematic TheologyGreek Patristics
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteraturePatristicsGreek Language
Dans cette conférence, j'ai proposé un parcours transversal dans l’exégèse des premiers siècles (chez Irénée de Lyon, Origène, Eusèbe de Césarée et Hilaire de Poitiers) à propos des "impies", les "pécheurs" et les "pestiférés" nommés dans... more
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      IrenaeusBook of PsalmsBiblical ExegesisOrigen of Alexandria
The way in which Paul exercises his authority in the Letter to Philemon has been studied from various angles, but as far as could be determined, the reception of this aspect of his letter by its interpreters in the fourth and 5th... more
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      PatristicsTheodoret of CyrrhusPauline LiteratureJohn Chrysostom
Paper presented at Oxford Patristics Conference in 2003.
Publication is well past the contractual three-year embargo on online sharing.
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      PatristicsMedical HumanitiesCappadociansAugustine
In the article we make the case that St. Germanus II shared the traditional Patristic view of monasticism as of something superior in relation to the Christian marriage. A Christian is permitted to marry one or two times in his or her... more
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      Anthropology of ChristianityByzantine StudiesDogmatic theologyMonasticism
As part of 'Introduction to Patristics', I submitted a short document study on the Epistle of St Ignatius of Antioch, sent to the Church in Smyrna.
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      PatristicsPatristic StudiesPatristics and Late AntiquityPatristic Theology
I Tractatus in Psalmos furono scoperti e pubblicati da G. Morin tra la fine dell’Ottocento e gli inizi del Novecento. Sulla base di vari riscontri l’editore attribuì i nuovi testi a Girolamo, di cui fino a quel momento era pressoché... more
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Flavius Josephus, Hieronymus und die Eroberung Roms 410 n. Chr. Summary: When Jerome was made to leave Rome in 385 CE he apostrophised the city as a new Babylon. This paper argues that he did not make use of such apocalyptic language... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesPatristicsLate Antique Archaeology
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      PhilologyClassicsGreek LiteraturePatristics
This article presents some new material on the Greek text of Melito. Nongbri describes the rediscovery of the first leaf of the Greek copy of Melito’s Peri Pascha in the Bodmer collection and discusses its place in the codex of which it... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureJewish StudiesTheology
This is a course on a masterpiece in world literature, on a late 4 th-century text of Augustine. We will read closely the whole Confessions in which the author tells his story in the form of sequential conversions to the quest of wisdom... more
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      Early ChurchEarly ChristianityHistory of ancient ThraceArianism
This essay was an in-depth study on the 'First Apology', written by St Justin Martyr in the second century.
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      PatristicsEarly ChurchEarly ChristianityChristian Apologetics
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      PatristicsEarly ChristianityLate AntiquityPatristic Exegesis
Courtney J. P. Friesen explores shifting boundaries of ancient religions by way of the reception of a popular tragedy, Euripides’ Bacchae . As a play staging political crises provoked by the arrival of the “foreign” god Dionysus and his... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionGreek Tragedy
This is a presentation given at yearly doctrinal workshop of the NDE  Sisters held in Lomé (Togo). It is about the importance of the Church Fathers in our life of faith and in our spiritual life as well.
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      PatristicsPatristics and Late AntiquityEarly Church FathersAmbrose of Milan
This dissertation explores the implications of the christology of Cyril of Alexandria for contemporary evangelical spirituality. Cyril’s christology is traced through his soteriology to his spirituality, giving attention to the... more
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celý text knihy prekladov z Cirkevných Otcov
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      AugustineLate AntiquityAmbrose of MilanpATROLOGY
An overview of the variety of textual differences that exist between the Apocalypse in Codex Sinaiticus and the book in modern critical editions, thereby offering a window into the book's early readership. There is also a YouTube link to... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryPapyrologyPatristics
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryMedieval History
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      PatristicsEarly Christian Apocryphal LiteratureApocrypha/PseudepigraphaAncient Greek Literature
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
¿Es posible la libertad humana para san Agustín? En esta breve exposición intentaremos responder al interrogante siguiendo el itinerario de los libros VII y VIII de las Confesiones. A nuestro entender, estos pasajes resultan claves dentro... more
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      EthicsMedieval PhilosophyPhilosophical TheologyAugustine of Hippo
This contribution traces the interpretations of Jn 8: 32 in the first centuries up to Origen, who represents in this case, as in general for ancient patristic literature, a fundamental watershed. Each passage is illuminated by setting it... more
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      GnosticismClassicsPatristicsBiblical Studies
Μια ερμηνευτική προσέγγιση της μεσσιανικής Εισόδου του Χριστού κατά το Πάσχα του Πάθους, μέσα από τις βιβλικές και απόκρυφες πηγές, αναζητώντας στην προφητική εκπλήρωση, τα σκιώδη και τα εθνικά παράλληλα, καθώς και την παλαιοχριστιανική... more
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      IconographyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesPatristicsNew Testament
*As with any article (but especially here), the views expressed by the Christian Libertarian Institute or the Christian Libertarian Review do not necessarily reflect my own, and vice versa. Abstract: If libertarians advocate for a... more
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      PatristicsHebrew BibleViolence in the BiblePolitical Theology
A new account of the coherence of Gregory's Christology and Christological exegesis
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesTheologyPatristicsHistorical Theology
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This book discusses the christological exegesis of biblical theophanies and argues its crucial importance for the appropriation of the Hebrew Bible as the Christian Old Testament. The Emmaus episode in Luke 24 and its history of... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesPatristicsEarly ChristianityTheological Interpretation of Christian Scripture
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      GnosticismHistoryAncient HistoryClassical Archaeology
This book discusses the occurrence of angelic imagery in early Christian discourse about the Holy Spirit. Taking as its entry-point Clement of Alexandria s less explored writings, Excerpta ex Theodoto, Eclogae propheticae, and... more
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      PatristicsEarly ChristianityAngelologySecond Temple Judaism
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      Late Latin LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLiturgical StudiesLiturgy
Edited by Stephen Mark Holmes University of Edinburgh School of Divinity For Pluscarden Abbey, Scotland THE ENTIRE VOLUME AND SECTIONS CAN BE DOWNLOADED IN PDF DIRECTLY FROM THIS LINK:... more
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      PatristicsLiturgyBenedictine nunsBenedictine Monasticism
Understandably, modern exegetes are hesitant about adopting the ancient church’s hermeneutical practices. Rather than attempt to rationalize or resolve patristic exegesis, this paper will propose how modern hermeneutics can incorporate... more
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      PatristicsHermeneutics (Research Methodology)HermeneuticsTheological Hermeneutics
Desde los días de Esdras surgió en Israel una escuela de estudiantes profesionales de la ley que dedicaron todo su tiempo y su pensamiento a la investigación y determinación de asuntos relacionados con la revelación divina .Los tales... more
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      Greek LanguageNew TestamentEarly ChristianityBible Translation
The notion that there existed a distinction between so-called "Alexandrian" and "Antiochene" exegesis in the ancient church has become a common assumption among theologians. The typical belief is that Alexandria promoted an allegorical... more
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      PatristicsTypologyHermeneuticsPhilo of Alexandria
This article provides brief overview of scholarship on the questions of Arius theological belonging and philosophical influences on his teachings. The main thesis is that Arius himself was rather a conservative theologian (traditionalist)... more
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      PatristicsChristologyArianismGreek Patristics
The Nomina Sacra: Highlighting the Sacred Figures of the Text (Pre-published version of Ch. 3, The Formation and Significance of the Christian Biblical Canon, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2014)
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      ChristianityTheologyPatristicsNew Testament
Severian of Gabala bibliography (including pseudo-Severiana) and table of editions. New version 10 (23 March 23) There is only one new entry since version 9. Please forward details of any new Severian related publications (both... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesPatristicsEarly ChristianityJewish - Christian Relations
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      Classical philologyThe Greek and Latin ClassicsGreek and Latin Patristics
La concezione della Terza Persona della Trinità nell'opera "De Spiritu Sancto" di Basilio di Cesarea.

The definition of the Third Person of the Trinity in the work "De Spiritu Sancto" by Basil of Caesarea.
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      TheologyTrinitarian TheologyTrinity (Theology)Patristic Exegesis

This web-page provides hyperlinks to all the texts published in the first 65 volumes of the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum
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      PatristicsLate Antique ReligionPatristic ExegesisPatristic Studies
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsReligionChristianity
1. mgr lic. Piotr Popiołek Rola Tradycji w argumentacji proikonicznej Jana z Damaszku 2. mgr lic. Łukasz Rzepka Supersesjonizm w "Logice wiary" Johna Henry’ego Newmana 3. mgr lic. Aneta Krupka Ewangelizacyjno-apologetyczny... more
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      Canon LawPatristicsIconoclasmPastoral Theology
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      HistoryTheologyPatristicsHistorical Theology
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      Gender StudiesRoman HistoryPatristicsEarly Christianity
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