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The high increasing of diabetes mellitus associated with lifestyle changes, the most prominent factors are changes in dietary patterns of all instant, high-fat, contain lots of sugar, and plus the lacking of physical activity. The aim of... more
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    • Food and Nutrtion
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    • Food and Nutrtion
El tema es el proyecto "Capacitación y actualización de profesionales en el campo de población y salud". A propósito de las prácticas de transferencia de conocimiento desde una institución de educación superior universitaria a... more
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      EpidemiologyNutritional EpidemiologyPublic HealthInternational Public Health
Malnutrition is one of the public health problems in Ethiopia. Households relying on fishing for their livelihoods are assumed to consume more fish than none fish producing households. Thus, fish producing households are expected to have... more
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      NutritionFisheryFood and Nutrtion
In the world we find a lot of local communities with specific sets of wild food sources that they know and use. Among these we find wild fruits, with a rich local knowledge base on use and eating habit. These are fruits that have not been... more
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      Local DevelopmentWild FruitsFood and Nutrtion
Introduction: The gall bladder diseases is the one of the most common diseases of the digestive system especially gallstone (cholesterol and pigment this is the most common type), as 80% of people suffer bitter gallstones of cholesterol... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritional Status AssessmentFood and Nutrtion