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A partir de varios contextos históricos y con ayuda de su autobiografía, este artículo elabora una cartografía de las zonas de contacto entre la vida y la obra del escritor judío de origen austríaco Paul Engel, quien bajo el pseudónimo de... more
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      LiteratureExileSecond World WarJewish Literature
Book Review of Gerd Gemuenden's book, Continental Strangers. German Exile Cinema (Columbia University Press, 2014)
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      German StudiesGerman CinemaClassical HollywoodClassical Hollywood Cinema
This essay foregrounds music, radio, and sound in the novels of the German exile author Lion Feuchtwanger. Specifically, it analyzes the narrative techniques in Feuchtwanger’s "Waiting Room Trilogy," a collection of novels written from... more
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      German StudiesMusic HistoryMusicologyJewish Studies
This essay examines the apparent tension between political and psychological readings of Thomas Mann’s novella 'Mario und der Zauberer' (1930). Political interpretations of the text often see in the magician Cipolla little more than a... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureThomas Mann20th Century German Literature
Michael David-Fox und .deI: deut~ehen faschistisc~en ~echten. Dazu traf ~r sic?, wie .ein Doku~~e~t belegt, personIIch mIt dem Alplall-MItglIed Grabowsky zu ell1er funf-bIS sechsstundIgen Sit_ zung. Grabowsky informierte die Analytiker... more
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      European StudiesRussian StudiesSoviet HistoryMarxism
Both Adorno’s book of aphorisms, Minimal Moralia, and Brecht’s lyrical production during his years in Los Angeles address alienated or, as Adorno calls it, damaged life. This article discusses primarily the parallels and intersections of... more
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      Theodor AdornoBertolt BrechtDefamiliarization (Distancing) Effect of Bertolt BrechtExile Literature
Between the late 1930s and early 1940s Mexico City and Buenos Aires became the centres of activity for the two most relevant anti-fascist organisations of German-speaking exiles in Latin America: the communist-inspired Free German... more
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      20th Century Mexico20th century ArgentinaGerman Exile LiteratureAntifascism
From 1933 to 1941, some 1,000 to 1,500 German-speaking exiles from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and German Switzerland arrived in Mexico as political refugees. In that country they obtained, not only asylum, but the... more
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      German HistoryMexico HistoryExile LiteratureNazi Germany
Werfels letztes Buch Stern der Ungeborenen. Ein Reiseroman ist zwischen 1943 bis 1945 im Exil in Kalifornien entstanden und 1946 postum im Verlag Bermann-Fischer erschienen. Im Kontext von Utopie und Exil ist der Roman ein in der neueren... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureJewish StudiesDiasporas
La primera edición de Erbschaft dieser Zeit fue publicada en 1935 en Zurich, durante la emigración de Ernst Bloch de la Alemania nazi por un período de cinco años en el que residió en varias capitales europeas antes de su marcha... more
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      Bertolt BrechtErnst BlochAdorno, Benjamin and BlochExile Literature
In the impressionist essay " Ostend 1936 " , which became a bestseller in 2016, Volker Weidemann, the Feuilleton editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, describes the summer meeting of a group of emigrants on the shores of... more
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      European HistoryIntellectual HistoryGerman StudiesFrench Studies
Este artículo propone una lectura original del antifascismo, entendido como una cultura política trasatlántica, a partir del caso del líder sindicalista Vicente Lombardo Toledano. Se discute la evolución del significado del antifascismo... more
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      20th Century MexicoGerman Exile LiteratureAntifascismVicente Lombardo Toledano
Entrevista realizada a la Dra. Ruth Radvanyi, hija de la escritora alemana Anna Seghers, sobre su experiencia durante el exilio al que acompañó a sus padres, primero en Francia, después en la travesía para llegar a América y durante su... more
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      Anna SeghersGerman Exile Literature
Este artículo explora el papel desempeñado por “Alemania Libre” (Bewegung Freies Deutschland), la organización pro-comunista más significativa del exilio de habla alemana en México durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, para crear conciencia... more
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      Holocaust StudiesAntisemitism/Racisms20th Century Mexican HistoryGerman Exile Literature
In Albert Vigoleis Thelens autobiographischem Roman "Die Insel des zweiten Gesichts" (1953) kreuzen sich die Wege der jüdischen und antifaschistischen Exilanten mit denen der ‚Kraft-durch-Freude‘-Touristen auf Mallorca vor Beginn des... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureLiterature20th Century German Literature
Die Welt verändern oder das Leben ändern" Bloch und Brecht in den zwanziger und dreißiger Jahren Christina Ujma < on=showArticles&id=745> Die... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureMarxism20th Century German Literature
A partir de varios contextos históricos y con ayuda de su autobiografía, este artículo elabora una cartografía de las zonas de contacto entre la vida y la obra del escritor judío de origen austríaco Paul Engel, quien bajo el pseudónimo de... more
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      LiteratureExileSecond World WarJewish Literature
When a European comes in contact with an Afro-Brazilian religion such as Candomblé, s/he encounters a different world, a world for which in her/his language there is even no word except a vague expression such as “magic”. No other German... more
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      German LiteratureEthnologyAfro-Brazilian CultureExile Literature
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      German-Jewish literatureExile LiteratureGerman Exile LiteratureGerman-Jewish Identity
Public talk in the lecture series of the Thomas-Mann-Kreis Berlin at the book store "Der Zauberberg."
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      Thomas MannCold WarWorld War IIHeinrich Mann
Noch wichtiger als auf eine exotisierende Sicht auf Mexiko zu verzichten, wäre es, neue Werke über Exilautoren nicht als feel-good, sondern als think twice Literatur zu gestalten.
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      Anna SeghersGerman Exile LiteratureExiles in MexicoGerman Jewish history
Resumen. En 1944 se editó en México La caída de la República de Weimar, traducción al castellano de la primera parte del libro Deutschland, Sein oder nicht Sein, escrita por el comunista alemán exiliado en México, Paul Merker. El libro... more
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      CommunismSocial DemocracyNazismGerman Exile Literature
The antifascist exile beginning in 1933 led to a cooling among the émigrés of the artistic and literary modernist experiments of the Weimar Republic and to a return to realism and the traditional novel form. Epic and Exile examines the... more
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      The Historical NovelWalter BenjaminModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Georg Lukacs
Egon Erwin Kisch war „der rasende Reporter“ und eine der schillernden Figuren im literarischen Betrieb der Weimarer Republik. In zahlreichen Reiseberichten porträtierte er die großen Veränderungen seiner Zeit mit einem bis dato... more
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      Spanish Civil WarLocal and regional historyInternational BrigadesLiterature of the Spanish Civil War
Best known for his extraordinary abstract collages, German artist Kurt Schwitters (1887-1948) is one of the most influential figures of the international avant-garde. Emphasizing the significance of colour and light in the artist&#39;s... more
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      ArtInstallation ArtGerman Exile LiteratureKurt Schwitters
Tra gli autori della Moderne poco recepiti nella critica contemporanea tedesca e italiana spicca il nome di Leonhard Frank, considerato negli anni Venti e Trenta uno dei maggiori autori di lingua tedesca, premiato con i riconoscimenti... more
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      German LiteratureExile LiteratureGerman Exile LiteratureNeuere Deutsche Literatur
Alexander von Humboldt was regarded as an anti-fascist symbol among German speaking exiles who, fleeing persecution from the Nazi regime, found refuge in Mexico. Humboldt's legacy was read as being an endorsement of the country's struggle... more
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      Race and RacismAnti-RacismGerman-Jewish StudiesGerman Exile Literature
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      German LiteratureExileGerman Exile LiteratureIstanbul
published in "Thomas Mann und die politische Neuordnung Deutschlands nach 1945" (Berlin: De Gryuter, 2021), ed. Anna Kinder, Tim Lörke, and Sebastian Zilles.
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      German LiteratureThomas MannCold War20th Century German Literature
»Poetic Textures: Else Lasker-Schüler Archives. An Online Platform« is a joint initiative of the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach (DLA) and the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem (NLI). The project marks both the occasion of Else... more
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      German-Jewish literatureHistory of ArchivesElse Lasker-SchülerLiterary archives
Goldschmidts Essay "Quand Freud voit la mer" ist zum Teil im Duktus einer linguistischen Abhandlung verfasst und stellt in anderen Passagen Bezüge zur Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Philosophie her. Das Wesentliche in diesem Text... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophy Of LanguageGender and SexualityLiterary Theory
Review of:  Marino Freschi, Germania 1933-1945: l'emigrazione interna nel Terzo Reich, Aragno, Torino, 2020.
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      ExileExile LiteratureGerman Exile Literature
Aus der Editorial vom Jahrbuch 2003: "Olivia C. Díaz Pérez trägt mit einem Interview, das sie mit Ruth Radvanyi geführt hat, Erfahrungen aus dem mexikanischen Exil aus der Sicht der Tochter der Autorin [Anna Seghers] bei. Erstmalig... more
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      Anna SeghersGerman Exile LiteratureExilforschung
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      Anna SeghersGerman Exile Literature
Title: Correspondences in the process of time. Walter Benjamin as a letter collector. The aim of this paper is to provide an analysis of the letter anthology Deutsche Menschen published and annotated by Walter Benjamin. This book was... more
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      Walter BenjaminExileEpistolary literatureExile Literature
Borrowing from Svetlana Boym's concept of “reflective nostalgia,” this article advances a specific understanding of nostalgia in Joseph Roth's late literary work, conceptualizing it not in a psychological or political sense, but as a... more
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      German LiteratureNarratologyStorytellingLiterary Theory
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      History of CommunismArthur KoestlerGerman Exile LiteratureAntifascism
" Alongside images and analysis of a full-scale reconstruction of Merzbau, this book includes an illustrated chronology and 90 color plates of Schwitters’s assemblages, reliefs, sculptures, and collages, with emphasis on merz works from... more
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      Installation ArtGerman Exile Literature1930s Art HistoryKurt Schwitters
Historical overview of the fate of German Jewish refugee screenwriter in Hollywood in the years before and after World War II.
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      Classical HollywoodExile LiteratureGerman Exile Literature
Essay on German Jewish film emigres who were born in the Rhineland-Palatine, before going on to film careers in Berlin, Vienna, and Hollywood.
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      German-Jewish filmGerman FilmGerman Exile LiteratureGerman Film History
The German journalist and novelist, Gina Kaus, had a more successful career in Hollywood as a scriptwriter than most other German writers without film experience, who had been forced into exile by Adolf Hitler. This essay looks at her two... more
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      Film HistoryAnti-communismClassical Hollywood CinemaGerman Film
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      Refugee StudiesHolocaust StudiesMigration StudiesMigration History
Tradução portuguesa de um texto do escritor Richard Katz (1888-1968), judeu de língua alemã que vivia em exílio no Brasil, sobre a sua amiga, a escritora brasileira Rachel de Queiroz (1910-2003). Fala sobre a vida da familia Queiroz.
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureBrazilExile LiteratureLiteratura brasileira