Forest Edge
Recent papers in Forest Edge
Effect of physico-chemical conditions on the structure and composition of the phytoplankton community in
We investigated color preference, seasonal abundance, spatial distribution and species composition of thrips in northern highbush blueberries, Vaccinium corymbosum L., in New Jersey (USA). White sticky traps were more attractive to thrips... more
Atmospheric dry deposition in two forest edges was studied by means of monitoring canopy throughfall in Douglas Fir stands. Throughfall fluxes in the first 50 to 100 m of forest edges were found to be substantially higher than fluxes in... more
T Th he e f fo or re es st t e ed dg ge e a as s a a b bo or rd de er r b be et tw we ee en n f fo or re es st t a an nd d m me ea ad do ow w. . V Ve eg ge et ta at ti io on n a an nd d C Co ol ll le em mb bo ol la a c co om mm mu un ni... more
The forest buffalo (Syncerus caffer nanus) typically inhabits the dense rain forests of western and central Africa. We recorded the 1st data on the behavior and social interactions of forest buffalo in natural forest clearings that... more
Dispersal Functional ecology Hyphae Microbial Mutualism Mycorrhiza Rhizomorph Succession Symbiosis a b s t r a c t
... 1997]). Additionally, patch occupancy patterns of spiders relate to life-history traits, such as dispersal capacity, competition ability, and phenology ([Bonte et al., 2004], [Draney and Crossley, 1999] and [Le Viol et al., 2008]). In... more
International and Canadian national and provincial level policy have proposed the use of criteria and indicators to examine the sustainability of renewable resource management. Species suitable as ecological indicators are those whose... more
The objective of this research is to determine the spatial variation in amenity values for both quantity and quality of green open space in the housing market. Variables related to size, proximity, spatial configuration, and species... more
Indicator classifications help us to focus on the most relevant groups of species in monitoring the effects of land use changes on biodiversity. We studied changes in distribution area of 74 butterfly species preferring one of the three... more
Two independently developed mathematical models (GALES and HWIND) for predicting the critical wind speed and turning moment needed to uproot and break the stems of coniferous trees were compared and the results tested against field data... more
This study examined the harvest of nuts from Brazil nut trees (Bertholletia excelsa) in the valley of the Trombetas River, a 760-km tributary on the northern bank of the Amazon River in Pará state, Brazil. The region is characterised by... more
1 Ectomycorrhizal fungi are spatially associated with established ectomycorrhizal vegetation, but the influence of distance from established vegetation on the presence, abundance, diversity and community composition of fungi is not well... more
The distribution of woody vegetation was studied in forest edges and hedgerows in a 28 km 2 southern Swedish agricultural area, characterised by species-rich edge zones. The occurrence of 21 selected woody species (taxa) was related to... more
Edge effects are major drivers of change in many fragmented landscapes, but are often highly variable in space and time. Here we assess variability in edge effects altering Amazon forest dynamics, plant community composition, invading... more
Forest loss has been invoked as a cause for changes in the reproductive success of animalpollinated woodland plants, associated with changes in their pollinators. To analyze such effects, it is important to include all of the three key... more
Edge effects are caused by the penetration of abiotic and biotic conditions from the matrix into forest interiors. Although edge effects influence the biogeography of many tropical organisms, they have not been studied directly in... more
1] Forest fragmentation due to deforestation is one of the major causes of forest degradation in the Amazon. Biomass collapse near forest edges, especially within 100 m, alters aboveground biomass and has potentially important... more
Urban forests provide essential functions in support of human communities; however, studies indicate adjacent residential land uses degrade urban forests following development. The resulting impacts are known as encroachment. Local... more
Agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis) and siamangs (Symphalangus syndactylus) are sympatric small apes inhabiting threatened forests of Sumatra, Indonesia. We censused both species in the 3,568-km2 Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, at the... more
Currently biological invasions are considered one of the world's most serious conservation problems. Ligustrum lucidum is the most abundant exotic tree in secondary forest patches of montane forests of NW Argentina. We studied the... more
The mechanisms by which invasive species affect native communities are not well resolved. For example, invasive plants may influence other species through competition, altered ecosystem processes, or other pathways. We investigated one... more
We assessed responses of ants nesting in twigs in the litter layer to habitat changes associated with forest fragmentation in central Amazonia. Ants were collected along transects located at nine distances (5, 20, 40, 60, 100, 200, 300,... more
Prescribed burning is used as a restoration and management technique in many deciduous forests of eastern North America. The effects of fire have been studied on habitat selection of many vertebrate species, but no studies have reported... more
Roadsides form potential habitats for several grassland species adapted to regular mowing management. We studied the communities of butterflies and day-active moths in 51 sites along the verges of the three road types, i.e., highways,... more
La dispersión de semillas por murciélagos ha sido poco estudiada y los efectos que tienen diferentes coberturas vegetales en este proceso son aún desconocidos. Se midió abundancia y riqueza de semillas dispersadas por murciélagos y otros... more
We used an experimental approach to investigate the effects of landscape composition on the initial dispersal success of juvenile amphibians. Larval amphibians-spotted salamander ( Ambystoma maculatum ), small-mouthed salamander ( A.... more
The Amazon basin is experiencing rapid forest loss and fragmentation. Fragmented forests are more prone than intact forests to periodic damage from El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) droughts, which cause elevated tree mortality,... more
Over the last decade, there has been much concern about the decline in pollinator abundance and diversity caused by different types of anthropogenic disturbances, including deforestation and habitat fragmentation. However, little... more
1Over the last decade, there has been much concern about the decline in pollinator abundance and diversity caused by different types of anthropogenic disturbances, including deforestation and habitat fragmentation. However, little... more
Patterns of plant and animal diversity were studied in a 10-year-old native species reforestation area at a bauxite-mined site at Porto Trombetas in western Pará State, Brazil. Understorey and overstorey floristic composition and... more
Reproduction is a key factor in understanding population ecology and therefore species occurrence. However, patterns in reproductive behaviour for distinct ant species remain insufficiently known. In this paper strategies in mate finding... more
Recent studies have highlighted the importance of different edge types in the modulation of edge-related responses associated with habitat fragmentation. Hard (high contrast with pastures) and soft (low contrast with old-fields) forest... more
Diversidad y distribución de mariposas Satyrinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) en la cuenca del río Coello, Colombia Revista de Biología Tropical, vol. 55, núm. 2, junio, 2007, pp. 645-653
Habitat loss and fragmentation lead to changes in species richness and composition which may affect ecosystem services. Yet, few studies distinguish between the effects of habitat loss and isolation, or how multiple ecosystem services may... more
The Hazel Grouse (Bonasa bonasia) has suffered from habitat loss due to changes in forestry practices in many regions of Europe. The widespread conversion of structurally heterogeneous to uniform, single-layered stands has caused many of... more