German Language and Culture
Recent papers in German Language and Culture
In: Interkulturelle Kompetenzen im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Intercultural Literacies and German in the Classroom. Festschrift für Manfred Prokop. Ed. Caroline L. Rieger, John L. Plews and Christoph Lorey. Tübingen: Narr, 2007. 103-124.
A kislexikon a német szókészlet kulturális és országismereti szempontból kiválasztott anyagát tartalmazza és értelmezi. Ez mindazon sajátos nyelvi és nyelven kívüli ismeretek összességét jelenti, melyek az adott nyelv és hozzá tartozó... more
A jelen tankönyv hatékony és a mai kor igényeihez igazodó segédanyag a német nyelvet egyénileg vagy csoportosan tanulók kezében. Célja, hogy bevezesse a tanulókat az általánosan beszélt német nyelvbe, megismertessen a német nyelvtan... more
This paper aims to investigate the role of the gaze in the texts published by Musil (perhaps) when he was the editor-in-chief of the Tiroler-Soldaten-Zeitung, in the times of the First World War. It means to explore the... more
This article presents a detailed methodological outline for teaching culture through project work. It is argued that because project work makes it possible to gain transferrable and applicable knowledge and insight, it is the ideal tool... more
Essay on the history of the German-speaking region in Belgium.
Memoria, archivio, e frontiera nella letteratura austriaca degli ultimi trent’anni Intento del mio contributo, rivolto alle nuove tendenze della letteratura austriaca, è quello di analizzare il traumatico e ambiguo rapporto degli... more
This paper aims to investigate the role of the gaze in the texts published by Musil (perhaps) when he was the editor-in-chief of the Tiroler-Soldaten-Zeitung, in the times of the First World War. It means to explore the philosopher's... more
Article on the notion of "Heimat" in an era of globalization. Are both compatible? Analysis of the notion "plural Heimat", coined by the Swiss author Hugo Loetscher.
Il Seminario del dottorato in Lingue e culture del Mediterraneo - Firenze 21-23 giugno 2010 - si proponeva di riflettere, nella scia di precedenti filoni di indagine (si veda Giudizi e pregiudizi, Alinea 2010), sulle "leyendas negras" che... more
Gli studi riuniti sono il risultato del seminario promosso dalla Scuola Dottorale in Filologia Moderna e Letterature Comparate, che si è tenuto a Firenze nei giorni 19-24 ottobre 2009, inserendosi nelle celebrazioni spagnole del... more
In diesem Buch wird untersucht, wie die Figur des Arztes in den zwei meist emblematischen Werken Carossas Doktor Bürgers Ende und Der Arzt Gion dargestellt wird, und welcher Zusammenhang zwischen Fiktionalität und Realität sich daraus... more