Games Studies
Recent papers in Games Studies
Data Dating is a collection of ten academic essays accompanied by works of media art that provide a comprehensive insight into the construction of love and its practices in the time of digitally mediated relationships. The essays come... more
As an emergent medium capable of telling complex stories, the video game gives us unique insight and challenges to established critical theory. This chapter will examine the ways ‘the gaze' is expressed and utilized in video games,... more
Suelen considerarse los videojuegos como una manera de entretenimiento, pero pocos han prestado atención al aprendizaje que implícitamente el jugador obtiene mientras juega. Dentro de los distintos temas que se pueden aprender, la... more
Many scholars have discussed the recent expansion and mixing of Play in our societies, a process generally labelled cultural gamification or ludification. Many cultural phenomena and societal domains are increasingly permeated by ludic... more
In contrast to the traditional scholarly and literary focus upon geographical, mythopoetic and narrative, aesthetic and architectural, and historical elements of world-building, this essay will aim instead to unpack the value of culture,... more
O artigo se propõe a discutir a pornografia nos videogames em um cenário de hiper-realidade. Assim, são apresentados casos de imagens produzidas através dos games que alcançaram um patamar mais que real de acordo com o conceito... more
Abstract: This article discusses the processes involved in the construction of group membership and cohesion in a semiprofessional team of esports in the city of Belém, the capital of the state of Pará, in the Brazilian Amazonian... more
" Video gaming: it’s a boy’s world, right? That’s what the industry wants us to think. Why and how we came to comply are what Carly A. Kocurek investigates in this provocative consideration of how an industry’s craving for respectability... more
What is the relationship between player-controlled movement and animation in game media? How do game worlds respond to the movement of characters through different types of space? This article will draw on concepts such as animation,... more
This is my claim: games are a form of landscape. I'll admit that this isn't the gospel truth, exactly, but it is an exceedingly productive metaphor. Games are constructed spaces, built to support satisfying human interaction, and human... more
Presented for UNSW's School of Arts and Media Honours Symposium (NB: the thesis this presentation is based on is a work-in-progress).
This paper addresses the lack of solid historical information concerning early computer game sales and preferences. Two consistent data series from the magazines Softalk and Computer Gaming World (CGW) are analyzed to give an overview of... more
No ano de 2007, período em que os jogos eletrônicos já se mostravam como uma indústria consolidada, com um mercado multimilionário, que já abarcava todos os gêneros e faixas etárias, a desenvolvedora Infinity Ward lançou um jogo que... more
The multiplatform Ni no Kuni (Bandai Namco, 2010/2013) represents anime studio Studio Ghibli's first dedicated video game project. Although Japanese video game company Level-5 developed Ni no Kuni, Ghibli contributed to the story and was... more
Desde a primeira narrativa em jogos em eletrônicos, os enredos e jogabilidade ganharam carater cada vez mais imersivo, criando, para o usuário, novas formas de conceber o ambiente digital. Os sandbox games ou open-worlds se caracterizam... more
Para Winnicott (2009) lo que causa ese miedo al derrumbe es un hecho pasado escondido en el inconsciente, que se moviliza recurrentemente desafiando la organización defensiva del Yo y su integración, llegando a superar en algún momento... more
Muitas vezes normalizado dentro dos ambientes de trabalho, o crunch na indústria de games é uma prática que explora desenvolvedores para além do limite de suas horas trabalhadas, causando sérios problemas na vida dessas pessoas como... more
Computer- und Videospiele sind mittlerweile so vielfältig, dass sich aus ihnen viel lernen lässt: über unsere eigene Wahrnehmung, über unseren Umgang mit Erwartungen und Enttäuschungen, über Geduld und Ungeduld, über Vorurteile und... more
TFM defendido como cierre del Máster en Estudios Narrativos de las Artes Visuales en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos durante el curso 2014/2015.
Dirigido por: Alfonso Cuadrado Alvarado
Dirigido por: Alfonso Cuadrado Alvarado
Neste artigo apresentamos as reflexões iniciais de uma pesquisa, ainda em andamento, acerca das representações de gênero em videogames e seu papel na constituição de identidades sexuais e de gênero entre os adolescentes no espaço escolar.... more is one of the most successful online live streaming platforms in the world, with 200 million viewers, 2 million regular “streamers,” and a market value of over $1billion. In this paper, we offer a first conceptualization of... more
Simulation video games (SVGs) are extremely wide category of modern video games, which provide innovative educational possibilities for personal and professional development. SVGs represent practically all forms of human activities, which... more
O artigo versa de forma ensaística sobre uma tríade formulada pelos seguintes pilares teórico-metodológicos: 1) a cultura BDSM e games; 2) a personagem Lady Dimitrescu de Resident Evil: Village, de 2021; e 3) os memes e seu impacto na... more
As soon as the first videogame was invented, its creators had to imagine a way to interact with their virtually composed world, a way to make it playable for all and not just for avid programmers. Even though, the game could be... more
The role of playful innovations in the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) genre has become a hugely important, contested and under studied activity. Through a case study of the ‘fountain hook’ and an exploration of exploitative and... more
The present study argues against the deterministic view that professional gaming should be constructed as a sport (Taylor, 2012; Voorhees, 2015). The stereotypical male gamer is examined against the user representations created for... more
Qu'est-ce que le texte d'un jeu vidéo? Comment l'étudier en études littéraires? A quoi ça sert? Voilà les trois grandes questions auxquelles tente de répondre ce mémoire de M1, pour ce qui est de la partie recherche. Plan: Ce mémoire se... more
In this paper we articulate an empirical approach to the study of social action in digitallymediated contexts. Our approach extends Carl Couch’s theory of cooperative action, which is based on a set of “elements of sociation”:... more
Expressive and narrative features of Video Games (VG) are bread and butter of Video Games Art. In my articles I often make implicit comparison between artistic evolution of Cinema and VG's. Here I want to clarify such comparison; the... more
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) que investiga como se dá a relação dos jogadores com os jogos através de um Estudo de Caso do League of Legends. Com isso, busca-se entender as práticas de consumo dos jogadores e entender como a... more
The growth in the populations of Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) has stopped growing since 2009. The arguments for why this has happened typically focus on the humans that play them whether that be psychological,... more
RÉSUMÉ : Ce présent travail de fin d’études a pour thématique l’architecture du paysage et le level design dans une approche sensorielle au travers du médium vidéoludique. En parcourant les prochaines pages, nous mettrons en avant des... more
Almost all high schools require the reading of Jose de la Cruz’s “Korrido and Life Lived by the Three Princes, Children of King Fernando and Queen Valeriana in the Kingdom of Berbanya”, more popularly known as “Ibong Adarna”. The story... more
Love and Electronic Affection: A Design Primer brings together thought leadership in romance and affection games to explain the past, present, and possible future of affection play in games. The authors apply a combination of game... more
Gameplay is a performance in which the player both acts in and is audience to an ongoing game experience. Performance theory is influenced by feminism and performance art, which offer a rich site of feminist expression. What could be... more
Book cover description (full version of this book is available in The nature of the video game industry is extremely dynamic and many of the technologies that were studied here are already reaching their plateau. The stories... more
Since the release of Pokémon Go (2016), new attention has been given to the increasing overlap of virtual and real space where new media ecologies of collectable creatures have been superimposed on walkable terrain. The interaction of... more
The aim of this essay is to explore the game space in Assassin’s Creed: Revelations (2011). The game takes place in 1511 in three cities: Constantinople, Cappadocia and Masyaf. This essay will only address Constantinople through an... more
This article addresses the issue of world-building as related to the strategies of delimiting the openness of the gameworld. Specifically, it treats of the role of a borderline that restricts both the range of exploration and the gaming... more
A humanidade sempre se utilizou de narrativas para se comunicar. Ao longo dos anos, os teóricos perceberam haver nas narrativas uma estrutura e uma formulação básica comum que propiciava que as histórias se perpetuassem e se adaptassem... more
Le origini dello yoga si perdono nel tempo e si confondo-no con le stesse origini della cultura dell'India antica. La natura dello yoga, l'intenso intreccio di discorsi sul corpo, sulla mente e sullo spirito, lo rendono un universo ricco... more