Globalisation and the labour market
Recent papers in Globalisation and the labour market
Die Kritische Sozialwissenschaft hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten wichtige Beiträge zur Erforschung der Globalisierung geleistet. In diesem Band sind die zentralen Themen aufgegriffen. Zu den brennenden aktuellen Themen, die von kritischen... more
This article reviews conventional theories about various aspects of labor migration: Its origins, stability over time, and patterns of migrant settlement. For each of these aspects, we provide alternative explanatory hypotheses derived... more
Over 90 per cent of the goods we use – from our smartphones to the fuel in our cars – are transported by ships. The cargo shipping industry is the most globalised industry in the world, yet we know very little about the context in which... more
Desde la década de 1980 del siglo pasado, el mercado de trabajo y las relaciones laborales en América Latina se vieron afectados por la flexibilización y la precarización del trabajo. La desregulación de las relaciones laborales y la... more
The Internet has revolutionized work and is transforming the job markets. With the aid of some illustrative case studies, we analyze and discuss how the Internet has changed the job market and its impact on society. We identify the impact... more
"The Report presents insights which illuminates the intertwinements of European regulatory policies and global governance arrangements. By pinning down the exact nature of the interaction between these two levels, the EU’s dilemma becomes... more
The nature of the contemporary global political economy and the significance of the current crisis are a matter of wide-ranging intellectual and political debate, which has contributed to a revival of interest in Marx’s critique of... more
For around fifteen years now, anthropology has been engaged in the study of neoliberalism. What contribution does the discipline have to make to a debate largely monopolized by economics and political science? To answer this question, the... more
¿De qué muere México? Junto a las miserias modernas, nos agobia toda una serie de miserias heredadas, fruto de la supervivencia de tipos de producción antiquísimos y ya caducos, con todo su séquito de relaciones políticas y sociales... more
In 2005, the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) embarked on an ambitious agenda to represent and organize domestic workers, despite them being legally and culturally considered non-workers and servants. Due to the exclusion of... more
In the past five to ten years many of the emerging economies experienced considerable social unrest – a fact that sits awkwardly with the success stories of rising powers from the global south that were promulgated by numerous social... more
The UK Commission for Employment and Skills is a social partnership, led by Commissioners from large and small employers, trade unions and the voluntary sector. Our mission is to raise skill levels to help drive enterprise, create more... more
4th International E-Conference
This article centres on the interaction between transnational families, the global labour market and migration policies of receiving nation-states. Transnational families act as hubs of migration decision-making, directed towards... more
Today we live in a world of “deep integration”(Dicken, 2004 p. 8). This deep integration is upon us through the rapidly growing phenomenon of globalization and has since become the ‘buzzword’ (Ellwood, 2001) of our modern era. Never... more
del trabajo en Brasil. El crecimiento económico y los efectos de las políticas laborales", en Nueva Sociedad, núm. 239. Lavinas, Lena (2012) "Desafíos de la política social de Brasil: ¿cómo mantener el crecimiento económico con inclusión... more
Never before has the term ‘circular migration’ been used and mentioned by so many diverse actors ranging from scholars, think tank experts, policy makers, migration stakeholders, and officials from the European Union (EU), the United... more
No weakening, but rather an expansion, of statehood can be observed in the contemporary world. This does not, on the other hand, imply that extensive forms of constitutional ordering do not exist outside the realm of states. Instead, the... more
Command economy carryovers and recently implemented labor relation models mark Vietnam’s engagement with global capitalism. Numerous social and economic entitlements are tied to household registration policies, whereas tripartitism is... more
The concept of embeddedness plays a central role in the segment of economic sociology and social theory which is inspired by the works of Karl Polanyi. But to the extent that embeddedness is understood in a substantialist manner, implying... more
Often times, new immigrants to Canada are encouraged to perform volunteer work in order to gain sufficient 'Canadian experience' to improve their access to the Canadian labour market. Many of these immigrants experience the paradox of... more
This report examines what people learn as they become involved in urban social movements. The report examines learning processes in three distinct sites; a cooperative, a local assembly and a street protest. The report argues that through... more
The rise of neo-liberal globalisation in the 1980s impacted the industrial trajectories of developing countries, signalling the shift from 'the development project' to the 'globalisation project'. Within the legacy of neo-liberal... more
This paper is analysing and summarising the impact of globalisation on social and cultural values of India. For this, a number of research papers have been reviewed, presented and corroborated in this paper. In this paper social and... more
This paper uses qualitative analysis for assessing the impact of the globalization on distribution of income, poverty and inequality in India and arrives as different conclusions. It has been concluded that the absolute poverty in India... more
The post-World War II reconstruction of global trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) has been a significant topic of discussion in the analyses of numerous bilateral economic relations, including those that are located in Asia... more
We appraise the impact of various indicators of active and passive labour-market policies within the framework of the Beveridge curve across 14 OECD countries from 1985 to 2013, controlling for a wide spectrum of other factors, both... more
We appraise the impact of various indicators of active and passive labour-market policies within the framework of the Beveridge curve across 14 OECD countries from 1985 to 2013, controlling for a wide spectrum of other factors,... more
Globalization and its regional and local impacts have an important role in today’s economics. Paradoxically, challenges arising from the unification of the world have strengthened the need for regional and local answers. Transformation of... more
"This book develops a sociologically informed theory of constitutionalism in the global realm, addressing both national and transnational forms of constitutional ordering. The book begins with the argument that current approaches to... more
V času pandemije smo priče vsesplošnemu pozivanju k humanosti. Politiki kar tekmujejo, kdo se bo bolj odločno zavzemal za humano družbo, za varovanje življenja pred ekonomijo in zaščito vseh posameznikov pred boleznijo. In the times of... more
Often times, new immigrants to Canada are encouraged to perform volunteer work in order to gain sufficient 'Canadian experience' to improve their access to the Canadian labour market. Many of these immigrants experience the paradox of... more