Gas Flow
Recent papers in Gas Flow
An analytical model for gas-solid suspension flow through an inclined section of pipe was developed. This model predicts the ratio of the total pressure drop in an inclined pipe to that of a horizontal pipe. The model has been used to... more
The influence of temperature (10-45°C), feed flow rate (300-500 L/h) and sweeping gas flow rate (1.2-2 m 3 /h) on the recovery of berry fruit juice aroma compounds by sweeping gas membrane distillation (SGMD) was examined on an aroma... more
We have developed a modified physical vapor transport (M-PVT) growth technique for the preparation of SiC single crystals which makes use of an additional gas pipe in order to control the gas phase composition of the conventional physical... more
Nitrogen doped silicon films have been deposited by low pressure chemical vapour deposition from disilane Si H and ammonia 2 6 NH . Deposition kinetics is investigated, pointing out the influences of the deposition temperature, the total... more
Performing experiments with transactinide elements demands highly sensitive detection methods due to the extremely low production rates (one-atom-at-a-time conditions). Preseparation with a physical recoil separator is a powerful method... more
Sunflower is a traditional crop which can be used for the production of bioenergy and liquid biofuels. A study of the pyrolytic behaviour of sunflower residues at temperatures from 300 to 600°C has been carried out. The experiments were... more
Advanced pressurized fluidized bed combustors (PFBC) and integrated gasification combined cycles (IGCC) as economical clean coal technologies for the 21st century have attracted considerable attention. The success of these advanced coal... more
We recorded high-resolution seismic-reflection data in the northern Gulf of Mexico to study gas and gas-hydrate distribution and their relation to seafloor slides. Gas hydrate is widely reported near the seafloor, but is described at only... more
We have employed computer-aided furnace design and process simulation to optimize the conditions under which single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) may be grown in high yields on 4 in. wafers for electronic device applications.... more
In this study, the heat utilisation efficiency of all commonly used cookstoves was measured with emphasis placed on natural gas cookstoves. In addition, two improved cookstoves developed by a research institution of Bangladesh (one for... more
Transparent conducting ZnO:F was deposited as thin films on soda lime glass substrates by atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition (CVD) deposition at substrate temperatures of 480–500 °C. The precursors diethylzinc,... more
Spray prints of thermal spray coatings were created on glass slides for air-plasma-sprayed 8-wt %-yttria-partially-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) deposits. The spray parameters such as carrier gas flow rate, standoff distance, and torch power... more
Thermal and catalytic degradation of poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) containing polymer mixtures, PVC/PE, PVC/PP and PVC/PS, into fuel oil was investigated. In the catalytic degradations, Red Mud (a waste from alumina production) was tested... more
A method is proposed to augment the proper orthogonal decomposition basis functions with discontinuity modes to better capture moving discontinuities in reduced-order models. Moving discontinuities can be shocks in unsteady gas flows or... more
The cyclone-type separator with swirling baffle and bottom take off of clean gas is a patented technique for separating solid particles from gases. Main relative dimensions of the separator are the same as given by Stairmand [C.J.... more
A 3D numerical study was carried out to analyze flow, heat and mass transfer first in a single half-cell cathode channel of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. From practical point of view, it is necessary to put the appropriate... more
The presence of noble gas and other short-lived radionuclides in air borne effluents from RBMK-1500-type reactor has been investigated using experimental and theoretical instrumentation for detection purposes. Activity concentrations of... more
Direct injection high efficiency nebulizer (DIHEN)-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) is investigated for analysis of petroleum samples dissolved in volatile organic solvents. To minimize solvent loading, the solution... more
A special bi-anode plasma torch that can change the anode arc root position without changing working gas flow rate has been developed to investigate the effect of anode arc root position on the behavior of the plasma jet. It has two... more
This paper studies the eciency of high-power laser methods for modifying the AISI 304 steel surface in order to increase its corrosion resistance. The surface of SS 304 was melted in argon and nitrogen atmospheres using dierent laser beam... more
This study deals with the mineralization of N-methyl-2-pyrolidone (NMP) by ozonation in a semi-batch lab scale reactor. NMP degradation was not inhibited in the presence of hydroxyl scavengers at acidic medium (pH 3), which indicated that... more
An experimental investigation of the entrainment in capillary-driven beat pipes was conducted to identify and better understand the parameters that govern the entrainment of liquid droplets in high velocity air streams flowing over... more
A simple, economic diode laser based cavity ringdown system for trace-gas applications in the petrochemical industry is presented. As acetylene (C 2 H 2 ) is sometimes present as an interfering contaminant in the gas flow of ethylene... more
Activating, coating and curing processes are accomplished in-situ on rigid and flexible substrates using an atmospheric pressure plasma system. Liquid based precursors are injected into an ambient plasma jet whereby machine parameters... more
This paper describes the development of a novel modelling tool for evaluation of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) performance. An artificial neural network (ANN) is trained with a reduced amount of data generated by a validated cell model,... more
Objective: To compare in intubated patients manually ventilated in order to mirror the ventilator, the respiratory and hemodynamic effects induced by a bag device equipped with an inspiratory gas flow-limiting valve (Smart Bag, 0-Two... more
Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) of germanium selenide thin films from germanium tetrachloride and dimethyl selenide was studied to determine the viability of these reagents for thin film deposition. Germanium... more
Addition of a calcium-based CO acceptor to commercial steam methane reforming catalyst permits the production of 95#% H in a single-step process. The combined reforming, shift, and CO separation reactions have been studied using a... more
This paper focuses on the implementation of various diagnostics for optimizing chemical oxygen iodine laser. This paper also dwells on the measurement methodologies and instrumentation employed in these diagnostic systems. The prime... more
We have investigated the characteristics of Ar/O 2 plasmas in terms of the photoresist (PR) and low-k material etching using a ferritecore inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etcher. We found that the O 2 /(O 2 + Ar) gas flow ratio... more
A rapid liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure photoionization mass spectrometry (LC-APPI-MS) method was developed for the determination of ergosterol in wheat grains. The effects of the dopants acetone, toluene and anisole on the... more
Interfacial s t r e s s e s are calculated from new measurements of liquid height a n d p r e s s u r e d r o p for fully d e v e l o p e d horizontal stratified flow. T h e s e are related to w a v e properties. An improved d e s i g n m... more
The plasma spray process is widely used to produce thick coatings by the successive pilling of particles deposited in a molten or semi-molten state on a prepared substrate. However, this process includes time-dependent phenomena that... more
This work addresses the robust output feedback tracking problem for a biological wastewater treatment process in the presence of input constraints and limited knowledge on the process parameters. The considered process is an anaerobic... more
An integrated thermal sensor for flow rates below 200 sccm, consisting of two central heaters and two thermopiles, located downstream and upstream with respect to the heaters, is presented. The sensor, fabricated by post-processing chips... more
Precursor nickel oxalate powder was entrained in pure argon and a 5% hydrogen-in-argon carrier gas flow and carried through a heated transport tube reactor. The reactor wall temperature was maintained at 748-1018 K for residence times... more
Cooling towers are widely used in many industrial and utility plants as a cooling medium, whose thermal performance is of vital importance. Despite the wide interest in cooling tower design, rating and its importance in energy... more
Experiments were conducted with air-water flow in a horizontal 0.095-m pipeline at atmospheric pressure to examine the mechanism by which slugs form in a stratified flow. A specially designed entrance box was used to avoid disturbances.... more
Carbon dioxide is a green alternative for mineral acids (e.g., sulphuric acid) in protein precipitation. The precipitation using a gaseous precipitant differs from the conventional precipitation in the way and the rate at which the... more
The volatilization of stibnite (Sb 2 S 3 ) in nitrogen and mixtures of nitrogen-oxygen was investigated in the temperature range 973 K to 1423 K (700°C to 1150°C). The overall volatilization reaction study was carried out using a... more
The removal rate of carbon from amorphous graphite-tungsten composite during cleaning in oxygen plasma was studied. The composite was prepared by sputter deposition from C and WC-targets in Ar atmosphere. A total thickness of deposited... more
Generation and features of the radio frequency (rf) hollow cathode discharge (HCD) and its transition into the hollow cathode arc (HCA) are described. Rf linear hollow cathodes for generation of plasma over large areas and suitable for... more