History of Globalization
Recent papers in History of Globalization
Ce cours-séminaire a pour objectif de familiariser les étudiant-e-s avec les principaux thèmes, problèmes et enjeux de l'histoire de mondialisation. Il examinera plus précisément les acteurs, les formes et l'évolution des contacts et des... more
For more information cf. https://www.uni-bayreuth.de/en/master/global-history
Applications for each winter term are possible from 1 March until 15 July each year.
Applications for each winter term are possible from 1 March until 15 July each year.
In der zeithistorischen Forschung ist mittlerweile weitgehend unumstritten, dass die 1970er Jahre eine Zeit grundlegender Veränderungen darstellten, gar einen "Epochenbruch" markieren. Zu diesen Umbrüchen werden nicht nur in einzelnen... more
Exhibition catalog, Gallerie degli Uffizi, 2020. Contains 98 catalog entries and 10 essays: "The Universe of Giovanna Garzoni. Art, Mobility, and the Global Turn in the Geographical Imaginary" by Sheila Barker."“E scrittrice, e pittrice”:... more
• Gold, God, Glory…Globalization: The Foundations of Contemporary Global Connections by Akwasi Osei; pp. 17-24 • This chapter argues that Nations and cultures have always interacted with each other and that the interactions between much... more
The trajectories of German nationalism in the late nineteenth century were deeply affected by the process of globalization. While the literature on the subject has largely remained within the confines of a national history paradigm, this... more
The document contains information about globalization, origins of globalization in terms of "wave" and role of media in process of globalization.
Short Historical Tale (A. Tabuashvili as co-author). .. . in Colchis home for himself and his Greek colonists. Thus West Georgia was involved in the European matter. Greek commercial superiority was substituted by the Roman hegemony over... more
This article situates the collecting practices of museums of natural history in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in dialogue with similar practices amongst societies in the Pacific by focusing on how European curators, dealers... more
Impreso en China Edición gratuita. Prohibida su venta Queda rigurosamente prohibida cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación o transformación total o parcial de esta obra sin el permiso escrito de los titulares de los... more
This article proposes a new theoretical framework to study the dialectic of capital and nature over the longue duree of world capitalism. The author proposes that today's global ecological crisis has its roots in the transition to... more
This Element examines urban imaginaries during the expansion of international news between the late nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries, when everyday information about faraway places found its way into newspapers all over the... more
The purpose of this study is to understand the political, social, economic and military factors that shaped the evolution of Spanish shipbuilding for the Acapulco-Manila trade route under the Habsburg and Bourbon dynasties (1571-1815). It... more
Con frecuencia las ciencias sociales han pensado la religión como un fenómeno en franco retroceso. Sin embargo, lejos de estas predicciones de las ciencias sociales, la religión continúa ocupando un papel fundamental en la vida de... more
For centuries, medicinal and recreational drugs have evoked both utopian visions and darker themes: slavish obsession, physical dependency , altered mental states, and the feedback loop of labor and consumption. This article surveys... more
The essays in this volume provide a new perspective on the history of convicts and penal colonies. They demonstrate that the nineteenth and twentieth centuries were a critical period in the reconfiguration of empires, imperial... more
This article examines the textiles trades of the west coast of Madagascar through the commercial relations and connections of Nosy Be with East Africa, the Comoro islands, the Mascarenes, India, French and other European imperial and... more
What did women's bodies in pre-colonial South Asia have to do with the birth of capitalism? South Asia's pre-colonial integration into a globally emerging, early modern capitalist order reached deep into the hinterland to transform both... more
This paper argues that the origins of coun- terinsurgency are not inscribed in a national military tradition, but result from a synthesis of experiences that were developed in Europe, the USA. and di erent regions of Asia and Latin... more
Es un placer anunciar la próxima sesión del Seminario Permanente “Los mundos ibéricos y la globalización temprana,” que tendrá lugar en modalidad dual el próximo viernes, 27 de mayo, a las 12 h CEST. La sesión, promovida por el proyecto... more
This chapter examines how Greek shipowners combined their entrepreneurial skills with American finance and European maritime expertise to become the world’s leading shipowners in the post-war period. Led by Aristotle Onassis, they were... more
LACKO, Miroslav. Majster Pavol a Levoča ako kapitálové a obchodné centrum v 15. a 16. storočí [Abstract in German: Meister Paul und Leutschau als Kapital- und Handelszentrum im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert]. In: NOVOTNÁ, Mária et al. Majster... more
When European clocks first arrived in seventeenth-century Japan they generated a commotion. The highly complex but also very precise instruments had been brought to Nagasaki by the Dutch East India Company that monopolized the sparse and... more
Historians have long overlooked the role played by domesticated animals in the European expansion into the Americas. Yet domesticated animals -and the social practices that accompanied them -were central both to the 'civilizing mission'... more
Next Tuesday, March 22 at 18:00 (CET) it will take place a special session of the permanent seminar "Iberian worlds and early globalization" promoted by the project PID2019-111081RJ-I00 “MIBER – Mobility and Integration in the Iberian... more
Les vies respectives de Nicolas de Nicolay (1517-1583) et de Pierre Belon du Mans (1517-1564) sont marquées par d’incessants déplacements qui les mènent du proche au lointain, des chemins du royaume de France jusqu’au cœur de l’Empire... more
This article concerns German railway cartography in the mid-nineteenth century and its effects on spatio-political perceptions. The evolution of a railway system in Germany, from isolated single routes into national and ultimately... more
https://jesuitportal.bc.edu/news/july-2020-new-historiographical-essay-on-jesuit-travel/ David Salomoni, a postdoctoral researcher at the Project RUTTER—Making the Earth Global, has published “Jesuits on Board: A Reasoned Bibliography on... more
This article sets out to elucidate the role of Japanese Protestants in the education of Koreans during the early twentieth century. Scholarship has often assigned only marginal roles to Japanese Protestants within the history of Japanese... more