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The environmental processes associated with the climatic oscillations that drive variability in swordfish catch rates are largely unexplored. This study used generalized additive models fitted to longline fishery data to investigate... more
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      FisheriesEcologyFisheries SciencesGeneralized Additive Models
This article describes a framework for flexibly modelling zero inflated data. Semiparametric regression based on penalized regression splines for zero inflated Poisson models is introduced. Moreover, an EM-type algorithm is develop to... more
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      EnvironmetricsEnvironmental SciencesMathematical SciencesLand Use
We have studied the relationship between the variations in density of South African anchovy (Engraulisi capensis), sardine (Sardinops sagax) and round herring (Etrumeus whiteheadi) from commercial catch records (1987-1997) and a suite of... more
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      GeologyOceanographyBehaviorSea surface temperature
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      Developing CountriesBrazilLinear modelsGeneralized Linear models
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      Information TheoryEnglish languageCorpus LinguisticsGeneralized Additive Models
Diatoms from the genus Achnanthidium are abundant in rivers, streams, and springs of the Appalachian Mountains. They inhabit clean and polluted waters, including those affected by acid mine drainage. The identification of Achnanthidium... more
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      Water qualityTaxonomyAcid Mine DrainageEcology
This study develops a probabilistic theory of efficiency in natural language. The first part is theoretical and presents the foundation of this theory: the Principle of Efficiency Communication and the related High-Cost and Low-Cost... more
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      Information TheoryPragmaticsEnglish languageCausation
Skipjack tuna habitat in the western North Pacific was studied from satellite remotely sensed environment and catch data, using generalized additive models and geographic information systems. Weekly resolved remotely sensed sea surface... more
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      OceanographyRemote SensingFisheries OceanographyFisheries Sciences
Clinicians and health service researchers are frequently interested in predicting patient-specific probabilities of adverse events (e.g. death, disease recurrence, post-operative complications, hospital readmission). There is an... more
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      Machine LearningLogistic RegressionValidationAcute Myocardial Infarction
This study shows the main characteristics of the generalized additive models for location, scale and shape (GAMLSS). Furthermore, describes its estimation methods, which includes the iterative algorithms, the inference and prediction... more
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      AgricultureGeneralized Linear modelsLivestockGeneralized Additive Models
(released open access: This study examines the temporal organization of vocalic anticipation in German children from 3 to 7 years of age and adults. The main objective was to... more
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      Development StudiesLanguage AcquisitionUltrasound ImagingPsycholinguistics
The influence of synoptic-scale circulations on air quality is an area of increasing interest to air quality management in regards to future climate change. This study presents an analysis where the range of expected synoptic-scale... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAir QualityClimate ChangeClimatology
Networks of citizen scientists (CS) have the potential to observe biodiversity and species distributions at global scales. Yet the adoption of such datasets in conservation science may be hindered by a perception that the data are of low... more
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      Species Distribution ModelsStatistical AnalysisBiodiversityExperimental Design
Spatial data exists practically everywhere, including the oil and gas industry. Several factors drive the distribution of the location of oil and gas wells: performance of existing wells, available acreage, need for operators to maintain... more
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      Spatial AnalysisArtificial Neural NetworksRegression AnalysisKriging
Rastrelliger kanagurta is among the pelagic fish of commercial value caught in the archipelagic waters of Spermonde, Indonesia. The dynamic oceanographic pattern in this area influences the distribution of this pelagic fish. Understanding... more
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      Remote sensing and GISFishingSmall Pelagic FishGeneralized Additive Models
Linguistic variation in space reflects patterns of social interaction. Gravity models have been successfully used to capture the role of urban centers in the dissemination of innovations in the speech community along with the diffusion of... more
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      SociolinguisticsFieldwork in linguisticsLanguage TypologyDialectometry
Forestry science has a long tradition of studying the relationship between stand productivity and abiotic and biotic site characteristics, such as climate, topography, soil and vegetation. Many of the early site quality modelling studies... more
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      Machine LearningModelingDecision AnalysisNeural Network
Hake recruitment has been examined in relation to environmental variables in two of the main reproductive areas of the central Mediterranean, the northern and central Tyrrhenian Sea. Seventeen years time series data from trawl surveys... more
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      Climate ChangeFisheriesModelingEcology
Shipboard surveys were conducted along the Aleutian Islands in 2001 and 2002 to assess the influence of a suite of biophysical parameters on regional patterns in the distribution of cetaceans and Steller sea lions (SSL; Eumetopias... more
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      OceanographyFisheries OceanographyMetapopulationFisheries Sciences
Several authors highlighted that the time course of an experiment itself could have a substantial influence on the interpretability of experimental effects. Since mixed effects modeling had enabled researchers to investigate more complex... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPsycholinguisticsAttention
Invasive alien species cause major changes to ecosystem functioning and patterns of biodiversity, and the main factors involved in invasion success remain contested. Using the Mediterranean island of Crete, Greece as a case study, we... more
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      Plant EcologyData MiningMediterraneanBiological invasions
RESUMO Previsões de curto prazo da geração eólica constituem informações fundamentais para a integração segura e econômica de parques eólicos à um sistema elétrico de potência. No presente trabalho apresenta-se um modelo aditivo... more
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      StatisticsRenewable EnergyWind EnergyApplied Statistics
In many situations the e ect of a continuous covariate on response varies across groups deÿned by levels of a categorical variable. This paper addresses generalized additive models incorporating the so-called factor-by-curve interaction.... more
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      AlgorithmsStatisticsDecision MakingNonparametric Statistics
We present a statistical perspective on boosting. Special emphasis is given to estimating potentially complex parametric or nonparametric models, including generalized linear and additive models as well as regression models for survival... more
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      StatisticsOpen Source SoftwareSurvival AnalysisGeneralized Linear models
We present a statistical perspective on boosting. Special emphasis is given to estimating potentially complex parametric or nonparametric models, including generalized linear and additive models as well as regression models for survival... more
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      StatisticsOpen Source SoftwareSurvival AnalysisGeneralized Linear models
Solar radiation is an important input to crop growth models used for risk management and assessment purposes. Methods are explored to estimate daily solar radiation in the Argentine Pampas, one of the most important agricultural areas in... more
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      Earth SciencesModelingRisk ManagementBiometeorology
Este trabajo tiene como propósito reforzar el proceso de retención de clientes en una compañía se seguros mediante Business Intelligence. La metodología propuesta se basa en la captura del valor contenida en los datos y puesto a... more
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      StatisticsApplications of Machine LearningStatistical ModelingR (Statistics)
T he Bass model has been a standard for analyzing and predicting the market penetration of new products.
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      MarketingSpline smoothing and regressionMarketing (Library Science)Functional data analysis
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      Machine LearningMultidisciplinaryArtificial Neural NetworksSite Productivity
Artificial reefs have been deployed worldwide in shallow marine environments to enhance attraction and capture of fish, but, despite their potential as a fishery management option, few studies addressed whether fish assemblages will... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesDistanceRio de Janeiro
The Multinomial Logit (MNL) model is still the only viable option to study nonlinear responsiveness of utility to covariates nonparametrically. This research investigates whether MNL structure of inter-brand competition is a reasonable... more
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      Computational StatisticsPanel DataMathematical SciencesDiscrete choice models
Bilingualism has been linked to structural adaptations of subcortical brain regions that are important nodes in controlling of multiple languages. However, research on the location and extent of these adaptations has yielded variable... more
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      Bilingualism & the brainNeuroplasticityThalamusBasal ganglia
We present a statistical perspective on boosting. Special emphasis is given to estimating potentially complex parametric or nonparametric models, including generalized linear and additive models as well as regression models for survival... more
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      StatisticsOpen Source SoftwareSurvival AnalysisGeneralized Linear models
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      ImmunologyAsthmaAllergyEmergency Room
1. Palaeoecological records of species richness spanning time intervals over which climate variables have shifted relative to one another can help reduce issues of colinearity that might affect our understanding of patterns of species... more
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      Plant EcologyPalynologyEcologyBiological Sciences
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      ZoologyOceanographyMarine EcologyEcology
Small-scale fisheries (SSFs) constitute a substantial component of European fisheries and have a high socioeconomic importance, especially for remote insular areas. Traps produce catches of high quality and value, associated with limited... more
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      Small scale fisheriesDodecaneseGeneralized Additive Modelslogbook data
1. Our understanding of a biological population can be greatly enhanced by modelling their distribution in space and as a function of environmental covariates. Such models can be used to investigate the relationships between distribution... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEcologyPopulation DensityGeneralized Additive Models
Long-term studies are necessary to gain insight into the influence of external climate forcing on zooplankton dynamics. Using monthly time series (1993–2010) collected in the Cantabrian Sea (southern Bay of Biscay), we studied long-term... more
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      Climate ChangeMarine EcologyZooplankton ecologyNorth Atlantic Ocean
Habitat complexity in reforested stands has been acknowledged as a key factor that influences habitat use by birds, being especially critical for habitat disturbance-sensitive species such as tropical understory insectivorous birds. Most... more
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      ColombiaCommunity EcologyEcologyBirds (Ecology)
Background: Pneumonia is a common cause of childhood hospitalization. Both host and pathogen factors are associated with environmental conditions, but the associations between childhood pneumonia and meteorological variables are unclear.... more
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      Environmental EpidemiologyClimate ChangeChildhood PneumoniaGeneralized Additive Models
Recent scholarship in the field of Linguistic Landscapes (LL) has emphasized the importance of recognizing the diverse aspects, actors and agencies that make up the LL context (Barni and Bagna 2015; Malinowski 2009) and the power of a... more
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      SociolinguisticsText MiningGentrificationLinguistic landscapes
When doing empirical studies in the field of language evolution, change over time is an inherent dimension. This tutorial introduces readers to mixed models, Growth Curve Analysis (GCA) and Generalized Additive Models (GAMs). These... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeLanguage EvolutionGeneralized Linear models
Satellite-linked dive recorders were attached to 53 harbor seal pups in Prince William Sound (PWS) and at Tugidak Island, Alaska, during 1997-1999. We used generalized additive models and bootstrap techniques to describe pup diving... more
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      ZoologyMarine Mammal ScienceGeneralized Additive ModelsMarine Mammal
Knowledge of the relationships between species and environmental variables requires understanding the factors influencing the distribution patterns of populations. The Southern Brazilian coast is an important reproductive and calving site... more
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      CetaceansKernel Density EstimationHabitat ModellingEl Nino-Southern Oscillation
The influence of synoptic-scale circulations on air quality is an area of increasing interest to air quality management in regards to future climate change. This study presents an analysis where the range of expected synoptic-scale... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAir QualityClimate ChangeClimatology
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      HydrologyData AnalysisMultidisciplinaryModels
Studies have shown that environmental variables significantly affect variation in stock abundance of marine populations. The northern Gulf of California (NGC) is a highly productive region of interest due to its fish resources and... more
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      Sea surface temperatureCPUEGeneralized Additive ModelsPacific Decadal Oscillantion - PDO
The spring phytoplankton bloom plays a key role in the dynamics of temperate and polar seas. Nevertheless, the mechanisms and processes behind these blooms remain a subject of considerable debate. We analyzed the influence of deep mixing... more
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      Time SeriesPhytoplankton EcologyPhytoplankton ecology and distributionPhytoplankton
Most decisions are associated with uncertainty. Value of information (VOI) analysis quantifies the opportunity loss associated with choosing a suboptimal intervention based on current imperfect information. VOI can inform the value of... more
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      Decision SciencesMetamodellingCost Effectiveness AnalysisMetamodeling