Recent papers in Geneaology
Ricerca genealogica della famiglia Colledanchise di Alghero, un piccolo nucleo familiare che fa capo ad Aristide Colledanchise, trapiantato da Rotello in Sardegna durante la seconda guerra mondiale. I Colledanchise riscoprono i loro... more
Key-note address to Irish Conference of Medievalists, University College Cork 2018
АРМЯНСКАЯ ГЕНЕАЛОГИЯ: научный альманах. Том первый.М., 2022.
Che cos’è il romanzo familiare? È possibile considerarlo una categoria critica che ci aiuti a leggere alcune opere pubblicate a partire dalla seconda metà dell’Ottocento? Concentrandosi sul panorama italiano, «Non poteva staccarsene senza... more
The genealogy of Etty Hillesum's paternal family tree up to her great grandparents Samuel Meijer Hillesum & Hester Jeremias Snoek is published in Klaas A.D. Smelik (ed.), "Etty Hillesum, weer thuis in Middelburg", Antwerpen: Garant, 2015,... more
About the Original Habitat of Chitpavan Brahmins on the banks of the Sarasvati River in present-day Uttarakhanda and at Ahichchhatra in present day U.P. *** Books by this author - Vibhakar V. Lele- in the series – ‘Origins of Chitpavan... more
SYNOPSIS: Flurries of literature have established direct line of consanguinity between the Iwhnuruọhna nation, and the Bini-dynasty. Recent literatures yet suggest otherwise- claiming an equally high ancestry to the Igbo clan. An... more
In 1990, three family researchers had the fortune of discovering each other nearly simultaneously and began sharing information that became the basis of this study. While nearly all discovered Owstons and Oustons could be traced to one of... more
There are seven groups in South Asia that claim Israelite descent. Of these, the two that have started practicing Judaism were previously Christian. Thus, the Judaizing movements among them are seen by anthropologists as byproducts of... more
Reviewed in the CSANA Newsletter, Samhain, 2007 25.1; NB: for better explanations of the various DNA tests, see My review of Sykes' book... more
[Danish: 'Viking romerske herkomst'] [Dutch: 'Viking Romeinse voor ouders'] [French: 'Ascendance romaine Viking'] [Spanish: 'Ascendencia romana vikinga'] [Norwegian: 'Viking romersk herkomst'] [Portuguese: 'Ascendência romana Viking']... more
While working on Harlech castle and then the Aberconwy Register I suddenly realised that although Llywelyn ab Iorwerth is commonly called the Great these days I have never seen the term used by a contemporary. The result was some... more
What are the origins of the styles and symbols which defined base metal and silver alloy finger rings in Europe in the Medieval Period? Like so many details regarding medieval society, the evolution and diffusion of jewelry amongst the... more
Through an examination of two festivals – Qing Ming and Cap Go Meh – in the town of Singkawang in Indonesian Borneo (Kalimantan), we show how Singkawang-bound Chinese Indonesian tourists and their Singkawang-based relatives produce a... more
In Mad for Foucault, feminist and queer theorist Lynne Huffer returns to the early work of Michel Foucault – specifically History of Madness, first published in France in 1961—in an attempt both to re-evaluate the ways in which queer... more
Paper mainly consists of a straight line genealogical chart (stemma) that details the ancestry of Father Junipero Serra from the Borgian family of Popes, as well as their ancestors.
This paper explores the role of symptoms in "diagnosing" morality in genealogy. It compares physical disease to moral conditions, and details how we might arrive at conclusions about what is being observed in each case, respectively.
Ziel des Aufsatzes ist es, die vielfältigen und komplexen intermedialen Bezüge, die zwischen "alten" und "neuen" Medien bestehen, aus der Perspektive einer integralen Mediengeschichtsschreibung zu problematisieren. Mit Hilfe des Begriffs... more
There are seven groups in South Asia that claim Israelite descent. Of these, the two that have started practicing Judaism were previously Christian. Thus, the Judaizing movements among them are seen by anthropologists as byproducts of... more
u knjizi talijanskog postoperaističkog mislioca Maurizia Lazzarata, naslovljenoj Proizvodnja zaduženog čovjeka. Esej o neoliberalnom stanju (2013), nalazimo figuru „zaduženog čovjeka“ (homo oeconomicusa ) kao paradigmatsku poziciju... more
This article explores Niklas Luhmann's semantic analytical strategy. With Luhmann we get a sociologically informed conceptual history in which Koselleck's guiding distinction between conceptual history and social history is replaced with... more