Geodetic Engineering
Recent papers in Geodetic Engineering
Αντικείµενο της εργασίας είναι η µελέτη της χωροταξικής κατανοµής των συνοικιών της Θεσσαλονίκης από τον 15 ο ως τις αρχές του 20 ου αιώνα. Στη µακραίωνη ιστορία της πόλης, ιδιαίτερα σηµαντικός ήταν ο ρόλος του εθνικού και θρησκευτικού... more
The very accurate measuring of three-dimensional models of complex surfaces and objects in general (and their creation, as well), are subjects of the three-dimensional Metrology (3D-Metrology). In order 3D-Metrology to connect effectively... more
KEBIJAKAN SPASIAL TERHADAP PENUNJANG PENGEMBANGAN SEKTOR PERSAMPAHAN DI KABUPATEN LOMBOK TENGAH (oleh : RAHMAT IRAWAN) I. PENDAHULUAN Pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk, kemajuan teknologi dan perkembangan ekonomi mengakibatkan peningkatan... more
Pengolahan Data Pasut ini merupakan pekerjaan di Balai Riset Observasi Laut (BROL). Hasil dari pengolahan ini berupa komponen, tipe dan rekonstruksi pasut serta chart datum.
للطريق الجانبي الرفع ويشمل للطريق الفقي التخطيط ويستعرض ، التصميم ومحددات ومواصفات ، الحضرية Superelevation والتوسيع Widening الرأسي التخطيط فتستهدف التالية المرحلة أما النتقالية، والمنحنيات و... more
Berisi pengolahan citra digital landsat 8 menggunakan software envi 5.1
laporan praktikum ini di setuju oleh bapak dosen Hipolitu A. Castelanho ST.
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The advent of satellite positioning technology has led to a change in the physical realisation of geodetic control. Traditional survey monumentation is being replaced or enhanced with active GPS control that can provide data to users in a... more
Rencana titik referensi kota bandung
Kabupaten Pati merupakan kabupaten yang terletak di bagian utara pulau jawa, membentang di sebelah timur semenanjung muria menjadikan daerah ini memiliki morfologi yang beragam. Bentang alam yang beragam ini kemudian menyebabkan... more
The Province of Yogyakarta is an area with high level of seismic activity in Indonesia. One of the active faults in this provice is Opak Fault, which was regarded as responsible for Yogyakarta earthquake of May 27, 2006. It is necessary... more
CV. Bagja Niaga Teknik (BNT) yang merupakan Supplier alat teknik bekas maupun baru berupa Total Station, Theodolite Digital, Waterpass, GPS, dan Accesories. Dengan Berbagai merk seperti Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon, Leica, Garmin, Trimble dll.... more
There is a variety of definitions about Artificial intelligence (AI). In this paper, the following definition is selected advisedly: AI is the development of computer systems to solve difficult problems, which can not be solved by an... more
Palabras claves: Optimización. Red geodésica. Datum. Marcos de Referencia. Compensación Resumen. En este trabajo se presentan soluciones óptimas por mínimos cuadrados (incluyendo la Minimun Norm Least Square Solution) de la compensación... more
H έννοια της αξιοπιστίας σε ένα πρόβληµα εκτίµησης σχετίζεται µε τις αρχικές υποθέσεις που αφορούν στις µετρήσεις, στις µαθηµατικές σχέσεις που συνδέουν τις µετρήσεις µε τις επιλεγµέ-νες άγνωστες παραµέτρους και στη διαδικασία υπολογισµού... more
This paper addresses the task of time-separated aerial image registration. The ability to solve this problem accurately and reliably is important for a variety of subsequent image understanding applications. The principal challenge lies... more
The general objective of this study is to analyze the performance of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) convergence and initialization while stochastically constraining the atmosphere. One specific objective of this study is to review the... more
Sensors and geosensors (i.e. specific "georeferenced sensors" which measure, monitor, track, record phenomena in geographic space) comprise a plethora of modern 'tools' with a vast field of applications. They are a continuous revolution... more
With the advent of quad‐constellation, triple‐frequency and external atmospheric constraints being provided to the PPP user, the novelty and focus of this paper is in the quest to answer the question: Do we really need ambiguity... more
Η γενικευµένη ιστορική αναδροµή στην επιστήµη της Μετρολογίας που επιχειρείται στην εργασία αυτή, τονίζει κυρίως τα κοµβικά σηµεία της εξέλιξής της σε σχέση µε την επιστήµη της Γεωδαισίας, µιας κατεξοχήν επιστήµης οργάνων και µετρήσεων.... more
CV. Bagja Niaga Teknik (BNT) yang merupakan Supplier alat teknik bekas maupun baru berupa Total Station, Theodolite Digital, Waterpass, GPS, dan Accesories. Dengan Berbagai merk seperti Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon, Leica, Garmin, Trimble dll.... more
The definition of the geodetic datum is a fundamental issue in the solution of the inverse problems related with the adjustment of free geodetic networks. Taking into account the conventions given by the International Earth Rotation and... more
CV. Bagja Niaga Teknik (BNT) yang merupakan Supplier alat teknik bekas maupun baru berupa Total Station, Theodolite Digital, Waterpass, GPS, dan Accesories. Dengan Berbagai merk seperti Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon, Leica, Garmin, Trimble dll.... more
Pulau Papua secara administratif terletak pada 130° 19'-150° 48' BT dan 0° 19' LS-10° 43' LS. Lempeng kepala burung merupakan lempeng tektonik kecil yang terhubung ke semenanjung kepala burung di ujung barat Pulau Papua. Aktivitas seismik... more
ABSTRAK Peristiwa pemanasan global dan tingginya suhu global menjadi kajian yang harus diteliti. Efek pemanasan global sangat dirasakan, terutama di wilayah Kabupaten Blora, Provinsi Jawa Tengah.. Pemanasan global dipicu dari banyaknya... more
Mangroves is a forest cover type that grows in the tropical and subtropical intertidal zones and supports a unique ecosystem of human and various animals and plants species. They play a vital role by providing ecological and economical... more
The rapid adoption of the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) technology in our modern daily life brings the opportunity to investigate its applicability to areas beyond positioning, navigation and timing, such as meteorology. Due... more