Papers by Tomasz Chmielniak

The main source of mercury (Hg) anthropogenic emissions is the combustion of hard and lignite coa... more The main source of mercury (Hg) anthropogenic emissions is the combustion of hard and lignite coal in power plants. Reduction of Hg emissions from coal-based power production systems involves Hg removal from the fuel before combustion/gasification by thermal treatment (i.e., low-temperature pyrolysis). Herein, we present the results of laboratory and bench-scale studies on Hg removal from coal via thermal fuel treatment. The influence of the process temperature and coal residence time in the reaction zone on Hg removal efficiency and fuel parameters is studied. The properties of the process products are analyzed as follows: proximate and ultimate analysis for solids as well as H2, N2, CO, CO2, CH4, organic compounds C2–C5, density, and HHV for gaseous. The results show a substantial reduction of Hg in the fuel using a low-temperature pyrolysis process. At moderate pyrolysis temperature provided Hg removal efficiencies of up to 50% for hard coal and over 90% for lignite, with a moder...

State of art of commercial gasification technologies Review of world advance in gasification tech... more State of art of commercial gasification technologies Review of world advance in gasification technology, made by US Department of Energy and National Energy Technology Laboratory [4, 5] indicates that 144 gasification installations equipped with 427 reactors of total power 56 238 MWth (thermal power in produced gas) are in operation. It means that within the years 1980 ÷ 2007 over triple increase of world production of gas obtained by this method (from about 20 to 56 GW) was reported. Within the years 2004-2007, i.e. from the previous review of DOE/NETL, 27 new gasification installations were started up (11 237 MWth; increase by 25%). That concerns mainly coal gasification systems that produce gas for the chemical syntheses located in China. Further 41% increase will be reached at the end of 2010 (Fig. 2). [4, 5, 8]. Till 2010 the highest increase of production capacity of gasification installations was reported in Africa and Near East, but it concerns the systems for natural gas co...
Systems Supporting Production Engineering, 2017

Applied Energy, 2003
In recent years, a growing interest has been observed in the application of methanol as an altern... more In recent years, a growing interest has been observed in the application of methanol as an alternative liquid fuel, which can be used directly for powering Otto engines or fuel cells achieving high thermodynamic efficiencies and relatively low environmental impacts. Biomass and coal can be considered as a potential fuel for gasification and further syn-gas production and methanol synthesis. In the near future, the economy of methanol production through coal and biomass gasifications can be achieved by their linking with modern gas-steam power systems. The essence of linking is the full utilisation of the capacity of coal/biomass gasification installations. The up-to-date experience of coal and biomass gasification, including gas processing towards syn-gas and methanol production, is described and discussed. A conceptual flow diagram of pressurized and oxygen feeded co-gasification of biomass and coal integrated with combined cycle and parallel methanol production is evaluated. The effect of methanol production rate on the economy of power production is assessed.

Domestic coal and waste resources, which are valuable sources of carbon, can support efforts to t... more Domestic coal and waste resources, which are valuable sources of carbon, can support efforts to transform a linear economy into a circular carbon economy. Their use, as an alternative to conventional, imported fossil resources (crude oil, natural gas) for chemical production, provides an opportunity for Poland to solve problems related to competitiveness, security of supply, and sustainable development in various industries. This is important for Poland because it can provide it with a long-term perspective of economic growth and development, taking into account global trends (e.g., the Paris Agreement) and EU legislation. The article presents a concept to support the transformation from linear toward a circular carbon economy under Polish conditions. The carried-out analyses showed that coal, RDF, and plastic waste fuels can be a valuable source of raw material for the development of the chemical industry in Poland. Due to the assumed availability of plastic waste and the loss of c...
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is pro... more unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Introduction The reasons for the development of fuel gasification technologies in power engineeri... more Introduction The reasons for the development of fuel gasification technologies in power engineering and chemical industry that has been observed in recent years are high efficiency of the gasification process, the possibility of a multi-purpose use of process gas in both energy production and chemical synthesis, as well as relatively small negative impact of those technologies on the natural environment. Besides the intensive development of fuel gasification technologies, fluidised bed gasification is drawing an increasing interest. Process temperatures lower than in entrained-flow reactors (below the temperature of ash melting) influence the reduction in investment and operation costs and improve the reliability and availability of the discussed technology. Moreover, fluidised bed reactors are considered to be an attractive alternative for gasification process in entrained-flow reactors due to their high performance, moderate oxygen and steam requirements, and high fuel flexibility...

Porównanie emisji CO 2 zwi¹zanej z wytwarzaniem wodoru na drodze zgazowania i pirolizy wêgla STRE... more Porównanie emisji CO 2 zwi¹zanej z wytwarzaniem wodoru na drodze zgazowania i pirolizy wêgla STRESZCZENIE. Wytwarzanie wodoru na drodze zgazowania wêgla, jak równie¿ jego pozyskiwanie z gazu koksowniczego i smo³y, posiada w warunkach polskich potencjalnie du¿e znaczenie. Jednak¿e w aspekcie naszych zobowi¹zañ w zakresie dzia³añ, zmierzaj¹cych do ograniczenia niepo¿¹danych skutków zmian klimatycznych, istotnym jest oszacowanie wp³ywu wspomnianych procesów, jak te¿ rodzaju surowca wêglowego na wielkooeae wytworzonego i wyemitowanego CO 2 do atmosfery w ca³ym cyklu jego wytwarzania, obejmuj¹cym wydobycie wêgla, jego przeróbkê mechaniczn¹, transport do zak³adu zgazowania lub koksowni, technologiê zgazowania/odgazowania wêgla oraz oczyszczanie i konwersjê surowego gazu. Obiektem prezentowanych w artykule analiz s¹ trzy wybrane procesy wytwarzania wodoru z wêgla, tj.: zgazowanie wêgla brunatnego w oparciu o sprawdzon¹ w skali przemys³owej technologiê firmy Shell, zgazowanie wêgla kamiennego w oparciu o tê sam¹ technologiê oraz pozyskiwanie wodoru z oczyszczonego gazu koksowniczego i smo³y. Dla tych trzech procesów wyznaczono wskaŸniki uzysku wodoru, ca³kowit¹ ilooeae wytworzonego i ewentualnie wyemitowanego CO 2 do atmosfery oraz ilooeci CO 2 wymagaj¹ce sekwestracji. Z uwagi na uzysk wodoru najkorzystniejszym okaza³ siê proces zgazowania wêgla kamiennego (95,9 kg H 2 z 1 Mg wêgla w stanie roboczym). Natomiast proces pozyskania wodoru z gazu koksowniczego jest zdecydowanie najkorzystniejszy (14,8 kg/kg H 2 ) bior¹c pod uwagê podstawowy wskaŸnik, charakteryzuj¹cy proces pod wzglêdem ca³kowitej intensywnooeci 243 ** Prof. dr hab. in¿.

Thermodynamic analysis of a gasification process was conducted assuming that it is composed of tw... more Thermodynamic analysis of a gasification process was conducted assuming that it is composed of two successive stages, namely: pyrolysis reaction followed by a stage of gasification reaction. This approach allows formulation the models of selected gasification processes dominating in industrial applications namely: Shell (coal), SES (coal), and DFB (dual fluid bed, biomass) gasification. It was shown that the enthalpy of fuel formation is essential for the correctness of computed results. The specific computational formula for a wide range of fuels enthalpy of formation was developed. The following categories were evaluated in terms of energy balance: total reaction enthalpy of gasification process, enthalpy of pyrolysis reaction, enthalpy of gasification reaction, heat demand for pyrolysis reaction, and heat demand for gasification reactions. The discussion of heat demand for particular stages of gasification related to the various processes was performed concluding the importance o...

Polityka Energetyczna – Energy Policy Journal, 2018
Gasification technology is often seen as a synonym for the clean and efficient processing of soli... more Gasification technology is often seen as a synonym for the clean and efficient processing of solid fuels into combustible gas containing mainly carbon monoxide and hydrogen, the two basic components of synthesis gas. First and foremost, the facts that gas may be cleaned and that a mixture with any composition may be prepared in a relatively easy and inexpensive manner influence the possibility of using gas produced in the energy and chemical industries. In the energy industry, gas may be used directly to generate heat and electricity in the systems of a steam power plant or in combined cycle systems. It is also possible to effectively separate CO 2 from the system. However, in chemistry, synthesis gas may be used to produce hydrogen, methanol, synthetic gasolines, and other chemical products. The raw material for gasification is full-quality pulverized coal, but a possibility of processing low-quality sludges, combustible fractions separated from municipal waste as well as industrial waste also exists. Despite such a wide application of technology and undoubted advantages thereof, making investment decisions is still subject to high uncertainty. The paper presents the main technological applications of gasification and analyzes the economic effectiveness thereof. In this context, significant challanges for the industrial implementation of this technology are discussed.
... Piotr BURMISTRZ*, Tomasz CHMIELNIAK**, Aleksander KARCZ*, Marek ŒCIĄŻKO** ... Drobny żużel wy... more ... Piotr BURMISTRZ*, Tomasz CHMIELNIAK**, Aleksander KARCZ*, Marek ŒCIĄŻKO** ... Drobny żużel wydzielony w skruberze wraz z wodą zraszającą kierowany jest do osadnika, do którego doprowadzana jest również zanieczyszczona woda z odwadniania żużla. ...
Biomass in Small-Scale Energy Applications: Theory and Practice
Papers by Tomasz Chmielniak