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Providence, Rhode Island 280 Studies in Rabbinic Narratives also appears that some of these story-cycles were compiled in order to address larger theological issues, such as 5, about righteous gentiles; 4, about astrology and fate; and... more
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      MarxismLiterary CriticismHebrew BibleTalmud
Displacement was regarded in many writings as the loss of one’s identity, the loss of their place, displaced people becoming alienated as they lost their cultural space. Colonized people suffered psychological damage, loss of confidence... more
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      Trauma StudiesPostcolonial TheoryPostcolonial LiteraturePsychoanalysis And Literature
Las breves biografías que se realizan del teórico y profesor norteamericano Fredric Jameson (Cleveland, Ohio, 1934) insisten casi todas en catalogarlo como uno de los críticos culturales vivos en lengua inglesa más importantes del último... more
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      Fredric JamesonPosmodernismFredric Jameson Marxism Literary Criticism and TheoryCine Posmoderno
Director and actor Mehran Modiri’s comedic television productions enjoy widespread popularity in Iran as well as in the international Iranian community. Using Michel Foucault’s notion of heterotopias and Fredric Jameson’s discussion of... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesHumorSpace and PlaceIranian Studies
nel mese di dicembre 2021 da Rubbettino print per conto di Rubbettino Editore srl 88049 Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro) Questo volume è stato stampato da Rubbettino print su carta ecologica certificata FSC® che... more
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      Critical TheoryTheodor AdornoPolitics and LiteratureLiterary Criticism
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      MarxismDystopian LiteratureLiterary CriticismPost-Marxism
Con una Prefazione di Fredric Jameson
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      MarxismLiterary CriticismLiterary TheoryFredric Jameson
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      Critical TheoryFinanceHistorySociology
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      Critical TheoryHistoryModern HistoryIntellectual History
Este libro constituye un trabajo de investigación y crítica literaria que propone un modelo de interpretación basado en el materialismo histórico, a partir del análisis de las novelas policiales del autor argentino Juan Carlos Martelli... more
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      Literary CriticismHermeneuticsCrime fictionFredric Jameson
Fredric Jameson (1934) è il maggior teorico della cultura statunitense di ispirazione marxista. Dalla critica letteraria a quella cinematografica, dal postmodernismo all'arte visuale, dai Cultural Studies al decostruzionismo: si può dire... more
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      MarxismLiterary TheoryPostmodernismFredric Jameson
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      Critical TheoryFrankfurt School (Philosophy)Martin HeideggerCrime fiction
The article deals with the analysis of the dialectical criticism that was developed in the theory of Fredric Jameson. The main question is whether this method was used in his analysis of the postmodernism which he asserts is the new... more
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      MarxismIdeologyAllegoryFredric Jameson Marxism Literary Criticism and Theory
'Stream on Marx and the Frankfurt School: New Perspectives and their Contemporary Relevance',
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistorySociologySocial Theory
La novela de Enrique Kike Ferrari Todos nosotros (2019) presenta un viaje en el tiempo hacia el pasado y una forma de utopía que implica reversionar el presente. A la manera de una metarreflexión sobre el poder de la invención literaria,... more
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      Fredric JamesonMarxist AestheticsUtopiaMarxist Literary Theory
Politics and the Scottish Language collects for the first time Macdonald Daly’s many essays on literature and culture (with politics never far away).As well as the title essay, which uniquely maps choices in the literary usage of Scottish... more
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      Scottish LiteratureMarxismAcademic FreedomRadio
En el presente artículo se defiende la tesis de que la concepción del sueño de Sigmund Freud ejerció una significativa influencia en la idea de interpretación de las producciones culturales de relevantes teóricos críticos de la cultura... more
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      Walter BenjaminFredric JamesonBenjamin, WalterSusan Buck-Morss
‘Philosophy and Revolution’ panel, Goldsmiths Continental Philosophy Research Group Inc.
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      Critical TheoryMythology And FolkloreHistoryEuropean History
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureBritish LiteraturePost Modern Literature
Panel 30: Great Refusals: Refusing One Dimensionality Today The Dialectics of Liberation in an Age of Neoliberal Capitalism International Herbert Marcuse Society Seventh Biennial Conference 26-28 October 2017 York... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
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      AestheticsTelevision StudiesWorld Systems AnalysisIntegral Theory
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      Critical TheoryHermeneuticsMarcusePostmodernism
Paper presented at 'Practicing Theory - ASCA International Workshop and Conference 2011', Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, University of Amsterdam, 2nd-4th March 2011... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistorySociology
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      HistoryAestheticsArt HistoryNew Media
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      Critical TheoryHistoryAmerican HistoryEuropean History
Review essay of Negativity and Revolution: Adorno and Political Activism eds. Holloway, J. Matamoros, F. & Tischler, S. (2009) (London: Pluto Press) in Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture Vol. 8, Issue 2... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureCultural HistorySociology