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An examination of the Lombard version of judicial duel, a Germanic institution that shaped the history of post-Roman West. Praxis and ideology are reconstructed by confronting Langobard sources with other Romano-barbaric kingdoms and the... more
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      Early Middle Ages (History)Witchcraft, Religion and MagicDueling and Codes of HonorPagan/Christian Relations in the Early Middle Ages
In this Foreword to the Hungarian translation of „What is Odinism?” (by Collin Cleary) I examine the written and material sources of the Odin-archetype and in the light of them I propose a structural analysis. Then I make a comparison of... more
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      History of ReligionNeo-Paganism and Western EsotericismHeidegger's later thoughtGermanic religion and cults
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityLate Antique Art and Archaeology
Humans are similar to the geography they live in. Geography shapes humans' lives, thoughts and beliefs. The Germanic peoples were also influenced by the geography they lived in. This geography covered with forests has shaped their lives,... more
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      Cultural heritage in conflictGermanic religion and cultsAlman romantizmiAlmanya
Nel Walhalla, il palazzo dorato degli Asi, durante i banchetti non si beve nettare, ma idromele. In questo palazzo sono portati anche i guerrieri caduti, gli Einherier, che affiancheranno Odino, il giorno della fine del mondo, nella lotta... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheBeowulfNietzsche’s evaluation on Men of RessentimentGermanic religion and cults
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      Historical LinguisticsGermanic linguisticsOnomasticsLangobards
Verschiedene Rezensionen/Besprechungen des Buches von G. Doerr: Muttermythos und Herrschaftsmythos -- Zur Dialektik der Aufklärung um die Jahrhundertwende bei den Kosmikern, Stefan George und in der Frankfurter Schule. Würzburg:... more
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      German StudiesHistory of IdeasRace and RacismTheodor Adorno
Досліджено один із пізніх шведських рунічних календарів. Описано календар, наведено прорис різьблення, пояснено принцип користування календарем. В результаті аналізу структури календаря зроблено висновок про місце... more
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      Russian StudiesSwedish HistoryUkrainian HistoryGermanic Studies