Free Will and Illusion
Recent papers in Free Will and Illusion
Most people believe in the freedom of their will, so they are convinced to decide their own voluntary actions, without being controlled by God, fate, or circumstances. Though, the cognitive success of a learning curve depends on a... more
Rebecca Jordan-Young reviews the research on supposed differences in male and female brains, arguing for more rigour. Virginia Valian called it "a welcome corrective" (Nature 470, 332-333; 2011).
Over a long period of time, the issue concerning free will (FW) has been a much debated topic. In general, being fully aware of ourselves, we are convinced that our conscious will can freely control a “voluntary” action. However, natural... more
Determinism from the 1 st and 3 rd person perspective as well as the universal point of reference aee dealt with. This is to show the absence of free will in the last perspective and the illusion of it when seen from the first two... more
The Introduction will serve as an abstract.
In an earlier paper, 'Peter Geach on nonsense, confusion and sin' 1 , I suggested that what one can say in explanation of one's own actions suffers from a severe limitation: one can shed little light on the question why one acted on one's... more
... Free Will: a historical and philosophical introduction jej autor, Ilham Dilman, przenikają karty najstarszych dzieł literatury greckiej [Dilman, 1999]. ... świadomej woli: plany działania nie wydają się wymuszać zachowa-nia w tym... more
Jeżeli zajmujemy się swoją osobą, badamy własne pragnienia, decyzje, przeżycia, uczucia itd., to wchodzimy w obszar psychologiczny. Pojawia się tutaj wymóg specjalnej przyczynowości psychicznej"pisał żyjący na przełomie XIX i XX wieku... more
Jacek Debiec enjoys two complementary books charting the psychology and neuroscience of decision-making.
In order to find a convincing position in the ‘free will’ debate, two sorts of determinism are distinguished. The merits of encompassing determinism, which is determinism as it is usually understood, and individual determinism, which... more
Wegner’s analysis of the illusion of conscious will is close to my own account of how conscious experiences relate to brain processes. But our analyses differ somewhat on how conscious will is not an illusion. Wegner argues that once... more
This paper responds to continuing commentary on Velmans (2002a) “How could conscious experiences affect brains,” a target article for a special issue of JCS. I focus on the final question dealt with by the target article: how free will... more
Most of us take it for granted that we are free agents: that we can sometimes act so as to shape our own lives and those of others, that we have choices about how to do so and that we are responsible for what we do. But are we really... more