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    • Geography and environmental sciences
Publisher / Botues: Geo-SEE Institute, Skopje, Macedonia Editor-in-chief / Kryeredaktor: Dr. Bashkim IDRIZI, State University of Tetova, Skopje, Macedonia Associate editor / Zëvendës i Kryeredaktorit: Dr.... more
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      GeographyGeographical Information Systems in the context of Earth SciencesGeography and environmental sciencesGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
В книге приводится комплексная характеристика и обсуждаются проблемы экологической реабилитации самого крупного по площади пресноводного водоема Республики Дагестан – озера Южный Аграхан. Центральное место в работе уделено... more
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      Environmental GeographyGeography and Environmental Education, Social nature of knowledge and its impact on curriculum and pedagogy, teacher professional developmentGeography and other environmental studiesGeography and environmental sciences
Diabetes a serious chronic disorder is one of the oldest diseases known to mankind. In spite of being known for a long time, the etiology of the disease is not clearly understood to date. With the growing cases of diabetes all around the... more
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      Medical GeographyGeography and environmental sciences
In the early 1960's the eminent geographer Professor Joseph E Spencer acquired many Pacific island aerial photographs from the Office of Naval Research for his Department of Geography at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)... more
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      Remote SensingPacific Island StudiesKorean StudiesSecond World War
Разработаны теоретико-методологические основы географического изучения адаптационных процессов в территориальных социально-экологических системах для обоснования стратегий устойчивого и безопасного развития Дагестана.
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      GeographyHuman GeographyEnvironmental GeographyDemography
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      EngineeringRemote SensingGeography and environmental sciences